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If he falls down due to immature development of Krsna con., still, he’s not a loser.

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One cannot fix up his mind on the lotus feet of Krsna unless he has the opportunity of touching the dust of the lotus feet of a personality who has no material hankerings, who's life is dedicated only for Krsna. As soon as one comes in touch with such personality, by his grace, this Krsna consciousness can be achieved. Not by any other method. But as soon as one receives his divine grace, immediately his liberation from material entanglement begins. Immediately. And then as one makes further progress, progress, progress, your life becomes sublime.


Now one thing... One may question, suppose one has taken to Krsna consciousness out of sentiment, but he could not finish it. What is the result? Suppose after hearing some lectures of this Krsna consciousness movement, he settles, “Now I shall begin Krsna consciousness,” and gives up his occupational duty. Now he begins chanting or the regulative principles, but all of a sudden, by some reason or by some circumstances, he falls down. He could not prosecute it. So the Bhagavata says, “What is the wrong with him even if he falls down?” Just see. Even if he falls down due to immature development of Krsna consciousness, still, he’s not loser. And the Bhagavata says, "what profit will one get who is very steadily engaged in his occupational duty?" He’s simply a loser because he does not know the aim of his life. But here, a person who comes in Krsna consciousness, even if he is with us for a few days, gets the touch of Krsna consciousness so that in his next life he’ll begin again. So he’s not a loser. One injection of Krsna consciousness will make him some day perfect in Krsna consciousness, and he’s sure to go back to Godhead, back to home.


So try to spread this Krsna consciousness movement. This is your sadhana, execution of austerity and penance. Because you have to meet so many opposing elements and you have to fight with them. That is tapasya. You are tolerating so much insults, so much botheration, and so many inconveniences, personal discomfort, sacrificing everything including your money—but it will not go in vain. Rest assured. It will not go in vain. Krsna will reward you sufficiently. Go on executing this Krsna consciousness.

Thank you very much. (Class by Srila Prabhupada 11/15/68 in LA)


The lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari are my treasure, my devotional service, and my object of worship. They give my life meaning, and they are the life of my life. They are the perfection of rasa, and they are perfection worthy of attainment. They are the very law of the Vedlc scriptures for me. They are the meaning of all my fasts and penances and my silent utterings of my mantras. They are the basis of religion and activities.


By the purifying process of favorable devotional service I will attain perfection and with these two eyes be able to see his transcendental form shining like moonlight in my heart, and my heart therefore shines and reciprocates.


Your absence from my vision is like a dose of strong poison, and I will suffer till the end of my life. Please give me your mercy and the shade of your lotus feet."


(Narottama dasa Thakura-Sri Rupa Manjari Pada)

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But here, a person who comes in Krsna consciousness, even if he is with us for a few days, gets the touch of Krsna consciousness so that in his next life he’ll begin again. So he’s not a loser. One injection of Krsna consciousness will make him some day perfect in Krsna consciousness, and he’s sure to go back to Godhead, back to home.



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TRANSLATION Bg 2.40 + purport

In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.



Activity in Krsna consciousness, or acting for the benefit of Krsna without expectation of sense gratification, is the highest transcendental quality of work. Even a small beginning of such activity finds no impediment, nor can that small beginning be lost at any stage. Any work begun on the material plane has to be completed, otherwise the whole attempt becomes a failure. But any work begun in Krsna consciousness has a permanent effect, even though not finished. The performer of such work is therefore not at a loss even if his work in Krsna consciousness is incomplete. One percent done in Krsna consciousness bears permanent results, so that the next beginning is from the point of two percent, whereas in material activity without a hundred percent success there is no profit. Ajämila performed his duty in some percentage of Krsna consciousness, but the result he enjoyed at the end was a hundred percent, by the grace of the Lord. There is a nice verse in this connection in Srimad-Bhägavatam (1.5.17):


tyaktvä sva-dharmaà caraëämbujaà harer

bhajann apakvo ’tha patet tato yadi

yatra kva väbhadram abhüd amuñya kià

ko värtha äpto ’bhajatäà sva-dharmataù


“If someone gives up his occupational duties and works in Kåñëa consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part? And what can one gain if one performs his material activities perfectly?” Or, as the Christians say, “What profiteth a man if he gain the whole world yet suffers the loss of his eternal soul?”

Material activities and their results end with the body. But work in Krsna consciousness carries a person again to Krsna consciousness, even after the loss of the body. At least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brähmana or in a rich aristocratic family that will give one a further chance for elevation. That is the unique quality of work done in Kåñëa consciousness.

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