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My only humble request is that whatever you have learned, please forget. Now you try

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Devotee: Sometimes when we go to the temples they ask us to give sankirtana class on book distribution techniques. We tell them that before you can take any techniques, first you must follow the principles and study the books.


Prabhupäda: Yes. That is real technique. Our only technique is to be very devout followers of the rules and regulations.


Devotee: Sometimes we defeat someone by our preaching, and we show them they should take the book, but still they don’t take. But if we call them a fool and point out to them how they are foolish, they become offended. So rather than that, we just very humbly ask...


Prabhupäda: Yes, yes. We know that he is a fool, but we have to present in a different way. We shall say that “There is nobody as learned as you are.” Then you say humbly, “My only humble request is that whatever you have learned, please forget. Now you try to understand Caitanya Mahäprabhu. That’s all.” This is the different way of saying, “Whatever you have learned is all rubbish.” We simply say, “Kindly forget all this. Now you turn your attention to Caitanya Mahäprabhu.” This is the way Prabhodänanda Sarasvati taught us. Flatter him like anything, falling down at his feet and become humble. “Sir, I have got one request.” “What is that?” “You are very learned scholar. But kindly forget that, and try to turn your attention to Caitanya Mahäprabhu.” He will not be angry. Then if he turns his attention to Caitanya Mahäprabhu, naturally he will forget all rubbish things.


Devotee: We’ve been trying more and more to make our techniques of distribution more honest and straightforward, not to cheat as much as some of the methods in the past.


Prabhupäda: Sometimes we have to say things that are very pleasing to him, but our business is that let him take this medicine. That is tactics, not cheating. The instruction of Rüpa Gosvami is, “Somehow or other, let everyone be Krsna conscious.” That is the main business. We are not meant for cheating, but to lead one to Krsna consciousness we may say something flattering sometimes. That is not cheating.


Devotee: Sometimes the devotees question, if they were pure, then they could get everyone to take a big book. It’s simply our fault that we’re not pure enough that we can’t get everyone to take a big book...


Prabhupäda: Well, that is also a devotional attitude. Just like Caitanya Mahäprabhu said, “I do not love Krsna. If I would have loved Him, then I would have died without His presence. But I am living now. Therefore I have no love for Krsna.” This is another thing. One who is too much addicted to the service of Krsna is very good sign...


(Conversation with Srila Prabhupada 3/2/1975)

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When there are too many materialistic activities by the people in general all over the world, there is no wonder that a person or a nation attacks another person or nation on slight provocation. That is the rule of this age of Kali or quarrel. The atmosphere is already polluted with corruption of all description, and everyone knows it well. There are so many unwanted literatures full of materialistic ideas of sense gratification. In many countries there are bodies appointed by the state to detect and censor obscene literature. This means that neither the government nor the responsible leaders of the public want such literature, yet it is in the marketplace because the people want it for sense gratification. The people in general want to read (that is a natural instinct), but because their minds are polluted they want such literatures. Under the circumstances, transcendental literature like Srimad-Bhägavatam will not only diminish the activities of the corrupt mind of the people in general, but also it will supply food for their hankering after reading some interesting literature. Let there be systematic propaganda for popularizing reading of the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhägavatam, which will act like sugar candy for the jaundice-like condition of sense gratification. When men have a taste for this literature, the other literatures, which are catering poison to society, will then automatically cease.


Srimad-Bhägavatam is the easiest way of directly approaching Krsna. Diverting even a little of one’s attention toward Krsna and activities in Krsna consciousness immediately enables one to achieve the highest perfection of life. This is the purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement. The secret of success is unknown to people in general, and therefore Srila Vyäsadeva, being compassionate toward the poor souls in this material world, especially in this age of Kali, has given us the Srimad-Bhägavatam. For Vaisnavas who are somewhat advanced, or who are fully aware of the glories and potencies of the Lord, Srimad-Bhägavatam is a beloved Vedic literature. After all, we have to change this body. If we do not care about Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhägavatam, we do not know what the next body will be. But if one adheres to these two books—Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhägavatam—one is sure to obtain the association of Krsna in the next life. Therefore, distribution of Srimad-Bhagavatam all over the world is a great welfare activity for theologians, philosophers, transcendentalists and yogis as well as for people in general. (SB 1:5:11-13; 10:12:11)


