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Race and Religion

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I have heard many people say that race is unimportant in relation to the soul. Karma dictates that we gain the body that we deserve according to our deeds or misdeeds. Would it not stand to reason that the soul is enveloped in the body (including the genetic make up and race of that body) that it has earned through karma, thus making race a somewhat important factor? It seems to me that the blood and genetic material that we are given to work with is a very important aspect of the soul, for without the body, we would have no vehicle to manifest our souls...


Thank you ahead of time for your thoughts...



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We the souls, don't need to manifest ourselves in this wprld at all. Anymore than a free law abiding citizen needs to manifest their presence into a prison. The soul, you and I, are quite independent of the world of matter. What we are presently doing it something like putting on a 100 pound suit of armour and then trying to go about a normal life. The material body is nothing but a burdonsome imposition. It'd like it's hard to dance in a suit of armour and it's hard to dance with a material body on.


Of course once we find ourselves in a particular form we must work with the nature of that form and must react also to the circumstances that we find ourself in. Like a blackman in 1950 Selma or a white man in 2005 Compton.


Blood and genes are not really an aspect of the soul proper. The soul is composed of sat cit ananda or eternity, knowledge and blissful love.


It's like when dreaming it feels very important what kind of dream character we are playing but once we wake it we see how much value it really had.

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lies in how would you define genetic superiority?


Just because humans choose to discriminate based on the color of the skin doesn't mean they're actually discriminating superior people from inferior people.


In other words, no, it's not the race that matters. It's what talents you are blessed with in life: strength, speed, intelligence, etc. that put you, ideally, in a proper place in society.


And while society does discriminate on talent AND skin color, only ONE of these is a natural selector for superiority/place in society: talent.

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in the social and psychological sense, one can see that race, and more importantly the culture, we are born in can be important factors in our life. but such factors play very little role in our spiritual life, which is dependent mainly on the quality of our heart.


however, when we think about developing a spiritually nurturing society, the issue of culture becomes extremely important. in that sense we all need to understand the vedic Aryan culture, and work on adopting it's principles in our society.


your race you can not change, but you can (and should) change your culture. there is no better culture for the human race than the vedic Aryan model.

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