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How Can We Get Krishna's Darshan?

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I was wondering if there are any special mantras or vrats for calling Krishna to appear before the devotee and give that person darshan? I remember one for getting darshan of Radha-Krishna:


"He who keeps a vigil for eight nights, remaining awake and at every moment meditating on the divine couple's transcendental pastimes, at the proper time will attain the object of his worship."


And I have also heard of vrats involving mouna, fasting, weeping, and more to get the darshan of Sri Radha in a specified amount of time.


I wonder if there is something like that for Krishna.

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we cannot get krsna darshan, only vaishnavas, only the spiritual master, people who see and relationate constantly with him, can give us the krsna's darshan


so if you want to see krsna you have to find a uttama adhikari vaishnava spiritual master and take initiation and instructions from him


to find a real master and not a cheater you have to chant intensely and sincerely the hare krsna mahamantra asking to krsna to manifest himself to you in the form of the spiritual master


so also the real spiritual master is a krsna's vision, manifestation... like when jesus says "who sees me, he sees the father"


there's no other way.. guru and mahamantra

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The conclusion is that one who has no knowledge of the potencies of the Supreme Truth will realize the impersonal Brahman. Similarly, when one realizes the material potencies of the Lord but has little or no information of the spiritual potencies, he attains Paramatma realization. Iso.15 [purport-excerpt]


Material potencies?





I thought vedabase site didn’t have this.

Just to note I made this available for download-



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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/ Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/ Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare/Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama 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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said this:


"Don't try to see Krsna. Rather act in such a way that Krsna will want to see you."


Conclusion: We are not supposed to enjoy Krsna. Krsna should enjoy us. (And that is our enjoyment, too!)


If there was some standard process to see Krsna, that would make it just too easy. He is supremely independent, and bestows His mercy according to His own sweet will to whoever He sees fit! Even chanting lakhs and lakhs of hari-nama will not guarantee anything, even though it's better than nothing, I suppose... One name chanted purely should suffice to have Krsna's direct darshan. But that could take years, even lifetimes of practice. So I can imagine your impatience, that in the best case is a sign of spiritual greed, or eagerness. But better than the greed to see Krsna, is the eagerness to be seen by Him. When He feels obliged to take notice of you, only then He may in turn reveal Himself to His devotee. We have to do something substantial, like seva, sacrifice. Just muttering mantras whole day won't help us. Radhe Shyam.

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Its rather easy to get the darshan of Sree Krishna than explained here. Beleive me, Just love Him whole heartedly and He comes to you. I have seen Him once and I dont care if nobody beleives me, because He knows that.


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Source: Anonymous


Vidura's house was good for you

Love makes everything come true

How come I am alone without you

And I cannot cry a drop for you ?


Draupadi you helped and Kubja too

You stood by Kunti and Arjuna too

Please come Kanha dear friend true

There is no one for me except you!


At Vrindavan they really love you

Gopis and Gopas your beloved true

I am empty Kanh can't even love you

Kanha do come I have no one but you!


Wish nothing more 'cept to see you

Stare at strangers looking for you

On this day Kanh your birthday true

Please come dear Kanh let me see you!


To all the dear children who believe in Kanha

May they see HIM in his true form - August 2002



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So what about this mantra:


"Jagannatha Swami Nayanapatha Gami

Nayanapatha Gami Bhavatu Me."


Is Lord Jagannatha, in His form of Shyamasundar, obliged to appear in front of His devotee, when this mantra is nicely sung and repeated for, let's say, 666.000.000 times?

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"Just love Him whole heartedly and He comes to you"


no one has given different opinions, all other devotees have said exactly like you..


to love him is loving his representatives , loving the bhakti yoga procedure and loving the mahamantra


that's manifest for people who really see krsna

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It is Krishna's decision where and when to bestow His grace. I was just thinking that if there is a vrat to do to see Krishna, if you do that vrat, then it is like a gesture on your part to show Krishna your desire. It would be a joy just to do that vrat and show Krishna that you want to see Him. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I don't think we can "force" Krishna to come, but if there is indeed a vrat like the one I mentioned for seeing Radha Krishna, then why not try? Who knows, you may actually get the darsan you are wanting...