This beautiful Bhagavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyäsadeva [in his maturity], is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhägavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart. O expert and thoughtful men, relish Srimad-Bhägavatam, the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures. (Suta Goswami- SB 1:1:2-3)


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Devotee (4): We were thinking about how everyone knows about Krsna now. In the United States they didn’t know before, but when they see this little picture on the book, they all know, “That is Krsna.” We hand them the book, and we say, “We’re passing these out.” They say, “Oh, that is Krsna.” ...(Book distribution) is so successful that everyone has learned about Krsna.


Prabhupada: Oh, as soon as they see the picture, they understand it is Krsna.


Devotee: When they see the book they think, “Oh, the Hare Krsna devotees. I saw them on the street.” When they see the picture of Krsna on the book, they think of the devotees chanting.


Devotee: Sometimes, Srila Prabhupada, people travel from one airport to another, and they’ll get a book in Chicago and then they’ll come to Atlanta and we’ll approach them to give them another book, and they’ve already gotten one book in Chicago. And they ask, “How many of there are you around the world?” Because everywhere they go, in every airport they are getting books. So they think that there must be millions. They think that there must be millions of Hare Krsna devotees, because everywhere they go they’re being approached to take a book.


Devotee: I once asked a boy in Washington temple how many devotees he thought we had, and he said, “Oh, I cannot guess.” And I said, “Make an educated guess.” And he said, “Well, I’ve seen you here and I think maybe two million.” (laughter) And I said, “Three thousand. Now just see the potency of Hare Krsna. You’re thinking we’re two million, and we’re simply a handful.” He became a little convinced. So our books make us millions. People think we are millions because of the books.


Prabhupada: Push this on. Then our movement is successful. All Americans should have at least one set of books. That is not very difficult for them, to purchase one set books. But it will be a good asset for them if they keep and see sometimes. Any line he reads, he will get transcendental knowledge. Anyone who reads Krsna book, he will become Vaisnava. That’s a fact.


Devotee: But we have no attraction for Krsna. You are attracting us to Krsna.


Prabhupada: (laughing) Actually Krsna is attracting. Like one magnetic stone is attracting one piece of iron, and then another, then another.


Devotee: We are becoming happy by distributing your books.


Prabhupada: Thank you. They are Krsna's books. (Conversation with Srila Prabhupada 3/2/75)


Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who personally tasted the nectar of ecstatic love for Krsna and then instructed His devotees how to taste it. Thus He enlightened them about ecstatic love of Krsna to initiate them into transcendental knowledge. (Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami- C.C. Antya lila 16:1)

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If personally I have any credit in this matter, it is only that I have tried to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any adulteration. Before my presentation of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, almost all the English editions of Bhagavad-gita were introduced to fulfill someone’s personal ambition. But our attempt in presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is is to present the mission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna.


This whole institution was started single-handedly without any capital. I went to your country with only Rs. 40/- and 200 sets of books. So if we take the capital of the whole business, it was the books and the Rs. 40/-. The Rs. 40/- was not even touched because Indian Rupees currency could not be spent in your country. In 1967 when I came back to India the Rs. 40/- was paid for the taxi cab. The 200 sets of books was sold, and I was maintaining myself with great difficulty. Now by the grace of Krishna book sales have increased tremendously, and whatever money we are spending it is from the book sales; or whatever money is also being squandered that is also from the book sales.


