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Caitanya is God?

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I'm reading Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and I would like to know whether Caitanya Mahaprabhu is really God? From what I understand, he always said he was not God. Is there any instance when Caitanya actually said he was Krishna?


Thank you,

Your Servant.


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Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is not only God.. he's Sri Krsna and Srimati Radharani combined together


Sri Chaitanya displays many krsna's personalities, for example the avatar kurma and narasimha and sadbuja form as krsna, rama and himself as sannyasi together

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The answers to your questions are in "Teachings of Lord Caitanya". If you have just begun to read this book then you will soon discover all your questions answered.


Whenever some devotee would detect Lord Caitanya to be the Supreme Lord, He would deny. By doing this He was teaching that we should not pose ourselves as God and also that we should not blindly accept anyone as God just because he says he is.



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Lord Caitanya is Krsna himself.

Would reasoning could be given if someone argues that even Jesus did not say he is God, he was teaching everyone not to consider oneself god. But he was god himself.


What to say to that?

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In Kaliyuga, Lord comes in the form of a real Guru/Devotee to establish the path of religion. But at the same time, in Kaliyuga many false or Bogus Gurus also appear who calls themselves as God and Avathar. A real Guru who in Lord Incarnate will never call Himself as GOD, but will present Himself as a humble devotee of Lord. Lord Chaitanya is a real Guru who is Lord incarnate to establish the path of Dharma. These kind of Gurus (God Incarnate) have been appearing in India from time to time and one can count the numbers of such real Gurus.

Bogus Gurus who call themselves as Sree Krishna but looking ugly and use people for their personal reasons also appear from time to time and such people invariably get exposed and never establish anything.

Yes Lord Chaitanya is Avathar of Sree Krishna since we are still talking about Him and worshipping

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"Your son Krsna appears as an incarnation in every millennium. In the past, He assumed three different colors white, red and yellow and now He has appeared in a blackish color. [in another Dvapara-yuga, He appeared (as Lord Ramacandra) in the color of suka, a parrot. All such incarnations have now assembled in Krsna." [sB 10.8.13]


"In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions." [sB 11.5.32]


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The supreme person Sri Krsna also didn't wish to be seen as Bhagavan or it tends to divert his servitors natural affection for Him to that of awe and reverence which can ruin the level of intimacy He has with His associates.

Can you imagine the restriction of freedom someone like Michael Jackson had when in public, then what to speak of God the most beautiful, talented, powerful, dedicated, compassionate, attractive, renounced, wealthy, wise, and awesome if He were walking, dancing and singing amongst us.


Many of His intimate associates had inner vision of His divine form but they were careful to work around His will to couch it as the perfect example of servitor as He came also for the purpose of tasting Srimati Radharanis' Love for Himself.

Also we find Krsna states that, "Fools deride me when I descend in the human form" And many bogus imposters also use this to confirm that they are God. But the symptoms of divinity are many and Lord Chaitanya had them all.

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Sri Sri Prema Dhama Deva Stotram


Verses By Srila B.R Sridhara Maharaj


Verse 1




prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram


The gods, perfected beings, liberated sages, mystic yogis and the dedicated devotees constantly sing the glories of the holy name of Sri Krishna. Like a raincloud showering nectar, the mere shadow of the Lord's holy name extinguishes the blazing forest fire of tormentful cravings and insatiable desires that chain the living soul within the material world, a place where the soul again and again experiences the agonies of birth, death and rebirth. Sri Krishna Chaitanya is the personified form of that oceanic consciousness of the flavour of nectar which is found in the holy names. Taking the heart and halo of Srimate Radharani, Krishna has reappeared in this present age ( Kali yuga ) in the golden form of Sri Krishna Chaitanya.

I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.



Verse 2

svarna-koti- darpanabha-deha-varna-gauravam


koti-kama-murchitanghri-rupa rasa-rangaram

prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram


The Lord's lustrous form surpasses the brilliance of a million mirrors of gold. The fragrance of heavenly and earthly lotus flowers is humbled by the subtle scent of nectar filling the air around Lord Sri Gaurasundara. Millions of cupids are stunned by his infinite beauty. Cupid's capacity to charm and create rapture is surpassed by the infinite attractiveness of the Lord. Sri Gaurasundara's dancing in various moods of rapture and love makes everyone seeing him swoon. Dancing in the deepest bliss of spiritual love, Sri Gaurasundara is the artful dancer Sri Krishna himself, come again to this Earth in a golden form.

I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.



Verse 3




prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram


The Lord revealed himself to the people of the world in a five-aspect form ( panca-tattva ) for the purpose of revealing the variegated beauties of his holy name, which is non-different from himself. Sri Krishna revealed himself in these five aspects: Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhar and Srivas Thakur.

Sri Krishna Chaitanya is Krishna himself, outwardly acting in the role of a devotee. Prabhu Nityananda is his other self and elder brother. Sri Advaita Acharya is the avatara who establishes the true religion for the age of Kali ( yuga dharma ). Gadadhar Pandit is the Lord's intimate associate accompanying Sri Gaurasundara as he enjoys contemplating the beauty of pure spiritual love. Srivas Pandit is foremost amongst the Lord's general associates who come with him whenever he appears.

