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Will you get the blessings of Nitai or will you simply be religious,get $ and kama?

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From the life of Srila Gour Kishore Das Babaji:


One day, in the place known as Kulia inNabadwip Dham, one Goswami, along with several persons dressed as vaisnavas, came to see Srila Gour Kishore Das Babaji. The Goswami said,


“Oh, Baba. For many days I have not been able to have your association.In that time I went to a foreign country.”


Babaji Maharaja then said,


“Why have you gone to a foreign country? If you stay here, there will be no impediments. Why have gone to a foreign country to take that type of association?”


One associate of the Goswami replied,


“He has gone to a foreign country in order to deliver the people there. If he doesn’t go to other places then how will the residents there be able to understand the supreme goal of life?”


Hearing this, Babaji Maharaja became very disturbed and said,


“If you actually want to uplift the people in other countries, then why do you accept money from foreigners? I understand your intention. You simply wanted a nice brick house to live in. If you are at all interested in performing genuine service to the Supreme Lord, then you should give up the understanding that you are the master. Then,Nityananda Prabhu will certainly bless you. I will tell Him myself that you want fifty brickhouses, but if you simply want a nice brickhouse as a place in which to enjoy your wife and son, then Nityananda Prabhu, fulfilling all those different materialistic desires, will cancel the possibility of your obtaining love ofGodhead. If you externally put on a show as if you want to deliver other persons, but internally you are afflicted with prestige and self-aggrandizement, you will become fallen.”


Srila Gour Kishore Das Babaji Maharaja then began to loudly perform kīrtana and continued all day until dusk.


Srila Babaji Maharaja made it evident that if one becomes offensive unto the

name of Krishna or becomes offensive in one’service, then the fruits of one’s bhajana will simply be religious activities, accumulation of wealth, and fulfillment of lusty desires. This is the most degraded misfortune. Sri Nityananda Prabhu in the form of guru fulfills the desires of those who are deceitful.

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who is the source of this story?


In the time of Srila Gaurakishore das babaji, who passed away in 1914, no preachers of Vaishnavism had ever been to foreign countries. So how could he be chastising some preacher who had been to a foreign land?

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I don't know if the story is true or not, but it is obviously referring to caste Goswami's who are nothing more than family priests, not actual preachers. It is quite possible that caste Goswami's had gone to other countries at the time to perform rituals for their caste disciples, especially countries bordering India.


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Nitai Guna Mani Amar -


"My Lord Nityananda is the Jewel of all Transcendental Qualities"


A Song Glorifying Lord Nityananda from Sri Caitanya Mangala by Srila Lochana Dasa Thakura.


Translated by Srila Gour Govinda Swami


1. nitai guna-mani amar, nitai guna-mani

aniya premer banya bhasailo avani


2. premer banya loiya nitai aila gauda-dese

dubilo bhakata-gana dina hina bhase


3. dina hina patita pamara nahi bachhe

brahmar durlabha prema sabakare jache


4. abaddha karuna-sindhu nitai katiya muhan

ghare ghare bule prema-amiyar ban


5. lochan bole mor nitai jeba na bhajilo

janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo


Lecture given on April 2nd 1993, Bhubaneswar, India:


It is said that Nityananda Prabhu is more merciful, more magnanimous, more munificent than Gauranga Mahaprabhu. So we are singing that song, Nitai guna-mani amara, nitai guna mani.


1-2. Lochan dasa Thakura says,


“Nitai came to Gauda-desa with a flood of prema,

with a flood of love of Godhead, a flood of krsna-prema. And with that flood, He came and inundated the whole land. dubilo bhakata-gana dina hina bhase,

those who are devotees they all drowned,

they all drowned in that flood.”


3. Indiscriminately Nityananda Prabhu offers this pure love of Godhead, pure love of Krsna. He never discriminates whether one is patita or pamara, most degraded, qualified or not qualified.

