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So what is it like being on 'Death Row' ??? * * * * *

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While touching the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, Srutadeva continued. "It is said that Your Lordship, sitting in the heart of a devotee, gives him direction by which he can very quickly come back to home, back to You. This direct dictation by You reveals Your existence within the heart of the devotee. Only a devotee can immediately appreciate Your existence within his heart, whereas for a person who has only a bodily conception of life and is engaged in sense gratification You always remain covered by the curtain of yogamaya. Such a person cannot realize that You are very near, sitting within his heart. For a nondevotee, You are appreciated only as ultimate death. The difference is like the difference between a cat's carrying its kittens in its mouth and cat's carrying a rat in its mouth. In the mouth of the cat, the rat feels its death, whereas the kittens in the mouth of the cat feel motherly affection. Similarly, You are present to everyone, but the nondevotee feels You as ultimate cruel death, whereas for a devotee You are the supreme instructor and philosopher. The atheist, therefore, understands the presence of God as death, but the devotee understands the presence of God always within his heart, takes dictation from You and lives transcendentally, not being affected by the contamination of the material world.


You are the supreme controller and superintendent of the material nature's activities. The atheistic class of men simply observe the activities of material nature, but cannot find You as the original background. A devotee, however, can immediately see Your hand in every movement of material nature. The curtain of yogamaya cannot cover the eyes of the devotee of Your Lordship, but it can cover the eyes of the nondevotee. The nondevotee is unable to see You eye to eye, just as a person whose eyes are interrupted by the covering of a cloud cannot see the sun, although persons who are flying above the cloud can see the sunshine brilliantly, as it is. My dear Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. My dear self-effulgent Lord, I am Your eternal servitor. Therefore, kindly order me--what can I do for You? The conditioned soul feels the pangs of material contamination as threefold miseries as long as You are not visible to him. And as soon as You are visible by development of Krsna consciousness, all miseries of material existence simultaneously become vanquished." (The brahmana Srutadeva- Krsna 2.31)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Health Update 01/04/05


Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada.


Since the last report Gurudeva's cancer had continued to spread rapidly. Just within the last two weeks he has developed multiple, rapidly growing tumours in the residual limb and a tumour in the cervical spine. The tumours in the left thigh and in the left collar bone continue to enlarge. We suspect that there may also be some activity in the liver. He is confined to his room most of the time due to movement being restricted on the left side of the body and is either in his bed or in his chair which requires the assistance of Dhruva Maharaja or Ekavira prabhus. He is also losing his apetite and can only sleep for an hour at a time during the night. Whats amazing is that he hasn't taken a single pain killer yet and looking at him you would think that everything I've just said is in referance to someone else! He remains effulgent and strong in his voice and presence. He is continuing with Rife, Ozone and B17 therapies along with various nutritional formulations for palliative purposes which are really hard work for him, what to speak of the fact that he is continuing to read his emails, although he answers very few. He has been meeting with various Godbrothers and Godsisters and a few of his disciples and well wishers have been coming to read to him here in Washington DC. Gurudeva even managed to make it to Potomac temple in a wheelchair for Gaura Purnima last friday and gave a wonderful class with H.H. Indrayumna Swami. We are realising more and more each day how not only has Gurudeva taught us how to live but is also teaching us all how to die - on the battlefield! One out of many examples of this is a couple of weeks back when we went to give him his emails, we found him appearing to be totally weak, drained and feeling very nauseous. When we suggested that he should maybe leave the emails until the next day he simply smiled, chuckled and said 'no I'll do them now. I want to die on the battlefield!'


Gurudeva went to see the cancer specialists today and also the team dealing with his prosthesis. The cancer specialists just confirmed what we already knew, that there is nothing that can be offered at this stage which is curative but there are measures which can be taken to make the process less painful and uncomfortable.


We will be leaving for Gita Nagari tomorrow and I will keep you updated as things progress.


Gurudeva will be sharing another one of his meditations from Beggar 4 at the Sunday Feast lecture in a couple of days so keep an ear out for this on www.btswami.com on monday evening.


Yours in the Service of Guru and Gauranga


With Love


Your aspiring Servant


Citi-Sakti Devi Dasi

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From Bhakti-Tirtha Swami


Posted Apr. 8, 2005


7th March 2005


Dear Disciples and Well Wishers,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I want to apologize, as I won't be able to travel to visit any of you in your various temples and projects. The cancer is spreading every day. The tumors in my body are also getting larger every day. My main personal caretaker at this time in addressing issues with my body is Dhruva Maharaja Dasa from South Africa. He literally sleeps in the room with me every night.


I am waking up about every hour and a half. I am not able to get up on my own to go to the bathroom, so I have to be wheelchaired into the bathroom. He and Ekavira also have to bathe me each day. In many ways I've become fully an invalid, as some caretakers have to be with me at every moment of the day.


We're seeing externally the tumors are getting bigger, and we can understand that internally the cancer is gradually spreading all over the body with tremendous vigor. Now I'm mainly doing some treatments to try to minimize and dull the pain. At this point I could have weeks or (I’m so stubborn) still a few months. However, I really don't see how the soul will be able to stay in this body for months due to its rapid deterioration.


Even though I'm still giving the classes once a week, which I hope you're all listening to, it has become so hard for me. On Sunday, just driving from Institute House to the temple on the bumpy road in Gita Nagari, I felt like my already cancerous and damaged collar bone was going to fully break. It also felt as if my head and neck were too heavy for my shoulders and chest.


At the same time however, I am dying on the battlefield. Three days ago I did a one-hour live radio show over the telephone, and yesterday morning devotees managed to prop me up and dress me very nicely to make a recording for the Oprah Winfrey show. It seems that we have an angle to share with millions of people around the world who watch the show. Let us see if she picks up on this before I depart.


It doesn't really matter, as the message has already been recorded, as well as the fact that my life has been my message in the rather unique way that I served Srila Prabhupada's mission.


For those who have received formal recommendations, I will start chanting on your beads next week. To save time we have purchased the beads on this side, and once they're chanted on we will send them to you. We will post the new names of the first initiates and a list of the second initiates on www.btswami.com, and they should later be posted on all the other foreign websites.


For those who have been accepted for second initiation, you will have to have a siksa or authority in you area who is a brahmin, to give you the mantra on my behalf (and the thread for men). This authority should explain to you all that is necessary for chanting the mantra.


