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material love is an illusion?

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Being in love is the most natural state of existence. The material world however has been produced and is being sustained by living entities with different motives other than love. So our surrounding are against genuine loving relationships even though we naturally want them.


That need to love comes from the soul but we are directing it improperly. It is meant for Krsna. Now Krsna would include everyone else as everyone is part of Him. So we need to learn to direct that love to Krsna first and then the love we will feel for others will be there also naturally.


It is also important to real know who the object of our love is. The person is the spirit/self. So if we direct our love onto the body it would be like loving someone's suit of clothes.


Presently our attempts to love are very confused and misdirected and things never seem to work out. We try to drag our material conceptions onto the platform of love where they really have no standing.


So we need to get ourselves properly oriented first before any loving relationships can be expected to be fruitful. That means becoming Krsna conscious.


But in the process of becoming Krsna conscious we find that we still have those desires. So what to do? Repression never furthers or accomplishes anything. So if one doesn't not have the strong tendancy to a monk's life then get married and express your affection and love for each other by helping each other remember Krsna.


And no it is not wrong to fall in love.

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First it is better to 'rise in love' than to 'fall in love.'

But it is the truth that most of us fall in lust. It is no coincidence that this expression has found it's way into our vocab.

As Theist has pointed out- it's mostly misdirected love in this material world.

If we can try to focus on loving Krsna first and foremost, then the love we share with His infinite servitors will be more real and in turn will help those we love also become attracted to the source of our love..... Krsna. The idea is to become an exemplary embassador for the monarcy of Goloka, not a fanatic but someone who exhibits all the glorious qualities of that world. Making our relationships irresistably attractive, through Krishna and His pastimes of Divine Love being in the centre.Not imitating but serving and worshipping.

If we see our partner as extremely dear to Lord Krishna as in dasanudas or dasianudasi then we won't want to ever mistreat such a soul, for it will be displeasing to the Lord. Therefore the more we love our partner the more the Lord will be pleased with us.He is quite partial to loving exchange.


We all want to love and be loved, just that we don't know how to properly express this strange mellow in a divine context, that is inclusive of all living entities. But this is a very rare platform to reach, so most of us try to just focus on selective individuals we feel affinity with. In doing so we exclude others that may need our love more than the ones we feel comfortable with.

That doesn't mean we can't find a soul partner who we can work heart to heart with due to our common interests and compatibility. They do exist. All the best in finding one.

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  • 5 months later...

material love in all essence is just an illusion. the love you may be feeling for another person is simply the love that we all have within us, which is really supposed to be for god. but as god is within the hearts of all beings the love that you are really feeling is love for the lord who is in the mortal body of your lover. the lord controls everything and the fact that you have fallen in love means that maybe it was intended for you to meet this other person (karmic relationships form past lives) and to guide them to the right path. girls should be looked after by their fathers when they are young, by their husbands when they are married and by thier grown up sons if they have kids. therefore if u are on the path and are in love, dont see it as a burden, surrender all to the lord and let him guide you in your actions. true love is unselfish and dettached, therfore it can help us awaken true and pure love of god.

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