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My experiances with Hare Krishna

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Im a british hindu and come originally from india. i had only heard of Hare Krishna worshipers a little but now i come to England and find that ISKCON is a lot more popular than i was lead to belive. it has shocked me that this is apparent, are there any other british hindus that have found the same thing and if so what is your opinion on it.

thank you please

Krystal Bhattacharya

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I lived in Uk for 23 Years and recently found out about Krishna Consciousness through reading one of Prabhupada Books. [bhagavad-gita As It Is].


I always used to see Hare Krishna on Television being made fun out of but never enquired 'who they were'. The thought never even crossed my mind. But only when I really enquired what life is really about did this spiritual knowledge come to me. I cannot estimate what pious activities I did in the past to have this chance of Krishna Consciousness..


I am not in Iskcon or have been in Iskcon temple before [i plan to but just on a visit, was going to do a Bhakta Programme seems Krishna has other plans for me. Keep guessing what they are dear devotees.


I maybe have a devotee coming to my house so stay for a day, please pray that it can happen. Have a room all cleaned up! His been in Vraj for 15 years. I think he is a disciple of Narayana Maharaja. AND has met my Gurudeva 3 times [bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja]. This should kick start my devotional service further. His got dust of my Gurudeva.


Anyway all I can say to your question is most people have NO IDEA what Krishna Consciousness is or what its even about. But to tell you the truth most esp. oldies[heh] do know about it. So keep your eyes open. KRISHNA!

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Traces of Krsna Consciousness will be found everywhere if ones eyes are opened. Its' effect on the environment is very profound when presented tastfully with sensitivity and humility it will fructfy in every heart. It is the panacea for all ills that plague the world.


I was just passing a group of very ordinary people on their lunchbreak the other day and I could'nt help but hear them talking about Krsna, it was very nice.

I faked a reason to be near the conversation and heard one old lady expounding the glories of the devotees transcendental feasts, she will never forget the meals she took with these devotees, just see the powerful attraction of prasadam.

The day after another man approached and asked if I was a devotee as he noticed my beads and Sikha.

When I told him I was aspiring to serve the devotees he was ecstatic as he hadn't had any contact for years with devotees, but he used to love being around devotees. So we talked some very sweet exchange for maybe an hour and then he went his way very satisfied just to talk about Krsna for a brief interlude in his life.


So people are everywhere hungering for this nectar we are fortunate enough to have been given. What a wondrous joy to give it to others who arn't so fortunate

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