You will also receive an MP3 (on CD) of a short class I gave to the second initiates in Gita Nagari about chanting Gayatri, but first you must hear the mantra in your right ear from someone in your area who makes a connection with you on my behalf.


Now the question is, Why am I at this time ready to take more disciples when I am leaving in a short time and won't see 99 percent of you again in this lifetime other than if I appear to you via visions, dreams, or sound etc? I have prayed over this, and my initial feelings were that since I cannot physically visit your places, I should just accept it as Krsna's mercy and request you all to take shelter elsewhere.


However, I am feeling that my higher self is now dictating that yes I should encourage you all, even those of you who are already initiated, to find formal siksa with other leaders and devotees. But since most of you are so deeply connected with me in the heart and some even have connected with me from a previous life, I want to do what I can in this short time to connect you with the parampara and to accept your ongoing love and devotion to me, which I then pass on to my own guru.


So I cannot tell you, "No, I will not pass on your dedication and love to Srila Prabhupada," as I must deliver whatever's necessary as his disciple, envoy, and ambassador. Can you imagine in one sense how difficult it is with all the physical complexities I am having, after being such an active person for almost my whole life. None of you can fully imagine how joyful and happy I am about how my impending death has had, and is having, an impact on the international community.


It is not only those in the ISKCON community or those just in the Vaisnava communities but also so many of the people who are connected with nama hattas, workshops, and seminars that I've given in many other pious communities. So when I do finally leave, by the mercy of my guru, perhaps I will be able to return back to the spiritual world with great happiness, knowing that my little service on this planet has pretty much been carried out successfully based on my commission.


So I want all of you now to fully accept that I have left and just see any additional days, weeks, etc. as a special arrangement in bringing last closure to my little efforts to raise global consciousness. I will also begin to nourish my internal life more even though I chose to die active here in the West, on the battlefield. We really cannot join the residents of the spiritual world unless we are ready or have become like them. So you can imagine I've got a whole lot of work to do in a short time.


Don't worry; my books will have more impact after I leave, even though there are already 17 books being translated into 15 different languages. Those who know me closely know that I don't have any serious qualifications in any area, but miracles have always happened around me, even to the point that I began to expect them.


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In other words, there are many things I have somehow been able to do, which I know were far beyond my rational power and influence.


The biography of my life that was written two years ago by a writer and disciple of Jayapataka Swami in Russian will come out in English at some point. I think the biography will increase your faith in Srila Prabhupada more. Just as the life of so many of our senior devotees, when fully shared, will show how they were brought to this mission so miraculously, what to say of their many awesome accomplishments. They are the real heroes.


The difference between me and them is that I was always upfront and often announcing or informing the Vaisnava community of some of my achievements. I've always been spoiled, and I've always found ways to get love and distribute love. Just look at my situation now. I will not and cannot die quietly. I will be receiving love and affection until I take my last breath. Thank you all so much for your love.


Yes, I continue to repeat, "I am blessed by the best and will never settle for anything less, and I'm just waiting to pass a few more tests." But I'll only be able to pass these last tests as you send more of your love and as you show more determination to do more on your own part in making sacrifices for others. I will live on in such a wonderful way through my disciples, especially those rare disciples who will be "love in action" as they interact as sweet sadhus in their various communities.


What a wonderful life I've had, and what a wonderful death I'm approaching! So I request that upon reading this letter you intellectually accept that the entity you knew in this present and physical form is eternal but has already departed. I will not be personally answering any more emails from disciples. If you send an email to me there's a chance that it'll be read to me and some of my caretakers will answer on my behalf.


I will of course be answering emails from my Godbrothers, Godsisters, leaders from other traditions who are in touch with me and those connected with the Harinama press work in different countries.


The next four books that will come out—Beggar 4 - Die before Dying, which will be ready in three weeks; Spiritual Warrior 6, a book on terrorism, war, fanaticism, sectarianism, and the peace solution; Reflections 5, 64 Principles for Developing a Sound Vaisnava Community by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur; my little book on aparadhas; and then my last book on surrender—will all basically conclude the major messages that I wanted to share in helping to bring about some national and international transformation.


Some of the things that I have done in this lifetime, I have done in previous lives. So some things were just destined to happen in certain ways. Even the minority body that I've appeared in in this lifetime has been given as a special asset for my services. I had a lot of fun, I raised a lot of hell, and oops... I will keep doing it until the helpers who come for me tell me, "Maharaja, you no longer have to deal with negativities. Your work now is all blissful loving service."


Next time when they come I will not procrastinate. Everything that needed to be said by me or done by me has all been done. Can you believe, I've even helped pick out my own samadhi and all the stuff that comes with it? I want even the arrangements for my remains to be upbeat.


What can I say? I am outrageous as a Godbrother, as a member of my biological family, as a disciple and as a spiritual master. Maybe Lord Nityananda and some of his cowherd boys gave me kick in the head as I was leaving home : )


So what can I do? I refuse to take all the blame for my outrageousness. When the full biography comes out and when some of you later visit the museum that’s being set up and you see all the outrageous clothes, crowns, canes, and volumes of books that I used as references, you will realize that it's amazing how I appeared to be as sane as I did. But I guess there's some value in being insane in a world where the norms are downright expressions of insanity.


So no time to waste. Just keep sending the love. Yes, I know you love me, but I love you all three times as much. I will find some ways to show you this even more after I have departed.


Yours in Srila Prabhupada's Service

With Love,

Previously known as John Favours, Ghanasyama, Swami Krsnapada,


Bhakti Tirtha Swami.


© dipika.org Apr. 8, 2005

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  • 2 weeks later...





Posted Apr. 20, 2005


Dear Maharajas, Prabhus, and Disciples,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am like the groundhog that lives in the ground and every now and then pokes his head out of the ground. I am like the guy who's being stubborn about death, who every now and then sticks his head out (just like the groundhog) and tries to share something.


I've had so many realizations in these last few months, and there is no fun in trying to keep them to myself. For instance, every time a Godbrother or Godsister came to visit me, I would pray to Srila Prabhupada to allow me to say something to help inspire that devotee in the continuation of his or her services. In cases where Srila Prabhupada revealed an issue to me that the devotee needed to work on, I would try to offer some (hopefully) humble advice.


