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Assistance from the greatest Vaishnava...Arjuna!

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Since Arjuna is the greatest Vaishnava, is it OK and possible to seek his wise counsel until our surrender to the Lord becomes perfect? How do we approach him?

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It is generally not possible to approach the previous great vaisnavas direct, as many of them are no longer dealing with this world. They have given their example in their lifes activities and sometimes left recorded accounts of their realizations and then moved on to serve in various nitya lilas.

Some will continue to empathise with this particular planet if they have connections here. Some may take birth specificly to assist the fallen souls thru their sympathy and concern, but will come under another identity. But usually Krsna empowers certain vaisnavas as acharya who embody the essential teachings the jivas need according to this particular time, place, and circumstances.


They are the sum total and substance of all the great teachers and the demi-gods, they often have disciples also who can be very instrumental in laying the steps and the foundations of your faith to connect to these pure devotees, it is very important to approach a genuine representative of the absolute Truth and enquire from him submissively, that is with the uttmost humility, otherwise the divine transmission from heart to heart cannot take place, but if you have genuine need they can give you enlightened insight into any perplexing queries you may have as Krsna will speak through them.


saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair

uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih

kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya

vande guroh sri-caranaravindam


They are to be considered as good as God, one with God in will so to speak, their message is a living update on Gods view of our predicament here and now and it is a very auspicious blessing to even have one moments association with such a soul.


The spiritual master is a tangible link to Krsna for although we may not be able to trust our own minds we can trust those more surrendered than ourselves.

If we hold certain Vaisnavas as our ideal, with time we may imbibe certain qualities of those great souls simply by meditating on their perfect example.

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