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Vrndavan Das Thakura

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Indeed it was by the mercy of the Lord’s prasada that Vrindavan dasa Thakura took birth in the womb of Narayani as the incarnation of Vyasa. Sri Gauranga and Sri Nityananda were the very life and soul of Vrindavana dasa Thakura. About the father of Vrindavana dasa Thakua little is mentioned anywhere. Apart from his relationship with Narayani. Not much is known of Vrindavan das Tahkura’s ancestry.


In his commentary on the Caitanya Bhagavata, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura: “At the ancestral home of Malini-devi [the wife of Srivasa Thakura] Vrindavana dasa played as a small boy growning up. There he was nourished and cared after just like a valuable gem.”


One may find many facts regarding the life of Vrindavana dasa by going to Mamagachi, the village where Sri Narayani’s wedding took place. Soon thereafter, in Magagachi, while Vrindavana dasa was still within the womb Narayani became a widow. In the small room of a poor brahmana, she lived in great poverty and hardship as a maidservant in the house of Vasudeva Dutt. Vrindavana dasa Thakura was born, and soon began his studies. Vrindavana dasa Thakura took birth four years after Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa. When Mahaprabhu had disappeared from this world and entered into his aprakrita-lila, Vrindavana dasa was barely twenty years old.


Soon thereafter, Vrindavan das Thakura accepted initiation from Sri Nityananda Prabhu. He is Nityananda’s eternal servant. Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura went with Sri Jahnava-devi to the great festival in Kheturi gram. The poet Sri Krishna das Kaviraja Goswami writes of the endless glories of Vrindavan das Thakura:


“Krishna’s life was written in the Bhagavata of Vyasa.

The Vedayasa for Sri Caitanya was Vrindavana das.

Vrindavan das has called his book the “Caitanya Mangala”

Whoever hears his book no grave misfortunes shall befall.

Who reads it knows the glories of Caitanya and Nitai

And knows what Krishna-bhakti is, and how it is, and why.

His book contains the essence of the holy Bhagavata

And shows what Krishna-Bhakti is and what Bhakti is not.


An atheist who hears the Thakura’s words will soon repent

And join the ranks of saintly men whose souls are heaven sent.

No ordinary man can sing of God as he has sung:


The Lord Himself has spoken through the Thakur’s holy tongue.

I bow a million times before the holy lotus feet


Of Sri Vrindavan das, whose verses are so sweet

that one who reads them shall be freed from this dark, ortal earth;

I bow a million times before the place where he took birth.”



The sweet song of his Chaitanya Bhagavata has enchanted the whole world.” (C.M. Sutra-Khanda)


Vrindavan dasa Thakura’s Chaitanya Bhagavata was originally called Chaitanya Mangala. It is said that Shrila Lochana dasa Thakura and Shrila Krishna dasa Kaviraja Goswami gave it the name Chaitanaya Bhagavata. Krishnadasa Kavriaja Goswami writes: “krishna lila bhagavate kahe vedadvyasa, chaitanya lilara vyasa vrindavana dasa.” Vedavyasa has described the pastimes of Krishna in his Bhagavata. The Vyasa of Chaitanya Lila is Vrindavan dasa.” From this comparison between Vedavyasa and Vrindavana dasa, it has been concluded that Kaviraja Goswami is probably responsible for Vrindavan dasa Thakur’s work becoming known as the Bhagavata of Chaitanya Lila, or Chaitanya-Bhagavata.


A drop of nectar from the great ocean of love of Godhead presented for the pleasure of the devotees.. Bits and Pieces taken from Sri Krsna Das's Caitanya Caritamrita.



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