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Stop appeasing and explaining to religious bigots

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Hare Krishna,


I would request to stop appeasing and answering to religious bigots. If any muslim or christian bigot comes here, break their arguments with good rational statements than explaining our religion to them.


I find appeasing and even appreciating their bigotry by appreciating their belief cowardly and stupid atmost. When will you guys learn to stand firm and not bend like fools when they beat and walk all over you. You need not explain to bigots anything. If the question of the other person is genuine and possesses some knowledge of Vedas, only then he should be answered. Otherwise these bigots are here only to prove their religion is right. Frankly religions like islam and other semitic ones have a lot of holes. Pick one smash them.

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Hare Krishna,



And be like them.

To each their own Rocky

Each case should be taken on its' merit.



Well, bigots have no differences between them. Their aim is to prove their superiority and that is all. They do not care if you provide them transcendental knowledge. Infact our transcendental knowledge appears ridiculous to them and they will end up only abusing more.

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guests sign something to your posts so people call tell them apart.

If someone does not wish to discuss transcendental knowledge then what else would there be to discuss? But even all religionists will agree that God is great. So leave it there. Some will hear a little more. Don't try to tell them God is a little boy the color of a newly formed monson cloud who plays flute in the forest with His friends in the daytime and dances with other men's wives all night. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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We all have to take an educated assessment of where each new visitor to this forum is at, some may get it wrong some may just give some information that will help a soul to give up their religious bigotry, but that's an individual call for each and every contributor.

The idea is that by increments peoples consciousness change as it moves from one persuasion to another, birth after birth. With tolerance and patience one small glint of light may enter a densely ignorant mind. In doing so that soul may well emphasize tolerance to their own association and in time pass it on to their fellow ignoramous. Making the world a better place, that accomodates others views no matter how neophyte.

Far from educating newcomers on the colour of Gods' skin we can talk on a number of basic vaisnava conceptions and realizations that will methodicly educate in a systematic way.


Don't worry Theist trust the Lord in your heart is in control, and He will utilize each of us in sometimes different approaches, at other times with a common or collective approach.

If time is taken with some of these fundamental and fixed visitors you may well swing some of them to stop their offensive behaviour towards others outside their religious persuasions.

Then again if you don't approve of some devotees ways of handling bombastic mad elephants, then just skip threads, that's the choice with democratic forums. If they are too out of hand then we'll move on to plan B or maybe we'll call on you to come and sort things out.

Basicly there are many obstacles to people living in harmony, but it all comes under the one title, ignorance. I feel we're all capable of it to a degree, but people come to these forums because they are looking for relief from their ignorace either consciously or unconsciously.

Lets try to be instruments of the relief party, as I'm sure you are to many visitors

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I agree with the original poster. When Muslims and Christians ask 'seemingly innocent' questions, it isn't out of curiosity; nor do they wish to learn. Their only intent is to mock non-semitic faiths. Why give them the satisfaction? Kick their you-know-what!

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I don't agree with the original poster or the last poster above. So what if they come here out of a need to tell us we're wrong? Why should we be hurt by this and attempt to educate them?


I believe people who retaliate with harsh words are only proving a fatal flaw of human psychology - that the retaliation is a sign of doubt within oneself. If you are insecure about your own beliefs it is natural for you to retaliate harshly - why do you think some "bigots" come here to argue their points? They are only insecure about their own feelings and feel the need of self-satisifaction by way of insult.


Don't fall to that level - educate them - make them see that when we are criticised our smiles get wider because we are SECURE in our beliefs.


Anyway, that's my two rupees.


From Geek.

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We all have to take an educated assessment of where each new visitor to this forum is at...if time is taken with some of these fundamental and fixed visitors ...



How to take an assessment to even know who is a fixed visitor when such a person will not even be troubled to add a fictious identifier to their post? So you see that leaves a short quip as the only possible response in all but the rare case who makes himself stand out by his speech.

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