Now by the grace of Krishna we have got sufficient properties all over the world, so there cannot be any diplomacy or conspiracy by any sane man. All these properties and opulences will not go with me when I go away from this world. It will remain here. I am training some of my experienced disciples how to manage after my departure. So if instead of taking the training, if in my lifetime you people say "I am the Lord of all I survey", that is a dangerous conspiracy. In India some of the important members have collected huge amounts in the name of the Society and spent it luxuriously. I wanted all my experienced disciples to manage the whole institution very cleverly without any personal ambition like ordinary materialistic men. <font color="red">The Gaudiya Math institution has become smashed, or at least stopped its program of preaching work on account of personal ambitions. </font color>


So whatever is done is done. I shall request you all not to be personally ambitious. I believe all my students are very serious devotees, maybe sometimes influenced by maya, but they can be corrected and the whole thing will go on as usual without any difficulty. Please try to help me in this connection...


...All my disciples they are good boys, intelligent, and hard working. I pray to Krishna that you all may use your intelligence for Krishna's service and not for any personal ambition. We have worked very hard and established a great institution, but if we think for our personal benefit then it will become ruined. This is my only concern.


...We have got ambition, but this is our ambition: live with devotees and execute the mission of our predecessor. This is our aim. Without ambition nobody can live. Self-interest, ambition, is everywhere. But self-interest is to execute Krsna's desire.


...he is actually surrendered soul, but Maya is so strong that on account of association he has even fallen down. So these two things are always side by side--Maya and Krsna--Krsna is service and Maya is sense gratification, so at every moment we are prone to be subjugated by either of them. Our duty is therefore to be very, very careful. The poison is personal ambition. So everyone has the chance, therefore one should not be complacent. Doubts may come about, but one should be firmly fixed up that there cannot be any doubt on the Spiritual Master or Krsna.


Our life is very short. The Krsna consciousness movement is not meant for fulfilling one's personal ambition, but it is a serious movement for the whole world. I am therefore going to the Eastern hemisphere, beginning from Japan. In this old age I am going with this party just to set an example to my disciples who have taken recently the Sannyas order. Now we want very many Swamis to take up this job. The Grhasthas are to take care of the Temples as well as the general management.


Sri Suta Goswami said: "Emperor Yudhisthira administered generously to everyone during his reign. He was exactly like his father. He had no personal ambition and was freed from all sorts of sense gratification because of his continuous service unto the lotus feet of the Lord Sri Krsna." (SB. 1.12.4)

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...For a servant of Krishna, there is no distinction of hell and heaven. Our only ambition should be to serve the Lord. It does not matter where the service is demanded. It is exactly like the soldiers are asked to come forward to fight and there is no question of selecting the place. There are many sincere souls like you in the western world and my Guru Maharaja wanted me to come here and to pick up as many of you as is possible. And I am trying my best. By Grace of Krishna, you have joined me to help in this Krishna Consciousness propaganda and Krishna will surely be pleased upon you very much. Please try to continue this activity of cooperation and we are sure to come out successful.


...I do not agree with your wife's statement that New York is unfit for human habitation. A real Krishna Conscious person can adjust things nicely even in hell. A fully Krishna Conscious person is always in the transcendental position and he is not afraid of any place which is so called, unfit for human habitation. A Krishna Conscious person is always satisfied whether in Vaikuntha or in hell. His satisfaction is not the particular place but his sincere service attitude towards Krishna.


...This is the meaning of transcendental. The devotee of Krishna is beyond the touch of time and space because these are simply external features. The only concern of Krishna's devotee is to serve Krishna to the highest level of perfection in whichever situation Krishna wishes him to remain. (Letters from Srila Prabhupada 1/11/70. 11/1/67, 10/24/69)


Whatever birth I may obtain due to the faults of my previous worldly activities, I pray that I may sing the glories of Your holy name birth after birth.

As much attachment as I now have for worldly affairs, I pray that a similar degree of attachment may develop for Your holy feet.

I pray that my love for You may remain undisturbed both in misfortune and in prosperity, and that day after day it may increase by the power and influence of Your holy name. Be my life in heaven or in hell, be it as a bird or a beast,

may devotion to You always remain within the heart of Bhaktivinoda.


