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I understand that this is a Hare Krsna Site. I have respects for you as many others, but who is God? Please provide proof.


Is it Krishna, Rama, Swami Narayan, Sri Satya Baba or whoever. I think I am getting closer to the truth as someone in India told me that if we want the truth we must seek the vedas, What are these vedas? What do the vedas say about Krishna, Rama, Swami narayan or Satya Sai Baba?


Please give me release this frustration

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According to Sri Madhva, all the Vedic literatures proclaim Sri Hari (Vishnu) to be Bhagavan (God). Rama, Krishna, Narasimha and all other avataras of Hari are not different from one another.


The Bhagavad Gita is universally accepted by all saints as the essence of the Vedas, and for this reason it is known as Gitopanishad. In the Gita Lord Krishna states "vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah, vedanta krit veda vit eva chaham".


"I am the object to be known by all the Vedas. I am the compiler of Vedanta, and the complete knower of the Vedas."


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thank you, I also heard about this Lord Chaitanya profit. Also what about SwamiNarayan and Satya Sai Baba, are they visnu or hari.


I heard that some people believe Krishna was the highest and the rest are his avatars but you are saying its Vishnu.


So this is getting more confusing.

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brKrishna is the origion of the avatars. He is tha parabrahman, meaning beyond the brahman. others are expansions krishna who have come to earth for different reasons. Chaitanya came to teach us all how to worship krishna. Swaminarayan came to spread the word of krishna and things like that. They each came as different expansions of him but they are all one. Satya Sai is someone who is living today and could be a phoney because it is stated in the vedas that kali-yuga is not to end for another 432,000 years and only then will another avatar of krishna come. Also you can worship any of these avatars because they are one with krishna. Demigods are basiclly people like Shiva, Indra, Ganesh and people like that. They arent supposed to be worshiped as supreme but it is good to pay respects to them. Brahma was the first being created by krsna. Brahma then created the universe and the first human created was Manu. Krishna told Manu everything he needed to know about the uniuverse. Then it was written over time and different recalections of knowledge were passed down and they have been gathered up today to be known as the Srimad Bhagavatam. About 5000 it was told again to Arjuna. This became the Bhagavad Gita. Any other questions?

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but many people say SwamiNarayan is Not god, Chaitanya is not God, Sai baba has millions of followers. They say Vishnu is God.


So what is the proof that SwaniNarayan came to teach these things or that Vishnu is Higher then Krsna.


Shiva is also consdireded God. Why all the confusion.

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In regards to Chaitanya, Swami Narayana, Sai Baba, etc. different people will have different opinions. What everyone will agree on is that Krishna is Bhagavan, and that the Bhagavad Gita is the essence of the Vedic scriptures. As such, start from there and work your way up. Study the Gita and see what conclusion you come to. Don't worry whether XYZ is God or a saint or whatever. That is stage two. First just focus on the Bhagavad Gita and what does it actually say.


As far as avataras, true avataras have been predicted in the scriptures by Vyasa. Vyasa compiled the Vedic literatures 5,000 years ago, and having forseen the future he has predicted the advent of avataras such as Buddha, Kalki, etc.


We should not accept just anyone as God. Only those whom have been fortold by Vyasa should be considered.

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sai baba was not in these scriptures so theres ure answer to the baba deal. sme people have different perspectives on scriptures which is why many people belove in different things. It's all up to you in how you interpret the scriptures

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Dear guest,


Jndas has given clear answer to your question. Now you must contemplate on the answer to end the confusion. If someone is crying out for food because he is hungry and someone gives him a bag of samosas will he keeping crying out for food or take time out from that and eat the samosas?


Everybody says they accept Krsna as God. So stick to that clear and unargueable point and all confusion will vanish. When the light is turned on the darkness leaves without separate endeavor.


In Bhagavad-gita you will find further answers on how to find God like the verse I will post below.





Krsna says:


To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.



So now we know Who will enlighten us and Where we can find Him.


To read the Gita on-line below. Then click on Bhagavad-gita. Once there click on any verse number for elaborate commentary by Srila Prabhupada.


Hare Krsna


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For a person who has not read or heard any stories from Mahabharata, jumping to Bhagavad-Gita immediately may be somewhat confusing in the beginning. He may be thinking as to why the war started in the first place and why Krsna, being God, was encouraging Arjuna engage in war.


So, I think that our dear guest should first read some stories from Mahabharata. I am not saying that he should read the entire Mahabharata. But, he should read as much as is needed to understand the reasons for the war. After that, he should take up Bhagavad-Gita.

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One can immediately begin reading Bhagavad-gita. Krsna's teaching to Arjuna is eternal knowledge and not dependent upon the scenario of the war. Remember He said that in the past He had given this teaching to Vivasvan the sun god. In fact as we try to apply the knowledge contained in the Gita we find our position in our own unique battlefields.


This from Prabhupada's introduction:


Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. In the present age, people are so absorbed in mundane activities that it is not possible for them to read all the Vedic literatures. But this is not necessary. This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice, because it is the essence of all Vedic literatures and especially because it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (Gita-mahatmya 4)



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Hare Krishna


Dear guest


Other devotees have given you nice answers. The main point is that there are no shortcuts to knowing that highest transcendental knowledge.



I heard that some people believe Krishna was the highest and the rest are his avatars but you are saying its Vishnu.