I learnt so much from all the devotees that came, and they're still writing to me. Hopefully, I shared something that helped them in various ways. Now that I am getting closer to death, I am beginning to look closer at my whole life. I see a pattern, as I was always praying to be forced by Srila Prabhupada to do what was necessary in his service. I can see that I was forced by so much mercy.


As a matter of fact, the very last time I met Srila Prabhupada was when he came to England and he was on his way to Gita-Nagari. I was distributing his books in the then communist countries at that time. Most of you know the story. When he heard I was there, he immediately had Upendra and His Holiness Tamal Krsna Maharaja bring me in to see him. His Grace Krsna Ksetra prabhu and a Hungarian Swami (who later left his body in a car accident) came in with me.


Srila Prabhupada motioned for me to come closer to the table where he was sitting. I came closer, and he then motioned for me to come around his table. At that point he started rubbing my head, and with tears in his eyes, he embraced me and said, "Your life is successful."


We spoke a few words more together, but the main thing I remember is I said, "Srila Prabhupada, if there is anything I have done to please you, it is because you have forced me."


Even in his weak state his eyes got big and he said, "Yes! Just as my Guru Maharaja forced me, I have forced you, and this is how the parampara system goes on."


So this is the essence of my first realization: that we want to be forced by the spiritual master. Our own intelligence, realizations, and conceptions will always have some imperfections, but as we position ourselves to be forced, even though we may have some temporary setbacks, confusion, and issues and make mistakes, we will be pushed forward or even pulled forward in such a way that ultimately we will stay on track.


I was always confused about what Srila Prabhupada meant when he said that my life was successful. After all, I was, and perhaps even now am, full of gross and subtle attachments. I have never heard Krishna's ankle bells, nor have I heard His flute, although, like many of you, in special moments, I have been given special darsanas.


I feel I have received quite a share of special darsanas, even where once Sanatana and Jiva Goswamis introduced me to Lord Chaitanya for a moment. Anyway, my point is not to talk about these kinds of darsanas.


The point is, What did Srila Prabhupada mean by that statement? It is only in the last few weeks that I have fully understood it. Let me share this with you. The nature of my own sadhana and the status of my adhikara are such that I would never have the qualifications to go back to Godhead for —who knows?— maybe hundreds and thousands of years.


But, you see for months, thousands of you have been praying for me, thinking of me, and sending me intense love. Therefore it is all of you who have given me a status far beyond my qualification. Everything has been arranged for me to go back to the spiritual world after I give up this body. How is this happening? First by the unlimited mercy of Srila Prabhupada and also by the mercy of all of you.


So it seems that when he embraced me and said, "Your life is successful," what he was really saying was, "Because I have given special mercy to you, you will have a glorious death."


After all what is life for a Vaisnava other than to leave the body successfully? So, I am indebted to all of you because it is by the mercy of all of you that a candala like me is receiving such blessings. Krishna responds to the prayers of his devotees, and most of you prayed for me to stay even though I asked you not to. My understanding is that those prayers were accepted for something even higher.


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Can you imagine how joyful I am, and yet at the same time how sad I am, for so few devotees, or people, are likely to get this kind of sendoff? But it doesn't have to be that way. For instance, we should try to see how to facilitate the devotees with the least status in our society.


Wouldn't it be amazing if every time a devotee left his or her body, practically the whole Vaisnava community around the world would send their love? Eventually it should come to this. You see, every time a devotee leaves, it is a special entity who has given his or her life along with each of us giving our lives to raise the consciousness on the planet. It is such a graduation that it should be natural that all or as many as possible should celebrate this graduation.


Even a few years ago, when I had the first operation on my prostate, devotees around the world prayed for me at that time also. So even then the prayers did not lead to a successful operation. The initial success was that there were no complications, but six months later the same problem came back.


Then years later, when I got the cancer, new problems came forth and the old prostate problem joined the team and got worse. Both cases are so unusual. So many prayers were directed for a successful operation, and the majority of the prayers were so that I could be allowed to stay on the planet for longer. Of course those who prayed that whatever the desire of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada was should happen—we can say that either your prayers were stronger or that all of your prayers were strong but weren't so much for the strength or rejuvenation of the physical body, but were to give love, strength, and protection to my consciousness.


This is why I send out this message today. I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to the entire Vaisnava community, my family, well-wishers, and members of other-faith communities that I have had an impact on. Whilst seemingly your prayers are focusing on my rapidly deteriorating body, your prayers have done something much more wonderful. You have given strength, protection, and nourishment to my soul.


Actually I am amazed at how the soul is still tolerating the physical me. I am sure that the soul is also waiting for me to stop poking my head up like a groundhog and finally lie down and give up the body. This, I am ready to do. After all, I am somewhat torturing myself by staying longer in this body.


There are still a few more of you I think I can help. This is not arrogance. Tthis is due to the powerful nature of how we are all connected by Srila Prabhupada's mercy. It is simply that right now Srila Prabhupada is using me (as he will use all of us) to send certain messages of comfort, perseverance, and determination, to so many of his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, who he loves so dearly.


Now I think you can all understand my mantra a little better: "I am blessed by the best, I will not settle for anything less, and I am now preparing to pass the final test."


You are the best, and you have blessed me. I am not ready to settle for anything less than your wonderful prayers and love. So as I keep repeating this mantra, I want you to keep continuing to pray for me and bless me on, as I have to deal with the final test of departure.


Yours in Srila Prabhupada's Service,


With Love,

Bhakti Tirtha Swami


© dipika.org Apr. 20, 2005


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23/04/05, Bhakti-Tirtha Swami sets the stage for his final offering




Dear Maharajas, Prabhus and disciples


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


This is probably the penultimate special message of wisdom from the ground hog aka the beggar aka spiritual warrior. So let this prepare you for the ultimate message. (smile) You can see that this kind of communication that I am doing must actually come to a stop. Firstly because it is natural, for I definitely have to get out of this body sometime in the near future, but also because if I am not careful, this sort of communication could become my biggest failure. Just consider how every time I send out some of these messages, so many nice devotees all around the world write and call and offer me kindness and praise.