(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura- Gitavali)

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If you are advanced in Krsna consciousness, you must be free from all doubts. You must know perfectly well what is Krsna. That is possible by devotional service. Why not by knowledge? By so-called knowledge you cannot understand Krsna. Therefore the so-called scientists are in doubt. If you think “I shall speculate. Through knowledge, I shall understand God,” that is not possible. Because God is unlimited; your knowledge is limited. How you can know God? How the bhaktas can know? They are not scientists, not educated very much.That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: Those who are engaged in devotional service with love and faith can understand Him. Because God is within you, you don't have to search out where He is. Anyone who is engaged in hearing about Krsna, not those who are sleeping. Those who are actually hearing, and engaged in devotional service. “I give intelligence.” If he’s sincere, if he’s actually a devotee, Krsna will help him.


Guru is another mercy of Krsna. Krsna is helping within and without. So Krsna is always ready to help us, and when Krsna is helping us, it is very easy to understand Him. Therefore a devotee is beyond all doubts. Not that blindly we are accepting Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No. We have got all scientific and philosophical arguments. Then we accept Krsna. That acceptance is nice.


There are three stages of devotees—lower, middle, and first class. The third-class devotee is accepting: “Here is God,” that’s all. But he has many doubts. The second class, although he has got doubts, he’s accepting on the authority of Vedas. And the first class knows perfectly well that here is God. They are beyond all doubts. “Yes, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Here is Krsna. My Lord is standing in this temple. He has very kindly, mercifully, come to accept my service.” That is the first-class devotee. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. As soon as He saw Jagannatha in the temple, He immediately fainted. “Here is My Lord I was searching after.” He’s firmly convinced. Nobody can deviate him. He can convert others to understand that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But nobody can convert him that Krsna is not God.


Therefore those who are actually in knowledge of Krsna consciousness, the science of God, are firmly fixed up in the devotional service of Krsna. Then what about the third class devotee? If the third class sticks to the devotional service according to the rules and regulations, then Krsna will gradually help him to become detached from material attraction, and how to acquire knowledge about Krsna.


So for the third class devotee, if we take up this devotional service in right earnestness to serve the Lord, then everything will be gradually revealed. But if we become slack in following the rules and regulations, then we remain third class. We cannot raise ourselves to the second class or first class position. Therefore all doubts remain. This is the position. Thank you very much. Chant. (Class by Srila Prabhupada 8/25/72)


Enthusiasm in devotional service, faith in the process of devotional service, the treasure of patience in the attainment of love of God, performing activities favorable to pure devotion, abandoning the company of worldly people, performing approved devotional practices—I have never possessed these six devotional qualities, O Lord. How, then, shall I give up my affinity for Maya and worship Your lotus feet?


(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura- Saranagati)

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Actually griha means this material confinement. It means one is bound up within some limited space, to keep oneself within some boundary. So Srimad Bhagavatam says, as long one is interested to keep himself within the boundary of some limited area, he cannot understand Krsna consciousness or God consciousness. He’s limited within a certain boundary. Krsna consciousness is not possible for persons who are limited by a certain boundary, including a universal concept of life. That is also a boundary. Just like many philosophers are thinking by their personal mental speculation they will reach the Absolute Truth beyond this limitation. That is called svatau, by personal speculation. Or hearing from a spiritual master, from scriptures, from authoritative books, authoritative sources of knowledge, that is called paratau. The United Nation is trying to solve the problem for the last twenty-five years. This is called mithau, assembly. So why it is not possible? Because they are limited. Their real concept is “I am this body, I am this nation, I am this this, I am that.” That’s all. The basic principle is wrong. Therefore it is not possible to make a solution of the problems, either by personal speculation or by receiving knowledge. Just like our principle is to receive knowledge from the spiritual master. But if I keep myself within this boundary... Suppose if somebody thinks that “I am American,” then naturally he’ll think, “Oh, why shall I be inclined to hear from a spiritual master who is Indian, who is Hindu?” Similarly, if you go to an assembly like United Nations or Commonwealth conference, but you keep yourself that “I am this, I am that,” there is no possibility of a solution; therefore they are failing. The concept of life is wrong. This is called material existence. This limited concept of life is due to the unbridled senses. They want to keep this limited concept of life because they want to satisfy their senses. I am going to the United Nations, but I am keeping myself as American or as German, as Russian, or Indian, that “My nation shall be happy in this way.” They are keeping themselves in that limited area, and what benefit will they derive simply by wasting time in the assembly and talking? This is called griha-vratanam.


