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So what is your realization, Prabhu ?

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This is the real question,after all.


The test of one's spiritual practice is that one receives a realization of Sri Krsna. Be it infitesimal, it is nonetheless valuable because it can push one to keep going for more. Krsna is kind and merciful. I offer my most humble obeisances at the dust of His lotus feet.

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Our spiritual preceptor said we should write because he cared for us as living spirit souls on the jouney back to Godhead. He knew that if we didn't write or express ourselves we'd become dry,stale and morose.


So Chant and be happy (and write or post). /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Our duty is to Krsna ,first and foremost.Everthing else can wait. Let the milk boil over... /images/graemlins/blush.gif


Let Him be the focus of our attention.Krsna!Krsna!Krsna!


He is Istha-deva, the One and Only worshipable Sri God.


We can call He Visnu or Bhagavan,

but in our eyes He is Sri Krsna ,

the cowherd boy of Vraja,

beloved of Yasoda Mata and the gopis ,

especially Srimati Radharani.


Hey Man, Krsna is THE Coolest! O.K.(K. stands for Krsna)




Krsna das

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So what's your particular take on Lord Krsna? The most up-to-date cutting edge Personality in all the worlds: Krsna.



Krsna is IT (Isvara Transcendence).


Srila Prabhupada put Krsna where there was no Krsna. He makes Krsna understandable for the common man of Kali-yuga --me.


Krsna is always everywhere but I fail to see Him everywhere always.


Krsna manifests perfectly in all the times,places and circumstances imaginable. Krsna is perfectly perfect and perfection personified. I bow down to Sri Krsna for He is the cynosure of all existance. All Glories to Sri Krsna.


Sri Krsna is in Krsnaloka with all the most perfected associates -- and where the hell am I ? Yes in hell !

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