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How to always reside in Vraja

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anyer hRday – mon mor mon vRndAvan

"monebone" ek kori jAni |

tAhA tomAr pada-dvaya karAha jodi uday

tabe tomar pUrNa kRpa mAni || (C.C madhya 13/137)


"Speaking in the mood of Shrimati Radharani, Caitanya MahAprabhu said,


“For most people, the mind and heart are one, but because My mind is never separated from Vrindavan, I consider My mind and Vrindavan to be one. My mind is already Vrindavan, and since You like Vrindavan, will you please place Your lotus feet there? I would deem that Your full mercy."


KrsnAM smaran janaM cAsya preSThaM nija samIhitam |

tat tat kathA-rataz cAsau kuryAd vAsaM vraje sadA || ( BRS.1/2/294)


"One should remember Shri Krishna and His dear associate of one's owm preference, being attached to narrations about them and always residing in Vraja."


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