And the position is chewing the chewed. Someone has chewed something and thrown it away in the street, and if somebody comes again to chew that thrown away article, he cannot get any juice out of it. Similarly, we are making plans, but because it is on the platform of sense gratification, the whole thing is coming to the four principles of animal life—eating, sleeping, mating, defending—that’s all. That means in a circle, coming to the same animal platform. Man and animal have got a common platform of these four principles of life: eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. The only extra qualification of man is that he can come to understand what is Krsna, what is God. That is his special qualification. But because they are trying to keep themselves within the limit of sense gratification, they’re coming again and again to that same platform, eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, without Krsna consciousness. So one has to go outside this limited area. That is called the brahma-bhuta stage. Then they’ll have real Krsna consciousness.This is the secret how to become Krsna conscious. We should not limit ourselves under a certain area. And how it is possible? “I am eternal servant of Krsna, or God.” That is Krsna consciousness. (Class by Srila Prabhupada in LA Nov.15,1968)


Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward Krsna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both. (Prahlada Maharaja SB 7:5:30)

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Devotee: Just by distributing your books we can become self-realized.


Prabhupada: You are already self-realized. Otherwise how you can push on the books? You love Krsna. Therefore you are taking so much labor for pushing on. And that is self-realization. If anyone tries to establish that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, that is self-realization.


Devotee: Sometimes the devotees ask if they can take birth again distributing books for you.


Prabhupada: Very good. That is real devotion. A devotee does not want to go to Vaikuntha or get any liberation. They are satisfied with the service. That is pure devotion. And distributing books for the benefit of going to Krsna, that is selfishness. But “I want to simply distribute the books without any remuneration, without any personal motive” that is a pure devotee. Just like Prahlada Maharaja says that “I do not wish to go to Vaikuntha unless I take all of these rascals with me.” That is pure devotion. He is always under the protection of Krsna. What is the use of going to Vaikuntha? Wherever he stays, that is Vaikuntha. That is pure devotional service. Life after life I may go on with this business. I don’t want anything.” That is pure devotion.


Devotee: When a new book comes we’re very happy. We read it, and then, when we read it, we become enlivened to distribute it. Sometimes we read the Bhagavad-gita or new Srimad-Bhagavatam, and then we’ll concentrate on that book because it has made us so happy.


Prabhupada: You have read Caitanya-caritamrita?


Devotee: Yes. We study Srimad-Bhagavatam in the morning and Bhagavad-gita in the evening. Then in the day we read Nectar of Devotion, Caitanya-caritamrita, and Krsna book at night. All the devotees are reading.


Prabhupada: It never becomes old. (chuckles)


Devotee: Sometimes the devotees question, “What is the best book to distribute, Caitanya-caritamrita or Bhagavad-gita?” We’re thinking all of them are absolute. It does not matter.


Prabhupada: Yes. It is just like sugar doll. Anywhere you touch—it is sweet. When I read books, any book I take, and anywhere I open, I read. (Conversation with Srila Prabhuapda 3/2/75)


I wish the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by whose mercy even one who is fallen can describe the pastimes of the Lord. All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu! All glories to Advaitacandra! All glories to Lord Nityananda Prabhu! (Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami-CC. Adi-lila 13:1,2)

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...Yes, that is very nice, your statement that ``I am offering special flowers and prayers to Lord Jagannatha every morning because I know He is liberal to crippled and mistake-making devotees of His Lotus Feet.'' If we are always afraid of our mistakes, Krishna will save us from all such misgivings and even imperceptibly we commit some mistake, He will forgive us. But we should be always very careful not to commit mistakes.