Yes, this is wonderful but can you see all the danger in this? One of Maya’s most special tricks is to get the devotee who has acquired some little achievement to start thinking, ‘just see, I am an advanced devotee.’ For instance, if I’m not careful and if I let myself start thinking in this way, then when the helpers come to take me out of the body they’ll take me straight to Brahmaloka or some place of this nature. They’ll say, ‘this was your final test and you accepted certain adoration and glorification as your own, therefore go ahead and enjoy now for 311 trillion years managing your own planet or universe.’ Isn’t Maya just so tricky? (Smile)


When Vasudeva the leper was healed by Krishna he prayed very intensely ‘please do not let me become proud’. When the great devotee Madhavendra Puri was called out by the pujari and the deity Ksira-Cora Gopinatha he was so eager to avoid praise. We’ve never heard of devotees like Narottama Dasa Thakur, Bhaktivinode Thakur or our Srila Prabhupada (we can go on and on and on), being in a mood of arrogance. They were constantly writing and praying, addressing how they do not have love of God and how they are unqualified in so many areas etc. Anyway, what I’m writing now is for my own edification and purification and maybe for yours as well. Devotees like me, in one sense have no qualification in practically any area but have received blessings by causeless mercy. However, pride manifesting as pratistha (a desire for fame) is a serious enemy.


When I had my amputation I offered up a sacrifice. I offered that a substantial quantity of pain that some of the women, children, elders, brahmins, and cows etc in our movement had suffered, could be absorbed in my extremely deteriorated leg and that when the leg was amputated, as it was thrown away from my own body, that there would also be some elimination of this unhealthy karma from the body of our institution. So now today in a similar spirit I want to offer in sacrifice all the rest of what remains with this body. In other words, I fully want to present myself to the Lord in the mood of Saranagati – full surrender. ‘Thy will be done, so please use me in this last way to make an ultimate sacrifice for those devotees, saints and sadhus who are having seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their own spiritual journey.’ I would like to also make it specific, particularly focusing on forgiveness.


The duty of a brahmana is to culture the quality of forgiveness, which is illuminating like the sun. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is pleased with those who are forgiving. (SB 9.15.40)


All of us have so many people who we’ve interacted with who have hurt us in different ways. Just to exist, or to be engaged in any type of relationship means we’re going to be hurt by someone and we’re going to hurt someone. We all have people who we need to forgive and there are so many people who need to forgive us. Sometimes the person we have the greatest difficulty forgiving is ourselves. Why am I bringing up forgiveness and resentment? Because I am noticing that it is a very serious issue. I am especially sending this message out to those children who’ve been abused. In the USA for example, the statistics show that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys have been sexually abused and unfortunately most of these kinds of abuse are done by the people who are actually supposed to be their protectors or overseers etc. So this is a global problem of people being abused and hurt by their fathers, uncles, brothers, mothers, sisters, Doctors, counsellors and all other types of mentors. In other words this is so unfortunate and is never to be justified, but it has gone on everywhere on this planet. And surely each institution, community and family must find more ways to minimise so much of the suffering that people are experiencing through these abuses and traumas. Some may say what right do I have to ask others to forgive, but I can assure you that by being born in a minority body, (without the active presence of my father) and going through all the ranks of ISKCON, I surely have my history of all kinds of abuses. Let’s get right to the point.


A) Forgiveness does not mean:


i) That what happened to you was your fault


ii) It doesn’t mean that you allow those who hurt you or any others to continue the abuse


iii) It doesn’t even mean that you have to forget as sometimes we have to remember the past so that it doesn’t repeat itself and often we have to learn from the past while we look and plan for the future.


iv) That what happened as horrible as it was, really wasn’t so bad after all


B) Forgiveness does mean:


i) That you stop allowing whoever hurt you so much to continue to daily hurt you by carrying this around in your mind everyday and therefore being attacked, disappointed and hurt everyday again and again.


ii) That you now live for the present and the future and you stop bringing a wounded you into all of your present encounters. It is not right for you to hurt yourself or those who come around you, who you really want to give your greatest love, attention and full presence to. But when you do not forgive you keep dropping a wounded you on others day after day.


iii) That you’re ready to stop giving up, denying your power everyday and being so faithless, for Krishna can use us and help us in so many ways if we do not keep shutting ourselves down with resentment.


iv) That in spite of whatever else may be happening you are ready to keep looking for and accepting Krishna’s mercy which cannot happen without accessing a deeper level of compassion and sensitivity ourselves. Isn’t is true that the greatest achievers have had to deal with the greatest obstacles, and in some cases they particularly turned their obstacles into opportunities


C) When we do not forgive



i) It is like carrying around in your hand a bunch of hot coals and waiting for a chance to throw them at the person who hurt you. But look how you burnt you own hand waiting for the opportunity. In essence forgiveness actually does more for your own well being than for another


ii) We have to ask ourselves how much suffering do those who hurt us the most have to undergo before we can release them? Must they be run over by 10 trains, chopped in to a hundred pieces or even eaten up by a pack of lions?


Let’s just be honest, if we look at the lives of all the great personalities in our sastra we will see the amazing ways in which they forgave. If any of you have time, I gave a course in Mayapur in 2003 on forgiving those who hurt you the most and we talked about over 40 or so great personalities in our Vaisnava history and examined what we learnt from the amazing ways they forgave. So the groundhog aka the beggar aka spiritual warrior is praying that the ultimate sacrifice he makes in having to walk away from his body will act somewhat as a catalyst for helping us all to look closer at resentment and forgiveness. The sad thing is that most of the time we’re prone to think that we have already forgiven others. It can be a gradual process which has many levels. For example, think of the person who has hurt you the most, and now think of all the most wonderful things you can imagine happening to this person. If you are very uncomfortable with this, or if you feel too angry or uneasy hearing or seeing them, then more than likely you haven’t released this person from your consciousness. Remember that to see a Vaisnava and not be happy is an offence. (Skanda Purana)


So that this beggar does not engender pride thinking that he has some special sacrifice to make or some very special wisdom to offer he will try to particularly use some of these points to look deeper at the subtleties in his own consciousness. Hopefully if you listen to the seminar on forgiveness, the wonderful pastimes about our great acaryas and how they forgave and the amazing honest sharing amongst the seminar participants, it will help you to help yourself to help others.


Yours in Srila Prabhupada’s Service With Love Bhakti-Tirtha Swami




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Dear Beloved Devotees:


Please accept our humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to H.H. Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja.


Please accept our apologies for not keeping you updated; however from now on, we will update you once a week.


