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In the Hands of Sri Guru

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Be an intrument in the hands of Sri Guru

who is Krsna's Mercy Incarnate.

Repeat his words coming from his lotus mouth

in your own words and realize them.


Having taken the dust from his lotus feet on your head

Remember his life-saving instructions as your daily bhajan.


See Sri Guru everywhere,

and Sri Guru will see you everywhere.


Pray to Sri Guru as he is sitting in your heart next to Supersoul,

And at the same time he is in Krsna-lila in Krsna-loka.


Sri Guru is inconcievable great and powerful,

As he must be in order to deliver you and I and countless other conditioned souls from this wicked world of samsara.


krsna das



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  • 2 weeks later...

Guru is Krsna coming to you at the time you need him most


He's your call for help and as a messanger of Krsna he comes to deliver you personally from illusions of

lust anger and greed.


Guru is heavy with Krsna knowledge but not only that.


Guru is heavy with the ocean's mercy of Prema.


All glories to Sri Guru with a capital'G'.

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Guru is with Krsna.

Always was with Krsna

Always will be with Krsna.


Sri Guru's position was not elected by votes or vox populi.

Guru is Krsna appointed as the way to Krsna,the Absolute Truth and to get Krsna Prema.


Can a jiva soul do these things? No. Only a Sri Guru who is an expansion of Krsna-shakti, an eternal associate of Krsna, a dear companion of Srimati Radharani or member of Sriman Mahaprabhu's entourage can take you out of maya and put you into Krsna.

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Guru's mercy ever unfolding as kindness personified


Without that rope of mercy thrown for me to catch and hold I would simply drown in Maya's sea of doubt and scepticism.


Guru is present always to save me from 'myself'


Guru is the Sun that never sets


And it is only I who chooses sometimes to turn my back like an owl to remain in darkness and ignorance by force of habit and vice.


Guru's mercy is everthing in order to attain Krsna and Krsna's love.

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Guru is an Immortal Being sent to you specifically to take you back to Krsna's abode.


That is the way set up by Krsna Himself since time immemorial to collect you and me and everyone else 'loitering' around this fetid world of birth and death. A tiny realization of this fact can save countless heartaches and bring you out of the company of 'cheaters and cheated'.


Get a life(of Krsna Consciousness)! Get a Guru(of Krsna's Own Choosing)!

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  • 1 month later...

It's a compact of love all sealed up tight by the mercy of the Holy Name.


The Holy Name given by Sri Guru is non-different from Sri Guru. This is the absolute nature of Guru who is the mantra giver, and the Maha-Mantra itself.


This is all on the transcendental platform of spirit soul where there is no duality of 'maybe', 'perhaps' or 'it could be like this'. No.


Sri Krsna and Sri Guru stand fully on the spirit soul platform and therfore are also beyond the limits of material time and material space.


And once entered in such a devotional service relationship(guru-seva) as guru-das before Sri Guru by chanting Hare Krsna, there no more room for anything else.

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How does Sri Guru infuse the sincere sisya with divya-jnama?


How is the seed of prema-bhakti planted in the sisya's heart/consciousness?


How does the sisya carry one after the departure of Sri Guru to the spiritual abode of Krsna? Does Sri Guru take care of his sisyas from Krsna's abode?

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