You are trying your best at that center, and Krishna will help you certainly. I am very glad to see that you are not disappointed. This is a good sign. One should work with courage and patience, and certainly Krishna will be pleased. For the time being you have four or five devotees there, so you try to maintain them there, so that you can carry on your program...


...Regarding competition with the Ramakrishna Mission and Yoga camps in Toronto, why should you be afraid of them? They are very insignificant organizations in the face of the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Everyone says that what the Ramakrishna Mission could not do in 80 years time, we have done many more times in three years time. So nobody can check this genuine movement of Krishna Consciousness by artificial means or bluff. Any sincere soul, serious in the matter of self-realization, will certainly be attracted by our Movement...


...Be blessed by Krishna. Just as you have already understood the benefits of this Krishna Consciousness Movement, try to realize and assimilate it more and more and distribute it to the suffering humanity. Our movement is the greatest gift to the human race. They may not immediately appreciate it, but time will come and history will give evidence that this movement saved the human society from being fallen into barbarianism...





When, O master, out of your great mercy, will you bestow upon this servant the spiritual qualification to fulfill your order? My mind will then become tranquil, I will endure all hardships, and I will serve Lord Hari with undivided attention.


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura- Hankering for divine Service, Song 10)

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Prabhupada: So we have to continue this chanting, either in the imperfectional stage or in the perfectional stage. Satatäm kirtayanto mam. In the Bhagavad-gita, you will see that this kirtana is recommended continuously. Satatam means always. Either in the imperfect stage or in the perfect stage, the process is one. It is not like the Mayavadis, that first of all you chant, and by chanting, when you become yourself God, then there is no chanting—stop. This is Mayavada philosophy. This is not a real position. Chanting will continue even in your highest perfectional stage. But that chanting and the present moments chanting, there is a little difference.


Upendra: Swamiji, if our rasa with Krsna is eternal, and we want to have the rasa of lover with Krsna, is it possible to change?


Prabhupada: <font color="red"> No. You have got an eternal relationship with Krsna. That cannot be changed. You’re constitutionally in a certain position. But every relationship is spiritual and nice. If you have got that inclination that you want to be Krsna's lover, then that means originally you are already in a relationship with Krsna in that stage. That will be revealed when you are in the perfectional devotional stage. </font color>


Devotee: Swamiji, the other night you said that one who uses his body for the purpose of Krsna, his body becomes spiritual. How then is the body still subject to change?


Prabhupada: Spiritual in this sense... This example I have given several times. Just like you put an iron rod in the fire. When it becomes warmer, warmer, red hot, it is fire. It is no longer iron. Similarly, when you are completely absorbed in Krsna consciousness and service, you are completely spiritual. Because your material activities have stopped, therefore your body is no longer material. Just try to understand what is materialism and spiritualism. Materialism means sense gratification, and spiritualism means to love God. That’s all. Here the relationship between a girl and a boy, the so-called love is temporary. That’s all. There is no love. As soon as there is some discrepancy of sense gratification, oh, there is separation. There is divorce. Because the so-called love is based on sense gratification. That is materialism. And when there is no sense gratification, there is the satisfaction of the lover only, that is spiritualism. So in Krsna consciousness, when your business will be only to satisfy Krsna, then you must know that your senses and your body have become spiritualized. Actually, in the higher platform, there is nothing material. The higher platform means when a person sees nothing but Krsna as everything.


(Talks with Srila Prabhupada Sept. 14, 1968)


<font color="blue">I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is inaccessible to the Vedas, but obtainable by pure, unalloyed devotion of the soul, who is without a second, who is not subject to decay, is without a beginning, whose form is endless, who is the beginning, and the eternal purusha, yet is a person possessing the beauty of blooming youth. </font color>


(Lord Brahma- Brahma Samhita)

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