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Who are the westerners?

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Hare Krishna!


I know bodily designations are immaterial, but out of curiosity, how many of the devotees here are westerners/non-Indians? I am just trying to see if Lord Krishna has appeal to all kinds of races and nationalities; that is all. So please dont be offended by my question. I just want to know if the lord has conquered the hearts and minds of all kinds of people. Kindly let me know.

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This is one aspiring servitor born this time in western white melecha body, along with most of my family.

I also have maybe apr. 3 to 4,000 God-brothers and sisters from just about every nation on Earth, who also follow the path of Bhakti yoga as given by Swayam Bhagavan Sri Krsna. But I consider these people rare and very special souls with a unique connection of Grace.

Sometimes I feel we are the most fallen, other times the most blessed, both conditions exist simultaneously. It's a strange paradox!


Krsna consciousness has charmed and attracted us but we are fairly fortified in the west so it may take Him some time to break down our bastions and capture us wholesale.


It's still relatively early times but if it is the will of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu like the shastra says, there is no use resisting for it is ultimately inevitable.

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I am from Holland originally, but have lived on all continents and came across some 7000 others like me. some heard from Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, others form Sridhar Maharaja and others again from their followers.

westerners are really living north of the Himalaya and are thus designated as rakshasa by the bhagavatam. that same Bhagavatam gives the names of some great rakshasa as being also great devotees - Gatotkacha is the first who comes to mind.

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In my not so humble opinion, everyone who is not a devotee is a rakshasa, to begin with myself. whether some African or other people are so, you must decide for yourself.

devotee to me is also a devotee of Allah, Jahweh, Buddha and whatever other name God is known by.

whoever prays to Krsna in whatever form, he is devotee, as far as I can see. (Which is not too far, admittedly)


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Nonsense speak those that never tried to live by its example.

No fool so stupid as the one with a little brains.

the Veda is the witness account of Sri Vyasadeva, the 'newspaper of the day', in a manner of speech.

what is nonsense is CNN and BBC 'witness accounts', selling us a war nobody wanted. What is nonsesnse is to present a theory which can never work, such as evolution and present it as scientific fact.

Bhagavatam and such vedic books are scientific works, way above your head, as is abundantly clear.

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