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Vanaprastha: uncharted asrama for a struggling (to find Krsna's pleasure)male

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Vanaprastha: The uncharted asrama

Name withheld


Posted January 7, 2005


Dear Assembled devotees,

I am Kindly asking for your input on the subject of the vanaprastha asrama. I have been thinking and praying deeply about how to make advancement in devotional service, and have decided to look towards the Varnasram system once again. For those of you well situated in an asram this idea may not seem like much of an epiphany, but for a struggling (to find Krishna's pleasure) middle aged single male, who has gone through the first two stations in life, spiritual advancement in devotional service through the varnasrama system still seems to be the safest route in this Kaliyuga. Of course, this is true as long as the service (Krishna's pleasure) itself is put first, and one is honest in assessing one's position.


If would greatly appreciate it, if someone could send as a file, Srila Prabhupada's words on this subject. I am hoping to hear personal realizations, so any other clear intuitions, ideas, pastimes (yay!) and experiences that tend toward enlightenment on this subject, are very welcome. Below is an email adress I've created to receive these items. These suggestions are for personal use only, though I'll be glad to share my findings with anyone who genuinely needs help in this area. I've been asking devotees about this subject for 5 years and still need more input. Please share as many realizations you have time for. It will be much appreciated. Thank you all.


Please send emails to nitai_lila@


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