Because it had been raining, the weather was cold, and the Institute House is simply too small to accommodate many devotees, Gurudeva asked to be driven to the Temple on Sunday to give the afternoon class in spite of his extremely delicate physical condition and in spite of many requests that he not do so. Fortunately, the roads were somewhat repaired to reduce Gurudeva's physical discomfort.


At the Temple, Gurudeva gave a beautiful class, along with H.H. Candramauli Swami and H.H. Kavicandra Swami. Gurudeva read his prayer, "Live Until Dying" and spoke of devotees in sastra who are immortal (ciran jivas) and of pastimes in which a devotee was brought back from death (mrta sanjivani); he also mentioned two other categories: those who remember their previous lives and those who can determine the time of their own death. Gurudeva didn't speak for very long and towards the end, seemed to experience shortness of breath. As Gurudeva was carried back to the car, a godsister of his sang softly and sweetly. Gurudeva's act of love for the devotees left many of us feeling quite emotional.


Gurudeva has grown increasingly internal and devotees are working hard to minimize noise and disturbances to facilitate Gurudeva's needs at this time. Gurudeva spends quite a lot of time hearing and viewing Vrindavana pastimes and parikramas from various devotees. Personal visits and telephone calls have been greatly reduced as these are so tiring for him; however, he keeps in contact with Godsiblings through emails, which he has read to him once a day.


Gurudeva had been receiving radiation treatments daily at a nearby hospital; however, after weighing out the pros and cons of this treatment, Gurudeva decided to stop it altogether.


His eating is steadily decreasing, and he follows a strict diet to minimize undesirable symptoms; his many cooks have been successfully employing their creativity to cook diverse preparations with the few permissible ingredients. Devotees staying at the Temple have also had chances to clean the Institute House and a few experienced devotees have even gotten to massage Gurudeva, a crucial service at this time.


Thank to Maryland/DC devotees (and others) who have been so generously donating bhoga, supplements, and other needed items. Thanks to all devotees who have so lovingly cared for the caregivers and to those Maryland devotees who cooked a sumptuous Sunday feast. We are also so grateful to the Gita-nagari devotees who have been so warmly caring for and accommodating many guests and visitors.


Hare Krishna.


Your servants,

Caretakers of H.H. Bhakti-tirtha Swami




My path is very difficult. I am blind, and my feet are slipping again and again. Therefore, may the saints help me by granting me the stick of their mercy as my support.


- Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami


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By Citi-Sakti Devi Dasi

Posted April 30, 2005


Dear Maharajas and Prabhus


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Harinama Press is glad to announce the early printing of The Beggar IV: Die before Dying by H. H. Bhakti-Tirtha Swami. The book comes off the press in one week so please put in your orders now. The book costs $12.95 soft bound. Please send your orders to both of the following persons: egmurari@aol.com and devacor@aol.com . Below are excerpts from the foreword by H. H. Radhanatha Swami, the Introduction by H. H. Sacinandana Swami and the Epilogue by H. G. Bhurijana prabhu.


‘In this book, Beggar IV: Die before Dying, Bhakti Tirtha Swami lovingly shares his heart with us. He addresses the fears, struggles and pains of facing imminent death. His honesty and faith will surely enlighten the minds and melt the hearts of the readers. With humility, gratitude and joy he teaches us a way to welcome the loving hand of God. Let us carefully ponder the contents of this valuable treasure house of realizations.’


— Excerpt from the foreword by His Holiness Radhanatha Swami



‘As I am writing this, I feel in my heart mixed emotions of gratitude, admiration and love extending to our blessed Swami. Bhakti Tirtha Swami has always been an example and also challenge for me – a challenge for growth. I am one of the millions of people on this planet whose life has been permanently uplifted by him, and somehow I intuitively feel sure that whatever happens, we will meet again – either in this body or beyond, because ultimately no one dies. The soul is eternal, full of bliss and knowledge.’


— Excerpt from the introduction by His Holiness Sacinandana Swami



‘Thank you Maharaja for awarding me, a reader, transparent access to you, Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja the person, a brave and devoted soul as you face that which no one wishes to face – your own death. I will miss you Maharaja, and I pray to remain in remembrance of you by keeping this book with me as a companion.’


— Excerpt from the epilogue by His Grace Bhurijana Dasa Adhikari


Your aspiring servant

Citi-Sakti Devi Dasi

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Region Old Name New Name Meaning

Belgium Bhakta Otto Atul-Krsna Dasa Servant of Krsna who has no equal


Belgium Bhaktin Patty Pati-prana devi dasi Servant of she who is the life air of her husband, Radha



Bosnia Bhakta Miroslave Matr-Stuta Dasa Servant of One whose mother offered prayers to him after Damodara Lila, Krsna


Bosnia Bhakta Miroslav Gojkovic Murari Hari Dasa Servant of Krsna the killer of the Mura demon


Bulgaria Bhakta Paul Pundarika Vidyanidhi Dasa Servant of an associate of Lord Chaitanya


Bulgaria Bhaktin Joanna Janaki devi dasi Servant of Sita Devi, daughter of Janaka


Croatia Bhaktin Ana Mihalinec Adi-Gopi Devi Dasi servant of the original Gopi, Radharani



Croatia Bhakta Tomislav Begonja Tulasi-natha Dasa servant of the Lord of Tulasi


Croatia Bhakta Mirko Pukl Mrtyu Mrtyu Dasa Servant of the death of Deaths, name of Nrsimha



Croatia Bhaktin Blanka Pukl Bhavatarini devi dasi Prabhupada’s sister, Pisima’s initiated name



Croatia Bhaktin Dijana Dukha-Hantri Devi Dasi Servant of the remover of Suffering, name for Radharani


Croatia Bhakta Marijan Mahananda Dasa Servant of one of Krishna’s flutes


Croatia Bhaktin Ivana Kamala Sundari devi dasi Servant of the beautiful lotus like lady, Radharani


Germany Bhaktin Margareta Manini Devi Dasi Servant of Radha who has jealous anger for Krsna


Holland Bhakta Radjinderpersad Khusial Rudha-bhava Dasa servant of the love of the gopis


Hungary Bhakta Istvan Indrabhata Dasa Servant of an elder cowherd boyfriend of Krsna


Hungary Bhaktin Evi Isvari devi dasi name of Radha, meaning the controller, also name of the wife of Srinivasa Acarya


Ireland Bhaktin Varinia Veda-priya devi dasi Servant of she who is dear to the vedas


Poland Bayapaha Devi Dasi Braja-Sundari Devi Dasi Servant of the beautiful girl of Braja, Radharani


Serbia Bahulasva Dasa Braja-Mandala Dasa Servant of the Area of Braja


Serbia Vasvananta Dasa Vaisnava Dasa Servant of the devotees of Krsna


Serbia Bhaktin Jelena Hari-Vallabha Devi Dasi Servant of the lover of Hari


Spain Bhaktin Anita Atma-Kandrita Devi Dasi Servant of She who is purely self-centred, name for Radha


UK Bhakta Kasavan Govender Kamsa-Moha Dasa Servant of the frustration of Krsna


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04/05/05, Update from the caregivers of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj



Dear Beloved Devotees:


Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to H.H. Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja.


