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Everyone interested in Krsna Con. should ultimately take shelter of Radha-kunda

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Nectar of Instruction

Chapter 10



Comment to a verse from Laghu-bhagavatamrta

(Uttara-khanda 45):


yatha radha priya visnos

tasyah kundam priyam tatha

sarva-gopisu saivaika

visnor atyanta-vallabha


"Just as Srimati Radharani is dear to the Supreme Lord Krsna [Visnu], so Her bathing place [Radha-kunda] is equally dear to Krsna. Among all the gopis, She alone stands supreme as the Lord's most beloved."


Prabhupada writes:


"Therefore everyone interested in Krsna consciousness should ultimately take shelter of Radha-kunda and execute devotional service there throughout one's life. This is the conclusion of Rupa Goswami in the tenth verse of Upadesamrta."

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Kalindi has stated that ''Surely Sri Radhika is the very soul of Lord Krishna Who is Atma-Rama, that is, One Who delights in Himself alone.''


Bhagavan Krishna is always immersed in Sri Radha consciousness, which is His very soul. Therefore learned sages who have grasped the secret esoteric significance of this deep mellow call him 'Atma-Rama.'


Without the mercy of Srimati Radhika, one can never attain Krsna. Therefore one must remember them together, as They are always nicely situated by each others'side.

(Srila Dhyana-chandra Goswami's Paddhati)


Shri Krishna says: O Narada!! If you have faith in the process of prema-bhakti and wish to attain my favour, then please become the worshipper of Srimati Radharani in the mood of ecstatic emotion.

Sri Krishna says: O Narada! I tell you truly truly, again truly, truly, again and again - without the mercy of Srimati Radharani, one cannot attain my mercy.(Narada Purana)


O' Radharani, the queen of Vrndavana, with the medicine of the red lac from Your lotus feet, please bring back to life this person now dead from the bites of the black snake of not seeing You. (Vilapa-kusmanjali by Raghunath Dasa Goswami)


I am Yours alone! I am Yours alone! I cannot live without You! O queen, please understand this and bring me to Your feet. (From Vilapa Kusumanjali by Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami)

O Syame (Sri Radhe)! When will I worship You as Indira (Laksmi), when Your beautiful body is bound up by Syama's left arm? Krsna's beauty enchants all the people of the world and is even greater than that of Rama-ramana (Lord Visnu, Laksmi's husband).




Yo brahma rudra shuka narada bhishma mukhyair

Alakshito na sahasa purushasya tasya

Sadyo vashikarana churnam annata shaktim

Tam radhika charana renum anusmarami.

(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 4)


"I constantly remember Shrimati Radharani`s foot dust which is a fragrant transcendental powder possessed of unlimited potency, able to immediately subdue the Supreme being, Shri Krishna Who is not so easily seen even by great devotee-leaders like Brahma, Shiva, Shukadeva, Narada and Bhishma."


gaurange mradima smite madhurima netrancale draghima

vakshoje garima tathaiva tanima madhye gatau mandima

shroNyam ca prathima bhruvoh kutilima bimbadhare shoNima

shri radhe hridi te rasena jadima dhyane'stu me gocarah


"O Sri Radhe! May the softness of Your transcendental golden body, the sweetness of Your smile, the wideness of Your eyes, the abundance of your bosom, the slimness of Your waist, the lightness of your gait, the wideness of Your hips, the crookedness of Your eyebrows, the redness of Your cherry-lips and the numbness of Your heart saturated with aesthetic loving sentiments, be present in my meditation."

verse 75 of Sri Radharasa Sudhanidhi


Vraja chandrendriya grama vishrama vidhushalika

Krishna sarvendriyonmadi radhety akshara yugmaka

(Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami’s 108 names of Sri Radhikha 45)


"Although Krishna is the pleasure giving like cooling moon for all the inhabitants of Vraja, still Srimati Radharani is the resting place for all of His senses which She completely maddens with the two syllables of Her name Radha.”


Yaj japah sakrideva gokulapater akarshakas tat kshanad

Yatra premavatam samasta purushartheshu sphuret tucchata

Yan namankita mantra japana parah pritya svayam madhavah

Shri krishno’pi tad adbhutam sphuratu me radheti varna-dvayam.

(Sri Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 95)


"May the two strikingly wonderful syllables "Ra-dha”, that immediately attracts the Lord of Gokula (Krishna) when they are pronounced even once, that reveals the insignificance of all human pursuits (other than bhakti sadhana and prema) when there is love for Them, that are included in the mantra-formula repeated with great love by Lord Madhava (Vishnu) and even by Sri Krishna himself, appear in my heart !”


Kalindi tata kunja mandira gato yogindravad yat .