I agree with everyone here though... just keep thinking, seeing, remembering, breathing, singing Krishna, and He will make Himself seen when He desires to be seen. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Yes there is a vritha to see Krishna. Observe vritham for Durga Devi for 47 days and you will see Krishna in the end. This is how I got His darshan. Continuously for 47 days may be difficult for some people due to their personal reasons or physical reasons especially for women, but in that cases dont worry, He is quite Merciful and understanding. Keep your mind focussed totally and pray to Goddess very sincerely with all your faith and hopes and you will certainly see Sree Krishna for sure. YOu dont have to observe fasting for all the 47 days, Vritham here implies the total control of senses on anger and lust especially and if you pray to Matha, early in the morning and in the evening, you are actually pleasing Sree Krishna. It really worked for me.


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" I was just thinking that if there is a vrat to do to see Krishna, if you do that vrat, then it is like a gesture on your part to show Krishna your desire"


what do you think that devotees are chanting hare krsna for if not seing krsna? what prabhupada has come to show us? if there were a vrata more powerful than hare krsna why prabhupada did not know it or did not say to us?

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Chanting Maha Mantra is one way of seeing Krishna and not the only way. There are more ritualistic ways too that is being extensively followed in India by many hindus. The reason why Swami Prabhupaadha did not say all of that is because, one needs to pronounce sanskrit properly to chant the mantras and more over, loading up the new comers with too much of rituals might scare them and make them run away. So Swamiji initiated people with one of the simple ways and so by chanting the Maha mantra the soul gets purified first and in course of time in the next birth probably they may be taken to higher platform depending on their karmic implications.


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Seeing Krsna is not so important, far more important is serving him and his servitors. He will make Himself known when He sees you are trying to serve his servitors.

Srila Bhaktisiddanta used to call this eye exercising and discouraged this approach to Krsna.

He may or may not reveal Himself it doesn't matter. Just know that He can see you and everything we're doing. To attract the super-positive we must turn up the negative.

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"Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their archavigraha form, now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna."




(Srila Prabhupada letter, December 19, 1974)




So much nectar can be had at :

The Prabhupada Connection



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chanting the name of the lord is the real religion of kali yuga, and chanting regularly harinama under the guide of a pure uttama adhikari spiritual master is the only way to receive the krsna vision.. that's said in bhagavad gita in the famous verse "tad viddi pranipatena...".


Any ritual of hindu religion (or christian religion, muslim religion and so on) can be surely an help to perform better harinama, but not effective, by itself only, to bring back ourselves to godhead.. the harinama, practiced after initiation and siksa by a uttama adhikari guru is sufficient to see krsna and to remain in spiritual consciousness, spiritual world even while living our life in this world


The statement that Prabhupada gave a simplified religion for western newcomers is valid only (maybe) for the pre 1970 years, because it is sufficient to know a little other gaudya vaishnavas groups or guru to see that the tradition is essentially the same..( .. from 1500)


.. so, a gaudya vaishnava, an "hare krsna", has every necessary instrument to go directly back to godhead without the need to take a new birth as hindu (or christian, muslim, buddhist and so on) to know some intricate and complex ritual. It is the hindu (or christian, or muslim, or buddhist..) who has the need to accept harinama to complete his spiritual research and see sri krsna bhagavan..


the name of the lord is the lord, there's nothing more effective and powerful.. no ritual, no ceremony, no austerity,no tradition is better and more effective

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zrI zuka uvAca

hemante prathama mAsi


cerur haviSyaM bhuJjAnAH




"Zri Zuka said: In the first month of the winter season, The young girls of Nanda's Vraj observed the vow to worship KatyAyanI by eating sacrificial food."

-SB 10.22.1



kAtyAyani mahA-mAye

mahA-yoginy adhizvari

nanda-gopa-sutaM devi

patiM me kuru te namaH

iti mantraM japantyas tAH

pUjAM cakruH kamArikAH



"'O goddess KatyAyanI, great MAyA, great yoginI, supreme Lord; honour to you! Please make the son of Nanda, the gopa, my husband, O Goddess!' Uttering this mantra, those young girls performed pUjA worship."