Once again, Gurudeva asked to be driven to the Temple last Sunday because of the possibility of rain. Last Sunday, as in previous weeks, Godsiblings, disciples, and well-wishers from across the country come to hear from Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja, many of whom he had not seen in several years. Many of these devotees lined up outside of the Temple to greet Gurudeva, eagerly awaiting a chance to carry him up the Temple steps in his wheelchair.


Guru Maharaja began the class enthusiastically chanting, "Jaya Jaya Radhe Jaya Jaya Shyama Jaya Jaya Sri Vrindavana Dhama and Jaya Jaya Radhe Jaya Jaya Shyama Jaya Jaya Sri Gita-nagari DhamaI" Devotees were shocked by the energy with which he sang and spoke. It was a powerful lecture; Gurudeva read his prayer, "We Bid Each Other Farewell to Go Deeper" and gave a full length class (including time for questions) to a full Temple room of devotees. His voice was strong; however, his body was and still is extremely weak and causing great discomfort.


Gurudeva spends each day chanting, listening to parikrama lectures, and answering a few emails from Godbrothers/sisters; occasionally, someone may get the opportunity to read to him. Even though Gurudeva is not so available to meet with devotees, a few guests including H.H. Guru Prasad Maharaja and H.H. Jaya Advaita Maharaja visited Gita-nagari, enlivening residents and guests with their association and with Srimad Bhagavatam Class.


Additionally, Sangita Mataji, Gurudeva's godsister and a hospice nurse, visited for two days and gave the caregivers tips and advice on caring for Maharaja's physical needs. Her wealth of knowledge and experience is extremely valuable. We are most grateful to her for coming and for her continued availability and care.


On a scale from one to ten, Gurudeva's bodily discomfort is about nine; the tumors are increasing in size and spreading to various parts of the body and thus, he is unable to walk, sit or lie for any long period of time. Ekavira. Dhruva, and Brahma Muhurta Prabhus reposition Gurudeva sometimes every hour throughout the night to minimize bedsores and breaking of the skin.


Although this may be difficult for many of us, Gurudeva is requesting devotees to assist with his departure by understanding that Srila Prabhupada is calling him and that he is also ready to join Srila Prabhupada.


Additionally, Maharaja is requesting us to cultivate a deeper relationship with his vani (instructions) instead of holding on to his vapu (form). He requests that devotees please stop praying for him to remain in this world.


Thank you all for your continued support. We will do our best to keep you informed.


Hare Krishna.


Your indebted servants,

Caregivers of H.H. Bhakti-tirtha Swami


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by Bhakti Tirtha Swami



Posted May 9, 2005


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


(May 8, 2005) This is the final letter that I will be sending out. Our movement is like a young adult. There are many things that everyone experiences -- individuals as well as institutions -- that are part of the maturation process. As we grow, we also have to deal with growth pains. Often, after these growth pains, we experience the greatest benefits from our struggles, just like a mother who is pregnant and who is bringing forth children. Each time before she gives birth she has to deal with almost unbearable challenges.So we as an institution have experienced so many birth pains and challenges especially each time there is opportunity for major acceleration. Sometimes some of these tests institutionally and individually have heavily bewildered us, seriously wounded us and, unfortunately, sometimes temporarily destroyed us. But we all know that there cannot be serious growth and advancement without austerity.Prabhupada explains in the Bhagavatam that an easy life and Krishna consciousness go ill together.


Each of us has our own battle of Kuruksetra that we have to deal with. In any battlefield situation one can be victorious or one can be a failure; however, even when one is a failure, it can be used to come back stronger at a later time.In a battlefield situation one is in the most dangerous environments where the most gruesome as well as the most noble things take place, but with good association the individual has more guarantee to be successful.We have been offered the very best strategy and association by our wonderful acaryas, so really if we become failures it is ultimately our own fault.If we keep in good association, even our temporary defeats will remind us but not define us. From these setbacks we should individually as well as collectively become stronger and hopefully wiser and more unified. At the end of the day, all we really have is each other.Ultimately a genuine family is eager to see how to help each other; they share in the defeats and they share in the successes, especially since devotees are para dukha dukhi.


So many of us have been pioneers. Pioneers naturally make sacrifices for future generations, but ultimately they establish the foundation.The special mercy is all that we did is in our spiritual bank accounts.I have personally noticed that many devotees build up their spiritual investments and when it is almost time for them to benefit from their credits, i.e. to receive empowerment and to accelerate by leaps and bounds in their consciousness, Maya finds a way to trick them so that they become unaware or unable to benefit from what is available at the right time. These kinds of tests bring a person to tremendous crossroads.


At a crossroad we can take the path of success; more profound selfless devotion, offering oneself more intensely than ever before to Guru and to Krishna or, we can choose the path of selfishness, with all kinds of subtle attachments that will lead to downfall. My realization is that without sufficient humility and high quality association, many people will take the path of temporary failure. It seems that several of the recent serious fall downs in big places are connected with four major factors: aparadhas, a lack of humility, a lack of quality association and a lack of understanding of some of the dynamics of advancement (some of the great-dark-night-of-the-soul challenges).As more of us raise the quality of our own consciousness, this will lead to consistent manifestations of deeper purity and we will have a greater impact on the environment. Just as Maya is contagious, authentic Bhakti is contagious.