Brahmar durlabha prema,

even it is very difficult on the part of Brahma to get such prema. But Nitai gives indiscriminately.


4. It is said, He cut down, He cut down the embankment, the strong embankment of the ocean of love. That ocean of love is an unlimited ocean of love.

And Nityananda Prabhu cut down that strong embankment so there was a heavy rush, flow, a flood in every home.

That flood came to every home,

ghare ghare bule prema-amiyar ban.


5. Lochan Dasa Thakura says,


“He is an unfortunate fellow who doesn’t take shelter of Nitai, Nityananda Prabhu and doesn’t do the bhajana of Nityananda Prabhu. So he willingly commits self-suicide, atma-ghati hoilo.”




A Flood of Prema!


From a lecture given on 8th October 1995, in Bali, Indonesia:

Do you want to remain an asura? Why? Nonsense! In Mahaprabhu’s movement asuras are not there. Mahaprabhu killed the demoniac propensities in the heart through the sankirtan weapon.


patita pasandi prana na marilo kare, harinama

diya hrdaya sodilo jachhe giya ghare ghare


Such a merciful incarnation is Mahaprabhu, isn't it? He never cuts anybody's throat and never uses any weapon. In other incarnations He uses weapons to cut the throat but in Mahaprabhu's incarnation, Gauranga, Gaura avatara, nothing.


Sankirtan! Going to every door step He gives this sankirtan. Chant!


hare krsna hare krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare


This is the most powerful weapon, baba! Most powerful weapon. More powerful than atomic bombs, atomic, atomic bombs, yes. Why are you remaining asuras? This powerful weapon is not acting on you? Ha! Ha! Why so callous! Such callousness, why it prevails in you? Ha! What is that? He wants completely new body. Yes. We will cut off his head, yes, and put a new head.


Even angu, pangu, jada! In Mahaprabhu’s movement, angu, pangu, jada, the blindman, lame man and cripple they got. Jada means those who are callous, they all got! Why are you an exception? Even women, old men, invalid, old, young men, boys, they all drowned in the inundation of prema!


Aniya premer banya. What are you hearing? Bhasailo avani, isn’t it? Aniya premer banya bhasailo avani, Gaura-Nitai, They brought an inundation, a flood of prema. The whole world, avani, became inundated. Stree, budia, balaka, jura, asakali dubhya, all drowned in that flood, inundation. Women, old men, invalid, boys, small boys, kids, young men, all were drowned but you, no.


Ill fated, ill fated isn’t it? Ill fated, ill fated, ill fated. Mahaprabhu is so wonderfully merciful. Gaura-Nitai is more than that. Nitai is more merciful than Mahaprabhu.


nitai guna mani amar, nitai guna mani,

aniya premer banya bhasailo avani,


Your mouths are sewn? Ahh nonsense.


aniya premer banya bhasailo avani,


premer banya loiya nitai aila gauda-dese,

dubilo bhakata-gana dina hina bhase


dina hina patita pamara nahi bachhe

brahmar durlabha prema sabakare jache


abaddha karuna-sindhu nitai katiya muhan

ghare ghare bule prema-amiyar ban


lochan bole mor nitai jeba na bhajilo

janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo


Bolo! Sab bolo! Saba bolo! All should sing!


nitai guna-mani amar, nitai guna-mani

aniya premer banya bhasailo avani


lochan bole mor nitai jeba na bhajilo

janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo


Nitai is so merciful, aniya premer banya bhasailo avani. He brought an inundation of prema and made the whole world inundated. But you are an exception, the whole world was inundated, but you are an exception! No, you also drunk? What do you say?