-SB 10.22.4



evaM mAsaM vrataM ceruH

kumAryaH kRSNa-cetasaH

bhadrakAliM samAnarcur

bhUyAn nanda-sutaH patiH



"The young girls had their hearts fixed on KRSNa. They performed the vow in this fashion for a month and worshipped the goddess Bhadrakali in the same way: 'Please let the son of Nanda be my husband!'"

-SB 10.22.5


And the result?



tAsAm vijJAya bhagavAn


dhrTa-vratAnAM saGkalpam

Aha dAmodaro 'balAH



"DAmodara understood their intent - they had undertaken the vow out of their desire to touch His feet. He spoke to the women:"

-SB 10.22.24



saGkalpo viditaH sAdhvyo

bhavatInAM mad-arcanam

mayAnumoditaH so 'sau

satyo bhavitum arhati



"'You are chaste ladies and your intention was to worship Me. I understand and approve of this. It deserves to be fulfilled. '"

-SB 10.22.25



na mayy Avezita-dhIyaM

kAmaH kAmAya kalpate

bharjitA kvathitA dhAnAH

prAyo bIjAya nezate



"'The desires of those whose minds are absorbed in Me does not produce desire, just as grain which is cooked or fried is generally not capable of sprouting.'"


-SB 10.22.26



yAtAbalA vrajaM siddhA

mayemA ramzyathA kSapAH

yad uddizya vratam idaM

cerur AryArcanaM satIH



"'Go to Vraj fulfilled, ladies. You will enjoy the nights to come in My company. It was with this intention that you performed this vow by worshipping the goddess AryA [KAtyAyanI], O chaste ones.'"


-SB 10.22.27


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Of course chanting Harinaama with absolute devotion is more than sufficient to go back to GodHead, I do not deny it any anytime. But it is mentioned in Bhagawat PUrana that the Gopika's observed vritham for Durga devi (Kathyayani) for over a mandala (47 days) and married Krishna at the end.

At the same time, going back to Godhead also depends on the karmic implications too as mentioned in Gita. A person who chants all the time, but still has not given up his or her Kroda (anger), Kaama (Lust), Greed, cannot go back to Godhead, but certainly by chanting the naama will get purified and enter in another birth to get rid of unwanted desires that are the obstacles. IN the same way, an individual who keeps doing his duty without any attachment, and be sincere in his or her devotion, but not able to chant Harinaama 24 hrs a day, can still be able to go back to Godhead if he is free of desires. This is something you and I dont decide, but decided by that Lord and nobody knows who actually reaches Lord and who are taking birth again and again.


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***"Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their archavigraha form, now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna."



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>>> "Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their archavigraha form, now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna."


That was a sweet answer, Krsna-ji! You always give such sweet answers. /images/graemlins/smile.gif




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" But it is mentioned in Bhagawat PUrana that the Gopika's observed vritham for Durga devi (Kathyayani) for over a mandala (47 days) and married Krishna at the end."

•••that's simply a lila to show the true way to worship demigods, who are happy to be worshiped to bring us to krsna and not to give directly some material advantage. Actually gopis did not need any vrata to reach krsna, they were already at the topmost stage of devotion.


let us reach that stage and then we will speak of such problems, for now we have simply to do our duty of sadaka vaishnavas, chanting hare krishna, facing basic moral problems and so on..


A person who chants all the time, but still has not given up his or her Kroda (anger), Kaama (Lust), Greed, cannot go back to Godhead, but certainly by chanting the naama will get purified and enter in another birth to get rid of unwanted desires that are the obstacles.

••no... the purification and the krsna's vision can come in the same life... it is only up to krsna's and vaishnavas mercy. No rite or ceremony is required if not inspirational to chant a better japa or kirtan


IN the same way, an individual who keeps doing his duty without any attachment, and be sincere in his or her devotion, but not able to chant Harinaama 24 hrs a day, can still be able to go back to Godhead if he is free of desires.

••that's wrong... we go back to godhead developing love for god.. Simply leaving attachements is not enough.Krsna in bhagavad gita says "surrender to me.. i will free you.." not "be free of attachments and authomatically you will have me..".

So love, chanting, devotion is the first... in this way we will reach krsna, and in the path the attachements will go away authomatically. That's devotion.

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