I have made many mistakes in my devotional career especially in the area of being more sensitive to devotees needs.I feel I was given a special service in Srila Prabhupada's mission to help the devotees to look closer at how to rise above anartha nivrtti. A lot of my focus in preaching was to care for and to help the devotees as best as I could, especially to help them to recognise their stagnations while they simultaneously develop the faith and technologies of how to be less and less distracted.I also feel that I was given a few special privileges and lots of help in addressing a small part of Srila Prabhupada's mission on how to solve material problems with spiritual solutions.


This required a certain style of presentation. It wasn't so much that I sacrificed developing external sadhu qualities, but I think it had more to do with some of the ways I needed to function to go in like a needle and come out like an elephant.After all, it was these kinds of services, creative sankirtana, which constantly got me Srila Prabhupada's favour when he was on the planet.


This was one of the reasons I chose to leave my body in the west on the battlefield.Another reason was that I realized if a few more of the senior leaders left their bodies where there are major projects, this would play a significant role in helping to develop and secure those projects, what to speak of reminding ourselves that so much of Srila Prabhupada's success was in establishing holy dhamas all around the world. Since the scriptural injunction states that one should always desire to live in the holy dhamas and one should leave one's body in the holy dhamas, we should understand that yes, it is physical, but more importantly it is a state of consciousness.


We should never minimize the sacredness and the benefit of leaving our bodies in the holy dhama.So many wonderful special helpers are there in the holy dhamas to assist one with their transition.By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada all kinds of help for the devotee is arranged.I have shared with many of you that even when we think we are doing our best, it is still so insignificant, and by the mercy of Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and their many helpers, they will maintain what we have and supply, big time, what we are lacking. By the mercy of all of you, there are indications that I may be on my way back to the spiritual world in perhaps one or two weeks, and I may also be able to continue to have some influence here to assist the mission.


I want to offer my apologies to all of you that I have offended, especially due to my often radical and unorthodox nature.I want to thank you so much for helping my life to be successful by allowing me in my own small way to offer myself up in sacrifice, somewhat in the mood of Vasudeva Datta to try to be the servant of the servant.Only by your constant prayers and the constant forcing of Srila Prabhupada in keeping me somewhat focused was I able to pass the final test. So I leave with you my funny mantra with its different variations. "We are all spiritual warriors, who are blessed by the best, and we have a duty to reach out more to help each other to pass their test."In order to successfully deal with the pains of maturation, the birth pains, and our own battle of Kuruksetra, all of us really need more of each others protection, and that protection manifests more profoundly in how we allow ourselves to be conduits for Krishna's and Srila Prabhupada's mercy.


This experience of leaving the body is frightening and scary at times, full of surprises, pain, and inconveniences, but I also understand that so much of my suffering is just a token due to Srila Prabhupada's mercy.When I look at all the people that Srila Prabhupada used me to assist in various ways, all of the inconveniences and suffering are surely worth it.So I will now go ahead and join some of those who have already left and help them in making arrangements for so many of you.Isn't this powerful, global, inter-planetary family we have so wonderful?


Lastly, let me say to my biological family: I want to thank all of you for allowing me to take birth in your family so I could hide out a little bit and do the special work that I was sent here to do in connection with previous lifetimes.


There should not be much ambiguity after my departure, as many things have been spoken or written down -- for example, how my disciples and well-wishers should continue with various projects. Later there will be a posting of whom to contact when one sends in an application for a health grant. The grants will be in gifts of one thousand to three thousand dollars for each legitimate request as long as the money is available.This amount is insignificant, but it is just a token from me in an effort to use money that was sent from around the world to cover the cost of my health expenses.It is one way that I want to bring more attention to the fact that it is not just the leaders who should receive so much support, but each dedicated sadhu should be able to look forward to various support systems kicking in for him or her more and more in the future.


When we think more about others' welfare, Krishna will hear our prayers. He will help us to find more and better ways to do our part in serving our own communities as well as serving the world.We are not Salvationists; we do not want to just give assistance and love only to those of our same faith.We don't want to be pseudo-spiritualists who just want to facilitate their own kind.We want to be active agents for global consciousness-raising.I love you all and will find even more ways to show it after I leave this body.


Yours in Srila Prabhupada's Service,

With Love

Bhakti Tirtha Swami


P.S.: I want to thank all the wonderful Doctors, nurses, health practitioners and other caretakers who assisted me throughout my sickness so nicely.Although you may not have been able to cure me of the disease, you surely healed me with your expert care and love.



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Dear devotees, friends and well wishers,


Please accept our most humble obeisance.

All glories to Srila Bhakti Tirtha Swami our beloved Guru Maharaja.

All glories to ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada.


On behalf of all the caregivers, Ekavira Prabhu and I would like to thank all of you for your love and support. Presently, our Guru Maharaja is extremely weak and tired most of the time; however, his voice is still quite strong. Each day we are reminded of the wonderful pastime of Bhismadeva in the Mahabharata; as he laid on a bed of arrows, he continued to inspire those great souls who came to see him by sharing words of wisdom. Although Gurudeva's body is almost totally broken down, he is still inspiring devotees all over the world.


Presently we do not have a timeline to share regarding when Gurudeva will leave his body; however, we do want to share a brief summary of the departure program.


We will start the program depending on the time that Gurudeva leaves his body.


Devotees in the United States will be notified immediately via automated voice message, the BTSwami List, and btswami.com (and are thus invited to come to Gita-nagari immediately); devotees elsewhere will be notified via the BTSwami List and btswami.com.


When Gurudeva leaves, his body will be bathed, dressed, and samadhi mantras will be placed on his chest; H.H Radhanatha Maharaja and a few other devotees will perform this rite.


During the bathing and dressing rites, devotees will chant soft bhajans at Gurudeva's house.


Next, Gurudeva will be carried on a palanquin through the woods to the Temple, accompanied by a procession of devotees performing kirtan.


When the devotees arrive at the Temple, Gurudeva's body will be brought before Srila Prabhupada and offered Srila Prabhupada's maha garland and candan.


Next, Gurudeva's body he will be brought before Sri Sri Radha Damodara, where the pujari wlll place a maha garland on Gurudeva.


The palanquin and Guru Maharaja's body will then be placed on a specially made bed in front of the Deities.


Simple puja will then be performed, followed by puspanjali and maha-arati; during maha-arati, Gurvastikam, and Guruvandanam, devotees can offer garlands and flowers to Gurudeva's body; after the arati is completed, devotees may circumambulate Gurudeva's body.