Are baba! Flood came! Flood! Your pot may be leaking but it must float on the flood!


premer banya loiya nitai aila gauda-dese,

dubilo bhakata-gana dina hina bhase


Nitai came to Gauda-desa, Bengal bringing that inundation of prema. The bhaktas they become completely drowned, but the dina hina floated. Understand? Dina hina, the fallen souls they float, they float.


dina hina patita pamara nahi bachhe

brahmar durlabha prema sabakare jache


Nitai never discriminates whether one is patita or pamara, most degraded, most fallen or most elevated. He never discriminates. Nitai offers this prema, love of Godhead, which is very rarely obtainable, durlabha, even on the part of Brahma, but Nitai offers prema to one and all without discrimination.


abaddha karuna-sindhu nitai katiya muhan

ghare ghare bule prema-amiyar ban


There was a very strong embankment, a dam, dam, dam, strong dam, concrete dam. That karuna-sindhu. Sindhu means ocean. An ocean of mercy. A very strong concrete dam was there but when Nitai came, He cut-off that dam! Completely devastated that dam! Then a heavy rush was flowing, heavy rush! Gush! Gush! Gush! When the dam was devastated and completely cut, such a flood came! A heavy rush, it was gushing! Ghare ghare bule, to every house, prema-amiyar ban. That means high tide, high tide came, high tide like a mountain. Like a tide in every house it was moving, yes!


lochan bole mor nitai jeba na bhajilo

janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo


Lochan dasa Thakura says, “Such is Nitai, Nitai is such...


akrodha paramananda nityananda raya

abhimana sunya nitai nagare bedaya


adhama patita jiver dware dware giya

harinama maha mantra dena bilaiya


jare dekhe tare kahe dante trna dhori'

amare kiniya laha bhaja gaurahari


eta boli’ nityananda bhume gadi jaya

sonara parvata jena dhulate lotaya


hena avatare jar rati na janmilo

lochana bole sei papi ela ar gelo


Why don’t you sing these nice songs? Worthless fellows, worthless fellows. These are such nice songs. Don’t you glorify Nitai, who is so merciful? How will you get mercy?


Such degraded worms in the stool, worms in the stool, worse than that, worse than worms in the stool you are. Who will shower mercy on you? Without Nityananda, only Nityananda showers, nobody else baba! Unless you glorify Nityananda how will you get mercy, baba! You are worms in the stool, less than that, worse then that, isn’t it? Worse then that. Who will shower mercy? Nityananda bine. Such is Nityananda, isn’t it? Such is Nityananda.


amare kiniya laha bhaja gaurahari


eta boli’ nityananda bhume gadi jaya

sonara parvata jena dhulate lotaya


hena avatare jar rati na janmilo

lochana bole sei papi ela ar gelo


Nice songs of Nityananda by Lochana dasa Thakura, lochan bole hena nitai jeba na bhajilo, janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo. Such is Nitai. He is so wonderfully merciful. He is more merciful than Gaura. If somebody does not glorify Nitai, does not do the bhajana of Nitai - sei papi, janiya suniya, deliberately, deliberately he kills himself, he kills himself, kills himself, yes. Jeba na bhajilo janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo. So wonderfully merciful is Nitai, more merciful than Gaura. If some ill-fated, ill-fated, hata-bhagya, doesn’t do the bhajana of Nitai, doesn’t beg the mercy of Nitai, he deliberately kills himself, atma-ghati-hoilo. He commits self-suicide.


Nitai’s mercy! Isn’t it?


Nityananda Mahajana Ki Jaya!

Patita-Pavana Nityananda Ki Jaya!


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Srila Locana Das Thakura


Explanation by Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja



Lochan Das Thakur says that Nitai came to Gaudadesh with a flood of prema, a flood of love of Godhead. With that flood, He inundated the whole land. Nityananda Prabhu freely gives this pure love of Krishna. He never discrimi-nates whether one is patita or pamara, degraded or qualified. brahma durlabha prema — Nitai gives indiscriminately something that is very difficult even on the part of Lord Brahma to get.


There is an unlimited ocean of love and there is a strong dam containing it. Nityananda Prabhu cut that down and broke open that strong embankment. So there was a heavy rush,a flood. That flood came to every home.


