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So what is wrong with displaying ecstatic devotional symptoms such as crying ?

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Displaying Ecstatic Symptoms


Another day Srila Gaurakisora was sitting in his bhajana kuthir in Sri Navadwipa Dhama, chanting Hare Krsna very loudly. Other persons who had assembled there were also chanting. At this time, one person came and began to display different emotional symptoms, such as crying. Some devotees began to think that that person had attained the highest stage of devotional ecstasy by chanting the glories of the Lord. Srila Gaurakisora immediately requested that person to leave. Some of the persons assembled there became disturbed at seeing this and also left.


Srila Gaurakisora then said, "One who has actually attained love of Godhead will never display the symptoms, but will always keep them hidden form the general people, just as a chaste wife becomes very embarrassed when she has to show any part of her body and thus keeps her body very thoroughly covered. In the same way, when one is has real devotion unto the Supreme Lord and becomes elevated to love of Godhead, he always feels embarrassed to exhibit the symptoms of ecstasy and thus always keeps such symptoms unmanifest."


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the gopis were abound with emotion. At the time of Krsna's departure the Pandavas wept like children and Kunti Maa left her bidy almost instantly - so the implication is they aren't pure devotees?


I think we take the words of great souls too literally sometimes. I'm not critising Srila Gaurakisora in any way (or krsna the poster of the message), but i think things should be taken in context. Since none of us were there when this comment was made, none us know the true circumstances and the reason why SG said this. Personally i think when chanting if you cry that is a sign of great great devotion.

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"I think we take the words of great souls too literally sometimes"


we have to take their words literally.. but we have also to consider the circumstances. Sureky the Babaji has seen that such man was a fake


"Personally i think when chanting if you cry that is a sign of great great devotion. "


i do not think that it is so simple.. especially if someone cries in public

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yes - sorry i should have clarified in my last post when talking about crying - what i meant was a shedding tears of devotion from the heart (whether in public or not). I agree tho that many do this in public although it might only be 50% genuine and the rest "showing off".

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I am sure if some Gopis or Pandavas were there Gaura Kishore would not have ask them to leave. Nor is he instructing anyone close to attaining their level of love for Krsna.


How many public criers also cry to Krsna when they are alone? If you become overwhelmed and can't prevent yourself that is one thing but that is also a very very rare thing.


Better we learn to cry for Krsna first when we are alone with Him or within our own private sanctuary of the heart. This is for our own protection and for the good of the devotional body as a whole. As beginners, which the vast majority of us are, we are very susceptable(sp?) to sahajism and for confusing passing temporary states of mind with transcendental moods of love. Then with gullible people of the congegation showing appreciation for such displays we can go deeper into that fantasy and draw others into it as well. Then the whole thing is lost.


First let us transcend lust for matter and learn to appreciate the omnipresence of the Lord. These states will arise naturally. No need to force them or fake them.

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We used to have someone come to our congregation and just about cry every time he spoke about things spiritual. It was first read as a soft heart. Then eventually it became embarrassing for all. Especially as Theist points out this older person was having relationship with your girls.

One must learn to discern between emotion and devotion.

These symptoms are pouring out of a God intoxicated person like a tap, and they have to fight to hold them back which they do, whereas an imitationist turns them on like an actor.

Many gurus in India like to display such tears generally to attract followers.

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