In other ages when the Lord descends to Earth he comes with weapons such as the discus and mace which He uses to kill demons. But in this age of Kali ( kali-yuga ) when almost every person is possessed by the ghosts of lust, anger and violence, the Lord comes with the weapon of the holy name to destroy every kind of evil. Armed with the weapon of the holy name the Lord wandered through the streets and marketplaces of Nadia district, just like an ordinary resident of that place.

I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.



Verse 4

santipurya- dhisa-kalya-dharma-duhka-dusaham



prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram


Advaita Acharya, the avatara of Maha-Vishnu, came into the world to establish the true religion for the age of Kali. Advaita Acharya lived at Shantipur in the Nadia district of West Bengal. Seeing the intense illusion and suffering of the living beings in this mortal world, he felt intense grief. Advaita Acharya worshipped Lord Vaikunthapati Vishnu. Sri Advaita called to Lord Vaikunthapati and asked him to appear on Earth and show kindness to worldly people by distributing Krishna consciousness. This Krishna consciousness dispels all misconception and awakens divine knowledge within the soul. This Krishna consciousness is the true remedy for all kinds of suffering.

Appearing in the world in his Deity form of Sri Gaurasundara, Krishna descended to Earth and took away the pains suffered by the living beings. He pacified the grief of Advaita Acharya by widely distributing the nectar of his holy names.

I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.





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"Sri Chaitanya displays many krsna's personalities, for example the avatar kurma and narasimha and sadbuja form as krsna, rama and himself as sannyasi together"


But many of the bogus gurus claim to have shown their 'form'


"Whenever some devotee would detect Lord Caitanya to be the Supreme Lord, He would deny. By doing this He was teaching that we should not pose ourselves as God and also that we should not blindly accept anyone as God just because he says he is."


If he denies, and we accept his order should we not say he is not God? And how about those who say Swaminarayan is God even though he never said it.


"Sometimes a teacher holds the chalk and writes "ABC" on the chalkboard. We shouldn't think that the teacher is also learning how to write, but he is showing us how it is to be written so that we may learn."


But the teacher is not sitting at a desk with the students pretending to be a student.


"Would reasoning could be given if someone argues that even Jesus did not say he is God, he was teaching everyone not to consider oneself god. But he was god himself."


But Jesus was not God, he was the son of God. Srila Prabhupada confirms this.


"In Kaliyuga, Lord comes in the form of a real Guru/Devotee to establish the path of religion. But at the same time, in Kaliyuga many false or Bogus Gurus also appear who calls themselves as God and Avathar."


But what differentiates Caitanya from the others?


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant.




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Lord Chaitanya said and showed He was God many times. We don't just take Lord Chaitanya, we take also Lord Nityananda who didn't exactly act like Sannyasi, He used to wear very opulent clothing, jewelery to show who He exactly was and show that He is beyond anybody critisisum.


Mahaprabhu even warned a Brahmana about ever offending Lord Nityananda. I think faithless people will always question like animals whether Mahaprabhu is God or not.


Hare Krishna


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many of the bogus gurus claim to have shown their 'form'

--follow the bogus gurus and follow chaitanya mahaprabhu accurately then see by yourself the results. Religion is not faith or erudition, religion is practice.. life...




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Hare Krishna,


I do not know, many times I was confused reaing through several scriptural references.


Leaving aside your question, the fact is just by reading Vedas one does not ralize the truth(unless you instantaneoulsy somehow realize as you read Vedas). My experience is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching is chanting Hari Nama. With comlete faith I hold Lord Krishna's feet, Mahaprabhu's feet and Lord Nitai's feet and asked HIM, I do not have any capacity to know the truth. Please forgive me for any offenses through my word, thought or deed, but I have complete faith in Krishna Nama and your instructions. Please grant me the determination and steadiness in chanting Lord's names as you instructed. I am doing this for past 6 months or more. When I chant I forget myself. Just listen to the sound of the namas without imagining Krishna's forms. This is because we do not know or atleast do not remember how Lord Krishna looks like. When I followed these instructions, I feel so much joy when I chant HIS names. For me this is the end and the eternal endless process. I am satisfied and eternally indebted to Mahaprabhu, Nitai and Srila Prabhupada for this.

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Is there any instance when Caitanya actually said he was Krishna?


Krishna=God? What's Krishna? What's God?


These q.s will never be any objective answers. I repeat that I don't know whether he's an avatara. Maybe he's not or he's a lower avatara.


I don't want to create a new religion, which doesn't mean I will be a member of any religion at last, & vice versa. I do want to create a new lang..

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Who wants to know? those that have no faith want to know.

those that have faith already know.

if you have faith, the question is irrelevant.

The proof of the cookie is in the eating.

Follow sai baba and find out.

Follow Caitanya and find out.

remember, this lifetime is short and can be finished any minute. better not waste time on fruitless questions.

Does it matter, whether Caitanya is God or not? Does it influence the way you chant or serve others? does it make you sleep different?

so stick with the essence - CHANT HAREKRSNA AND FIND OUT.

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