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God interferes if you're a devotee

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I heard this lecture with Prabhupada, just wanted to tell everybody, Prabhupada speaks about Bhakti-yoga which is amazing, and I think we should all listen to it. Share the nectar, I hope its on-line somewhere. Search out your Cd's!


One of the things Prabhupada says I will quote here for you-

"God interferes if you're a devotee,

otherwise you have to undergo the laws of nature."

__ From- Conversation__Next Body--Are You Not Afraid__14oct76_CH



I would like to ask a quick question here, I could search the Folio base, but its good to hear from devotees.


Prabhupada says Bhakti-yoga actually starts when your at Brahma-Bhuta Stage, in this Conversation. I never heard this before, so are we practicing Bhakti-yoga?





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I believe sadhana refers to a protocol of practice that leads to unadulterated and spontaneous devotional service out of love for Krishna.


There are devotees here that can explain how the different stages of transformation are experienced by the devotee in waves of increasing purity of attachment and love for Sri Krishna and how these are characterized.


The danger is thinking that we are experiencing such advanced states just by reading about their existence and artifically trying to imitate them. So I understand one should be a little cautious.

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hare krishna, I came across this, Jaiva-dharma, Ch19. Look out for the last line.

Still reading this book. This is different from what I have, mine is by Narayana Maharaja,

I think there is something about Bhaktivinoda Maharaja books. They are so attractive.



Vrajanatha: Is there a stage in between sadhana-bhakti (devotional service in practice)

and prema-bhakti (devotional service in pure love of God)?


Babaji: Yes. There are three stages: sadhana-bhakti, bhava-bhakti (devotional service in

ecstasy), and prema-bhakti.


Vrajanatha: What distinguishes sadhana-bhakti from the others?


Babaji: The highest stage is prema-bhakti. As long as he remains imprisoned by the

material senses, the soul's devotional activities are situated in sadhana-bhakti.


Vrajanatha: You have explained that prema-bhakti is the eternal perfection, the highest

stage. How is this highest stage attained?


Babaji: One cannot attain that eternal perfection by his own efforts. In the beginning the

stage called 'sadhana' is manifested in the heart. Until the day when the eternal perfection

appears of its own accord, one cannot force its presence. The eternal perfection must

come of its own.


Vrajanatha: Please explain more clearly.


Babaji: Because it is manifested from the Lord's own internal potency (svarupa-shakti),

prema-bhakti is eternally perfect. It is not manifested in the hearts of souls still

imprisoned by matter. With the body, mind, and words one may endeavour to attain that

eternal perfection in his heart, but as long as it is not attained, the devotee is situated in



Vrajanatha: What are the qualities of sadhana-bhakti?


Babaji: The nature of sadhana-bhakti is that it is a method of making the mind think of

Lord Krishna.

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This reminds me of something I read in I believe is the 3rd Canto of Srimad Bhagwatam (the original hard-copy, with a picture of Krishna as Paramatma on the dust-jacket cover; I'm depending on you techno-wizard young up-starts, filio or whatever 'expert at getting info in a few clicks and taps, to help an old mother out, refresh my memory if you please) about the Paramatma remaining with the jiva soul throughout her/his continuous reincarnations UNTIL the soul turns to face (now this is important, something about love but I can't remember how it goes)towards the Lord, who then either reveals or becomes original Krishna.


Prabhupad told the story of the thief who wanted to break into a pious man's home, and both of them prayed to God; the thief for success in breaking into the home and the pious person that God would protect his home. The Paramatma fulfilled both men's desires by telling the theif how to get into the home and warning the pious man to remain particularly vigilent that evening.


So it appears that the Supersoul, Paramatma, is not totally impartial, but is somehow bound (by an even higher law?) to fulfill all the desires of the jiva souls, regardless of whether it's good or bad for them.

Whereas Krishna intervenes in ways that seem unfair ("How could you do this to me, Krishna?") until we have to admit that had this or that desire for whatever (wealth, fame, perfect partner)been fulfilled I may never have been sitting here at a computer tonight trying to understand the dynamics of Paramatma and Krishna in relationship to the soul.

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