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about going back to godhead...

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Im kind of new so forgive my ignorance I am trying to understand "going back to Godhead" a bit better.


Coming from a christian background it is very hard to try and understand Godhead without thinking of a typical "heaven " scenario.


What I wish to know is: when souls from the material world go back home- will it be in human-like form? or can they for example - go back home to godhead and be one of Krishna's cows? Does he even HAVE cows in the spiritual world - I would think he does.


again sorry for my ignorance.

Thankyou in advance for any answers.



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the spiritual world is a state of consciousness, but it is surely also a world in a complete sense


vaikunta is the source model of this world like spirit is the origin of the matter


so it is very difficult to understand what's really a spiritual form, but surely the spiritual world is MADE of infinite transcendental individual and conscious forms of infinite variety

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Good question. The Kingdom of God is not formless spirit or a void. The difference is that the forms there are made of genuine substance which is spirit. Here the forms are like mirages that change every second as the molecules that make them up always change. So this world is wispy and dreamlike, temporary and illusory.


In the spiritual world everything is composed of eternity, cognition or consciousness and bliss. Those are your components. Your are a part of the spiritual world. You can take on any form you desire as an expression of how you may wish to serve the Lord.


Praise Yeshua, Praise Krsna!





There we don't inhabit spiritual forms we are spiritual forms.

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Thanks again for the answers - okay so I was on track - Okay I'm glad I have my head around that.


Can I ask another question:


My husband asked me this evening about when we die do we go back to Godhead instantly or does it take time?

I remember reading somewhere that Srila Prabhupada said that for very advanced souls it can take a long time for them to take anmother body (of course this isn't a long time according to spiritual things - but in these material bodies we consider it to be some while) - but this quote was simply about taking another material form it was NOT referring to Going back to Godhead.

Do the scriptures have anything to say about this matter?


Thanks again!

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