From the point of view of tattva (metaphysical Truth) there is no difference between God and His incarnations i.e. they are the same Personality of Godhead in different transcendental Forms -- the example given is of a person in office or at home; so there is no question of highest in the sense that you are thinking. The only difference is that gaudiya vaishnavas consider Lord Krishna as the Original Form and thus the source of all other Forms while some other vaishnava disciplines consider Lord Narayana as the Original Form; from the philosophical point of view this is not much of a difference.



Also what about SwamiNarayan and Satya Sai Baba, are they visnu or hari.




One answer is given by jndas prabhu that all incarnations are mentioned in the scriptures. From all we have known from our Spiritual Masters they are not, and it is a great spiritual offence to proclaim an oridinary living entity to be God. The other thing is the philosophy that they preach, whether they concur with the conclusions as given in Bhagavad-Gita and other Vedic texts. On this basis Sathya Sai Baba is completely wrong e.g. he says something like "you are God, as am i; difference is that i have realized it while you have not", and thus from his teachings we can see that he isn't conversant with the conclusions of even Bhagavad-Gita and other scriptures what to speak of being a God-realized soul or god. SwamiNarayana's teachings as in shikshapatri are in line with the Vedic conclusions but those in vachanamruta as presented are suspect (so either they are manipulated or ...).


As suggested by other devotees best is to read Bhagavad-Gita as it is available online (also available for download for offline reading at http://www.krishna.com/main.php?id=33 among others). There are many unauthorized interpretations, so it is advisable to get this version by Srila Prabhupada.

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Alright, I wish to thank you all. That was much better then I got from any other websites. I think the Hare Krishna's know what they are talking about but I just have to understand it.


I have always had a soft spot for Krishan Bhagavan compared to the others and I think this will help me persue more clearly. I head the bhagavat gita has a lot of interesting things in it.


A lot of these other indian websites dont come close to what you are saying and all it is is sentimental garbage. To many misconceptions i think.


A lot of it has to do with the Parents not knowing either.

ANyways, please continue to guide me.


Hare Krishna.

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You are a rare soul guest. You are using your intelligence to cautiously seek out God and the truth about Him and not allowing yourself to be fooled by mere sentimentalism.


Srila Prabhupada wrote "blind following is condemned". We are not expected to just blindly believe.


We are just trying to help each other remember Krsna as we sort out this material entanglement. Glad you could join us, make yourself at home.


Hare Krsna

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Yes, just because someone listens to you makes them a rare soul. YOU Hk's disrespect Satya Sai Baba, Swami Narayan and many others but if someone agrees with you then they are a rare soul?


Why are they a rare soul, you HK's should follow actual Hinduism.



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I said he is a rare soul because he is. He is approaching his search for a spiritual path with his intelligence and not relying on heresay from others or emotional states from hearing someone speak or hallucinations about seeing someone's lit up aura. Nor is he trusting in some cultural traditons prevelant in land of his present birth.


BTW I am not an actual Hare Krishna. But I do learn from them and their books and find Srila Prabhupada's philosphy convincing. While truths can be found in any process it is my conviction that the ultimate and supreme good can be found through bhakti alone which includes all that can be found elsewhere but alone can offer Krishna preme.


I also appreciate that Srila Prabhupada does not endorse blind following, in fact he condemns it in his purports to the Bhagavad gita.


Hare Krsna

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"Why are they a rare soul, you HK's should follow actual Hinduism."


krsna in bhagavad gita says "surrender to me...", not "surrender to hinduism" or "surrender to sai baba"


so better to follow sri krsna, who is the supreme personality of godhead


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theist, read the original Ganguli translation. it is superb and far surpasses Subramaniam's abridged version.

it is a bit of a challenge - 5000 pages - but it is worth the effort more than anything. you get all the background and not just the highlights. for twenty ot fifty dollars, you can have this version. Indian print in soft cover four volumes or in hard cover twelve volumes, for 1000 rupees or the equivalent in western currency.

once you have finished, you begin again and find that many of the stories you did not read the first time - at least not to remember tham. there is a mine of knowledge in that book and it sure helps one to remember krsna - for which all your knowledge should be gathered.

knowledge serves only to remember krsna. if it does not, throw that knowledge out.


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you HK's should follow actual Hinduism.




we do not need to criticise sai baba and the others - they do so perfectly well by themselves. their examples speak for themselves too.

no fool so stupid as the one with a little brains.

hinduism does not even exist, for the word Hindu is arab and designates everyone living east of the Sindu river. your so-called real hinduis is a figment of the imagination, like communism, socialism, thisism and thatism. please get real yourself.


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Ganguli translation? What's that? Vdk have mercy. I have my hands full with English and it is my native language. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Subramaniam's writing style is perfect for me. The way she writes draws me right into the scene. Especially the battle scenes. I know it is greatly abridged but it's enough.

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Ganguli translation? What's that? Vdk have mercy. I have my hands full with English and it is my native language.



The Ganguli translation of the Mahabharata consists of four volumes softbound or twelve volumes hardbound. it is appr. 50000 pages and is the entire book, as written by Vyasadeva, translated in English.

English is not my native language, but I have no trouble reading it, although the english is somewhat old-fashioned.

anyway, this is the version to read. I also read Subramaniam's book first, but it is, although nicely done, nothing compared to the Ganguli translation.

getting into the stories? impossible to contemplate from an abridged version, when you read the Ganguli version.


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I am the original guest and I am slowely observing everything. This Site is quite interesting. Somehow I need more proof though.


I see that Sai baba person claiming that he is god and proper hinduism is the way. What is proper hinduism.


Are there texts proving Krishna is higher or some book claiming that sai baba is higher. What about Chaitanya?

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