Lochan Das says that one who does not take shelter of Nityananda Prabhu is most unfortunate and is willingly committing suicide atma-ghata.


— From a lecture in Bhubaneswar on 2 April 1994.

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"Patrolling On the Lord's Command"

by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur




nadiya-godrume nityananda mahajana

patiyache nam-hatta jivera karana


1. In the land of Nadiya, on the island of Godruma,

the magnanimous Lord Nityananda has opened up the Marketplace of the Holy Name,

meant for the deliverance of all fallen souls.



(sraddhavan jan he, sraddhavan jan he)

prabhura ajnay, bhai, magi ei bhiksa

bolo `krsna,' bhajo krsna, koro krsna-siksa


2. O men of faith! O men of faith! By the order of Lord Gauranga, O brothers,

I beg this one request: Chant "Krsna!", worship Krsna, and follow Krsna's instructions.



aparadha-sunya ho'ye loho krsna-nam

krsna mata, krsna pita, krsna dhana-pran


3. Being careful to remain free of offenses, just take the holy name of Krsna.

Krsna is your mother, Krsna is your father, and Krsna is the treasure of your life.



krsnaera samsara koro chadi' anacar

jive doya, krsna-nam -- sarva-dharma-sar


4. Giving up all improper behavior, carry on your worldly duties only in relation to Krsna.

The showing of compassion to all fallen souls by loudly chanting the holy name of Krsna

is the essence of all forms of religion.



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'nityananda' balite haya krsna-premodaya


aulaya sakala anga, asru-ganga vaya



"Simply by talking of Nityananda Prabhu one awakens their love for Krishna. Thus all of one's bodily limbs are agitated by ecstasy and tears flow from the eyes like the waters of the Ganges."


- Chaitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila Chapter 8, text 23





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By a medieval vaisnava named Dina Krishna Das:





In the county named Radhadesh, in the village of Ekachakra, on the sukla-tryodai of the auspicious month of Magha, Lord Balaram took birth in the house of Hadai Pandit.



Joyful Hadai Pandit celebrated the festival of his son’s birth. The earth trembled in ecstatic agitation. No one could contain their bliss.



Adwaita Acharya, the Lord of Shantipur,became joyful. In His heart He knew that Krishna’s elder brother Balaram had taken birth.




The hearts of all the vaisnavas became full of delight. Everyone floated in an ocean of bliss. Lord Balaram would soon deliver all the dina and pamara, distressed and sinful persons. Thus speaks poor Krishna Das.


— Unknown translator.

— Jagadbandhu Bhadra. Gaura-pada-tara

gina. Sri Gauranga Press. Calcutta. 1931.

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  • 1 year later...

"Patrolling On the Lord's Command"

by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur




nadiya-godrume nityananda mahajana

patiyache nam-hatta jivera karana


1. In the land of Nadiya, on the island of Godruma,

the magnanimous Lord Nityananda has opened up the Marketplace of the Holy Name,

meant for the deliverance of all fallen souls.



(sraddhavan jan he, sraddhavan jan he)

prabhura ajnay, bhai, magi ei bhiksa

bolo `krsna,' bhajo krsna, koro krsna-siksa


2. O men of faith! O men of faith! By the order of Lord Gauranga, O brothers,

I beg this one request: Chant "Krsna!", worship Krsna, and follow Krsna's instructions.



aparadha-sunya ho'ye loho krsna-nam

krsna mata, krsna pita, krsna dhana-pran


3. Being careful to remain free of offenses, just take the holy name of Krsna.

Krsna is your mother, Krsna is your father, and Krsna is the treasure of your life.



krsnaera samsara koro chadi' anacar

jive doya, krsna-nam -- sarva-dharma-sar


4. Giving up all improper behavior, carry on your worldly duties only in relation to Krsna.

The showing of compassion to all fallen souls by loudly chanting the holy name of Krsna

is the essence of all forms of religion.

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