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Form of Krsna visible with the eye of the soul of the genuine devotee under trance

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Sri Brahma Samhita


Text - 38



... santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti

yam syamasundaram acintya-guna-svarupam ...

govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami




prema--of love; anjana--with the salve; churita--tinged; bhakti--of devotion; vilocanena--with the eye;

santah--the pure devotees; sada--always; eva--indeed; hrdayesu--in their hearts; vilokayanti--see;


yam--whom; syama--dark blue; sundaram--beautiful; acintya--inconceivable; guna--with attributes;

svarupam--whose nature is endowed; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him

aham--I; bhajami--worship.



I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syamasundara, Krsna Himself with inconceivable \ innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.




The Syamasundara form of Krsna is His inconceivable simultaneous personal and impersonal self-contradictory form.


True devotees see that form in their purified hearts under the influence of devotional trance. The form Syama is not the blue color visible in the mundane world but is the transcendental variegated color affording eternal bliss, and is not visible to the mortal eye.


On a consideration of the trance of Vyasadeva as in the sloka, bhakti-yogena manasi etc., it will be clear that the form of Sri Krsna is the full Personality of Godhead and can only be visible in the heart of a genuine devotee, which is the only true seat in the state of trance under the influence of devotion.


When Krsna manifested Himself in Vraja, both the devotees and non devotees saw Him with this very ( human ) eye; but only the devotees cherished Him, eternally present in Vraja, as the priceless jewel of their heart.


Nowadays also the devotees see Him in Vraja in their hearts, saturated with devotion although they do not see Him with their physical eyes.


The eye of devotion is nothing but the eye of the pure unalloyed spiritual self of the jiva. The form of Krsna is visible to that eye in proportion to its purification by the practice of devotion.


When the devotion of the neophyte reaches the stage of bhava-bhakti the pure eye of that devotee is tinged with the salve of love by the grace of Krsna, which enables him to see Krsna face to face.


The phrase "in their hearts" means Krsna is visible in proportion as their hearts are purified by the practice of devotion.


The sum and substance of this sloka is that the form of Krsna, who is Syamasundara, Natavara (Best Dancer), Muralidhara (Holder of the Flute) and Tribhanga (Triple-bending), is not a mental concoction but is transcendental, and is visible with the eye of the soul of the genuine devotee under trance.


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, author unknown




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana (the son of Nanda Maharaja, Krishna),

whose face is extremely delightful,

from whose beautiful ears hang jewelled earrings,

and whose entire body is anointed with fragrant candana.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana,

whose eyes are more beautiful than the fully-bloomed lotus,

whose head is beautifully adorned with an arrangement of peacock feathers,

and who enchants millions of Cupids.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana,

from whose beautiful nose hangs an elephant-pearl,

whose teeth are brilliantly shining,

and whose bodily complexion is more beautiful and lustrous than a fresh rain cloud.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana,

whose lotus hands hold the flute,

whose lingering gait defeats even that of an impassioned elephant,

and whose dark limbs are beautified by a yellow shawl.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana, whose three-fold bending posture is exquisitely elegant,

the effulgence of whose toe-nails puts to shame even the moon,

and who wears invaluable jewels and ornaments.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana, whose body exudes an extraordinarily beautiful fragrance and whose broad chest is adorned with the kaustubha jewel and the mark of Srivatsa.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana, Vrindavana's expert lover who dresses in a manner that enhances His charming, playful pastimes, and who pulverized the pride of Indra.




I offer pranama to Sri Nandanandana, who as the lover of the Vraja gopis perpetually delights them and who enchants the minds of all living entities.




Whoever regularly recites this Sri Nanda-Nandanastakam with deep faith will easily cross the seemingly insurmountable ocean of material existence and attain eternal residence at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna.


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