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The Glories of the Holy Name

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From Sri Sanatan Goswami's Brhad Bhagavatamrtam.


jayati jayati nAmAnanda-rUpaM murArer-


katham-api sakrd-AttaM muktidaM prANinAM yat

paramam-amRtam-ekaM jIvanaM bhUsanaM me//


All hail and glory to Murari

in the form of his joyous name,

which causes one to abandon one's socio-religeous duties, meditation, ritual worship and the like;

yet somehow, without delay,

it easily grants release

( from samsara) to all beings.


Such is Hari's name,

nay, it is the highest and singular ambrosia,

my very life and my most precious adornment.

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namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-saktis

tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah

etadrsi tava krpa bhagavan mamapi

durdaivam idrsam ihajani nanuragah


O my Lord,

Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings,

and thus You have hundreds and millions of names,

like Krsna and Govinda.

In these transcendental names You have invested all Your transcendental energies.

There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names.

O my Lord, out of kindness You enable us to easily approach You by Your holy names,

but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for them.

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jIyAn-nAma murAreh

premamarandasya navyamaravindam/

bhavati yadAbhAso'pi

svAtijalaM muktimuktAyAh//


Glory be to name of Murari! which like a blooming lotus, overflows with the sweet nectar of prema. It's mere semblance is as a droplet which becomes the pearl of release from samsara.


Here's a versification from a tape by Dravida das.


All glory to the holy name of Krsna, Mura's foe!

That name's a blooming lotus with ambrosia overflowing;

The soothing balm of love of god which cures all pain and woe.

Just a dim reflection of that name, e'en slightly glowing,

Is like a drop of purest rain that falls within an oyster shell,

And brings about the pearl of liberation from this earthly hell.

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nama cintamanih krsnas


purnah suddho nitya-mukto

'bhinnatvan nama-naminoh


"The holy name of Krsna is transcendentally blissful.

It bestows all spiritual benedictions,

for it is Krsna Himself, the reservoir of all pleasure.


Krsna's name is complete, and it is the form of all transcendental mellows.


It is not a material name under any condition, and it is no less powerful than Krsna Himself.


Since Krsna's name is not contaminated by the material qualities, there is no question of its being involved with maya.


Krsna's name is always liberated and spiritual;

it is never conditioned by the laws of material nature. This is because the name of Krsna and Krsna Himself are identical."

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madhura-madhuam etan

maGgalaM maGgalAnAM

sakala-nigama-vallI-sat-phalaM cit-svarUpaM

sakRd api parigItaM zraddhayA helayA vA

bhRgu-vara nara-mAtraM tArayet kRSNa-nAma




Oh best of the Bhrigus!

The Holy Name of Krishna is the sweetest of the sweet, the most auspicious of all auspicious things;

it is the sacred fruit of the desire tree of the Vedas, and is entirely spiritual.


It saves anyone who sings it even once,

whether carelessly or in full conscious.

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by Srila Das Goswami in his StavAvali:


rAdheti nAma nava-sundara-dIdhu-mugdhaM

kRiShNeti nAma madhurAdbhuta-gADha-dugdham |

sarva-kShaNaM surabhi-rAga-himena ramyaM

kRitvA tad eva piba me rasane kShudhArte ||




"O my tongue suffering from thirst!

Please mix the delicious fresh enchanting nectar of the name Radha with the wonderfully sweet condensed milk of the name Krishna,

add the fragrant delightful ice of pure passionate love and drink this charming beverage at every moment!"

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nAma cintAmani-rUpam nAmaiva paramA gati/

nAmnah parataraM nAsti tasmAn-nAma upAsmahe//


Nama is cintamani rupam,

nama is the ultimate goal,

There is nothing superior to nama.

Therefore I worship nama.



harernAma harernAma harernAma eva kevalam/

kalau nAstyeva nAstyeva nAstyeva gatir-anyathA//


Hari's name! Hari's name!

Certainly Hari's name alone,

In Kali there's no other means to reach the ultimate goal.

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caitanyeti kRpAmayeti paramodAreti nAnAvidha-


gaurANgeti gunArnaveti rasarUpeti svanAmapriyety-

azrAntaM mama jalpato janiriyaM yAyAd-iti prArthaye//


O my lord Caitanya! O meciful one!

O the most highly magnanimous!


O you who cause varieties of ecstatic love to manifest in the hearts of all beings!

O abode of wonder and delight!

O fair-limbed Gauranga!

O ocean of excellent virtues! O Rasa-embodiement!

O lord who are very much fond of your own names and epithets!

My prayer to you is that I may pass my life, ever unwearied, muttering and uttering ( and stuttering) your names.

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karnanandi-kala-dhvanir vahatu me jihva-maru-prangane

sri-caitanya daya-nidhe tava lasal-lila-sudha-svardhuni


O my merciful Lord Caitanya,

may the nectarean Ganges waters of Your transcendental activities flow on the surface of my desertlike tongue.


Beautifying these waters are the lotus flowers of singing, dancing and loud chanting of Krsna's holy name, which are the pleasure abodes of unalloyed devotees.


These devotees are compared to swans, ducks and bees.

The river's flowing produces a melodious sound that gladdens their ears.


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hA hanta cittabhuvi me paramoSarAyAM

sadbhaktikalpalatikANkuritA kathaM syAt/

hRdyekameva paramAzvasanIyamasti

caitanyanAma kalayanna kadApi zocyah//


Ah me alas!

How will the potent seed

Of the desire-vine of unalloyed devotion,

Ever shoot forth in the barren field of my mind?


My heart cleaves to one great hope;

That taking to the repition of Caitanya's names,

Will thoroughly cleanse and make fertile my mind.



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