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illegal human organ trade exposed

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Source: Pretoria News

Published: February 18, 2005

Author: Monica Laganparsad




Investigators and prosecutors probing an international kidney trade syndicate have been given a six-month postponement to carry out investigations in Israel.


South African authorities said their trip to Israel could broaden their investigations and more suspects could be arrested.


The kidney trade syndicate allegedly recruited poor Brazilians and Israelis and paid them up to $10 000 (about R60 000) to fly to South Africa and donate a kidney. The recipients were Israelis who paid up to $120 000 (about R724 000) for the organs.


On Tuesday, St Augustine's Hospital kidney specialist Jeff Kallmeyer, Netcare transplant staffers Lindy Dickson and Melani Azor and English/Hebrew interpreter Samuel Ziegler appeared in the Durban Magistrate's Court.


They have been charged with up to 76 contraventions of the

Human Tissues Act, which outlaws the sale of human organs.



State advocate Hansraj Cheetenal said the proposed trip to Israel could broaden the investigation in that there could be other suspects.


Advocate Jimmy Howse, representing Kallmeyer, opposed the application and asked the State to withdraw charges pending the

outcome of the investigation.


"Charges like this always have a devastating effect on professional people. Not only is it an embarrassment for him but it has hugely affected his practice," said Howse.


He said the broader investigation in Israel was likely to "open a new can of worms" that would delay investigations further.


Counsel for Kallmeyer's co-accused also opposed the State's application.


Magistrate E Le Grange granted the lengthy adjournment, adding that it was a final postponement for further investigation.


The matter was adjourned to August 16.


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Since when would we or anyone declare a man's right to sell his kidney to the highest bidder illegal?

In India this happens all the time. what is illegal is to kill the donor after an accident, so-called to 'save' another few lives. what is striking is the doctor's claim he can save lives, where he is utterly incapable - if it is your time, nothing will save you and when it is not, nothing can kill you Time is here being Krsna.

as long as medical science is not stopped, this illegal killing will go on - brain-dead is not dead. in order to stop the so-called illegal trade in organs, we must stop transplants.

In 2000, a big scandal in the UK was revealed, where the ambulance drivers brought donor codicil wearers to a hospital after accidents, which routinely stripped them of all useful organs - heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, bone marrow and eyes, raking in a profit of one billion per victim. it was buried as routine practice.


The parents of the boy who started the ball rolling were black. he had broken hips and a codicil for one kidney.

they killed him for his organs, which was discovered by the undertaker, who knew both the boy and his parents.

It was revealed they killed 16000 each year, just for the organs. the Billions thus made, were nowhere to be found, yet the practice is continued unabated. don't blame the victims, but expose the perpetrators.

Yrs, VdK

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