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Rare Pictures

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It would seem that if Prabhupada saw offense in these pictures then He would not have allowed the photographers to take them. Those were the days of big bulky cameras with blinding flashes so there was no hiding the fact the pics were being taken.


These are all nectar for the weary eyes.

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These are very intimate photos. One of Srila Prabhupadas early care givers was Gaurasundara das, who is shown massaging Srila Prabhupada here. Srila Prabhupada taught the healing arts to many of his early disciples, how to care for an old man. If only some of these healing techniques were seriously considered later on, much would have been better.


BTW, in the last months, Srila Prabhupada continually asked for Gaurasundara, who did come to take care of him for awhile.


So, these are not too intimate, if one can understand that the guru-disciple relationship may advance beyond a mere

awe and reverence" mode. We see here a sample of true friendship, and even paternal care, such as a devotee taking care of Gurus physical body as if it were his own child.


I cherish these pictures, not just because of Srila Prabhupada, but for the joy he had in the association with his cherished disciples, like my old acquaintance and friend and preceptor, Gaurasundara das.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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All the pix on the first two pages, and the first five on page 3, were taken in Hawaii in May 1972. There are also a couple of others on pages 4 and 5. These are very sweet pictures, and they remind me of those days, when I was actually young. He was here for 10 days, during which time he lectured at the University of Hawaii and at a famous venue, the Church of the Crossroads, and he installed the Panca-Tattva Deities and gave sannyasa to one of our Godbrothers.

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