Jyotir dhyana parah sada japati yam premashru purno harih

Kenapy adbhutam ullasad rati rasanandena sammohitah

Sa radheti sada hridi sphuratu me vidya para dvy akshara

(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 96)


"May the surprisingly fine, bliss giving, spiritually tastfull, endowed with the flavour of absolute transcendental shringara-love, wish fulfilling and charming two syllables of Radha’s name, which represent the highest supreme cognition and are muttered by Sri Hari (Krishna) who like a great yogi sits in a bower’s temple on the bank of the Yamuna, meditating on the effulgence of Shri Radha’s lotusfeet with streaming tears of love, be always revealed in my heart !


Devanam atha bhakta mukta suhridam atyanta duram ca yat

premananda rasam maha sukhakaram coccaritam prematah

premnakarnayate japaty atha muda gayaty athalisv ayam

jalpaty ashrumukho haris tad amritam radheti me jivanam


(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 97)


"The divine ambrosial transcendental name of Sri Radha, that remains difficult to utter by the demigods, the devotees in general, the liberated souls and Krishna’s friends, is even repeated and described with love by Hari (Krishna). He listens this name of Radha being sung to him by the sakhis and also chants it congegationally with them in ecstasy. This name of Radha that consists of the greatest spiritual love, gusto and bliss, is my very life.”


Radha namaiva karyam hy anudinam militam sadhanadhisa kotis

Tyajya nirajya radha padakamala sudham sampumarthagra kotih

Radha padabja lila bhuvi jayati sada’manda mandara kotih

Sri radha kinkarinam luthati caranayor adbhuta siddhi kotih.

(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 144)


"If one can simply get into the habit of daily chanting only the holy name of Radha, millions of best spiritual practises (exept the different limbs of bhakti sadhana) will be naturally depreciated and given up. Millions of greatest human goals of life just worship the transcendental nectar of Sri Radha ‘s lotus feet, and are thus of no interest for those worshipping Them. There are Millions of wishyielding trees in Sri Radha’s playground (Vraja) which is always decorated by Her foot marks, and millions of wonderfull mystic perfections roll at the feet of Sri Radha’s manjaris, but are simply uncared for by them.”


Sripad Raghunatha das Gosvami's 'Stavavali"

radheti nama nava sundara sidhu mugdham

krishNeti nama madhuradbhuta gadha dugdham

sarva kshaNam surabhi raga himena ramyam

kritva tad eva piba me rasane kshudharte


"O my tongue suffering from thirst! Please mix the delicious fresh enchanting nectar of the name Radha with the wonderfully sweet condensed milk of the name Krishna, add the fragrant delightful ice of pure passionate love and drink this charming drink at every moment!"


Anulikhyanantan api sad aparadhan madhupatir

Maha premavistas tava parama deyam vimrisyati

Tavaikam sri radhe grinata iha namamrita rasam

Mahimnah kah simam sprisatu tava dasyaika manasam

(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 155)


"O Sri Radhe! Madhupati (Krishna) doesn’t take into consideration the innumerabile offenses commited to Saints by anyone who relished even once the sweetness of repeating your delicious holy name, but rather considers, overwhelmed with great ecstatic love, to bestow the highest gift of Your personal service to such a person. Then how can we ever think to understand the greatness of someone whose mind always dwells on Your service.”


Jaya jaya radha nama vrindavana yara dhama

Krishna sukha vilasera nidhi

Heno radha guna gana na shunilo mora kana

Vanchita korilo more vidhi

(Prema Bhakti Chandrika 108)


"Glory, glory to the holy name of Radha, that permanently dwells everywhere in Vrindavana, and that is the ocean of Krishna’s blissful transcendental pastimes. Due to my bad luck I didn’t hear the glorification of such a Radha.”


Krishna nama gane bhai, radhika charana pai

Radha nama gane krishna chandra

Sankshepe kohinu kotha, ghuchao monera byatha

Duhkamaya anya katha dhanda.


(Prema Bhakti Chandrika)


"O brother ! (Sister !) By singing Krishna’s name you will reach Radhika’s lotus feet, and by singing Radha’s name you will reach Krishna-chandra. Now that I have told you this in brief, follow this advice and you will be relieved of your mental ditress."


Srila Narottama Das Thakur Mahashaya


Radhika charana renu, bhushana koriya tanu

Anayase pabe giridhari

Radhika charanashraya, ye kore se mahashaya

Tare mui yai bolihari.

(Prema Bhakti Chandrika 107)


"Anyone who decorates his body with Radhika’footdust easily attains Giridhari. Anyone who takes shelter of Radhika’s lotus feet is a commendable great soul of very fine spiritual taste and intelligence whom I repeatedly praise.”


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