**Please bring flower garlands and flowers with you to be offered to Guru Maharaja.**


Flower garlands will be removed from Guru Maharaja's body before being taken to the crematorium; the flower garlands will be saved for the puspa samadhi. Three devotees will accompany Gurudeva's body to the crematorium.


On the weekend following Gurudeva's departure, a short program will include: a feast in honor of Gurudeva, memory katha, and the ground breaking ceremony for the Samadhi Mandir.


In two to three months, an extended festival will be held to commemorate the opening of the Puspa Samadhi Mandir in Gita-nagari.


Gurudeva's ashes will be taken to Sri Mayapura Dhama to be placed in samadhi. The main festival will be held at the opening of the Samadhi in Mayapura.


If you have questions please write to Brahma Muhurta (b@brahmamuhurta.com), Vrajalila (Vrajalila.bts@pamho.net), or Cintamani (jparks@acsworld.com).


Your aspiring servants with love,

Ekavira, Vrajalila, and Brahma Muhurta




The following is further explanation of the above from Brahma Muhurta Prabhu:


Dear Devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja. All glories to ISKCON founder-acarya Srila Prabhupada.


After the departure program of our beloved Spiritual Master was posted, the question regarding the legitimacy of cremating the Spiritual Master or a sannyasi, has become a topic of discussion on message boards, in telephone conversations, and in personal communications. The focus of these discussions is specifically in relationship to the samadhi rites of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja. Given that I was asked by Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja to do the preliminary research in Mayapura and to oversee his final rites; I have been asked to address this question.


Most of my research was conducted under the guidance of Srila Bhakti-vidya-purna Swami Maharaja in Sridhama Mayapura, who is one of the foremost authorities on samskaras, rituals, and vedic culture in ISKCON; additionally, he has supervised the translations and publications of several books on this matter.


While conducting this research, both Maharaja and I realized that because spiritual masters and/or sannyasis did not traditionally depart in the West, there was not much precedence or clear way of performing these rites. One main dilemma was the burial. When a sannyasi passes, he is generally placed in a deep pit and covered with salt; afterwards, a monument (the samadhi) is built above the pit . In India, this is usually done with little or no threat to legality or future security of the site; however, in the U.S.A., this is not so simple. Burial laws vary from state to state and there are many. One must follow different local laws and detailed procedures. Gita-nagari still has an outstanding mortgage and the land is technically owned by the bank. Our research has shown that it is not advisable, neither is it permissible (Gita-nagari does not have local authorization for a cemetery site) to have a burial on land that is not privately owned.


After careful research, contemplation, and lengthy discussions with Srila Bhakti-vidya-purna Swami Maharaja and full agreement by Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja it was concluded that we cremate Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja's body and bring his ashes to Mayapura to be put into samadhi.


Now the question comes up of whether or not cremating a sannyasi or spiritual master is a bona fide practice; many are quite aware that Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami (citing smrti sastras in his Hari-bhakti-vilasa) specifically mentions that sannyasis and spiritual masters are eligible for "full body" samadhi and thus conclude that these personalities cannot be or should not be cremated. One point that should be emphasized: "full body" samadhi is an option for these personalities, but it is not absolute and mandatory. In his handbook for those in the renounced order, Samskara-dipika, which was translated and printed by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, republished by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and is used by all Gaudiya Vaishnavas. Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami gives instruction on the burial:


The body may be placed in tirtha water or in a hole in the earth, which should be one step larger than the height of the person.[Alternatively] If the body has been burnt, the ashes or bones should be taken to a holy tirtha and there placed in earth.


Srila Goswami Maharaja gives this instruction verifying that at the time of Samskara-dipika's compilation, cremation was common--so much so that he included instructions regarding cremation of sannyasis and spiritual masters in his authoritative text.


To support his suggestion of cremation due to time, place, and circumstance, Srila Bhakti-vidya-purna Swami Maharaja related that Srila Jiva Goswami cremated a Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja, Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami and Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami to avoid desecration by the Muslim invaders. In our more recent Vaishnava history, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was also cremated and his ashes were sent from Jagannatha Puri (were he departed) to Mayapura to be put into samadhi some months after he departed. Thus, it is clear that the bodies of acaryas in our own line were indeed cremated in the past.


Another common question that may need to be addressed is: Why should his ashes go to Mayapura and not remain in Gita-nagari? The first and foremost answer to this, and to any other procedural question is, this is the desire of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja. Although Maharaja is quite weak he has been personally involved with all of these arrangements; from picking out and approving his own urn to the spot of his puspa samadhi etc. Secondly, as with the "full body" samadhi, we are concerned with the permanence of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja's samadhi; under some unfortunate potential circumstance, we would not want to move his remains (body or ashes) around uncecessarily. Instead, Maharaja chose to have the pupsa samadhi in Gita-nagari. The samadhi will be constructed so that the container with the flowers could be accessed and removed in cases of emergency. There is no difference between the puspa samadhi and the samadhi containing his remains. Srila Prabhupada's puspa samadhi in Mayapura is arguably a much grander building than his "full body" samadhi in Vrindavana and he is just as present in Mayapur. Srila Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja's home is certainly Gita-nagari; however, he is also part of a grander ISKCON and wanted his remains alongside his god-brothers and Srila Prabhupada in Mayapura.


Thank you once again for all of your concerns; this is a very difficult time for all of us. It is so encouraging to see how many devotees care about the welfare of Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja and it so helpful in our service to have all of your feedback.


Your servant as always,

Brahma Muhurta Dasa


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Beloved Devotees:


Please accept our humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja. All glories to ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada.


Please forgive us for missing last week's update. In this message, we will attempt to bring you up to date.


Since our last update, Gurudeva has been very much present in his body, and is still experiencing a lot of discomfort, especially because he is unable to sleep and he has to change his sleeping position approximately every hour to avoid bed sores.


Last Saturday, Gurudeva agreed to allow devotees to perform soft kirtan both morning and evening, just outside of his room. The kirtans have been very, very sweet.


Gurudeva continues to request various specific meals including barbequed curd, macaroni and cheese, pizza, lasagna, and of course pies (made with spelt flour and only stevia or a little agave as sweeteners), cooked by a few of his favorite devoted cooks. We especially want to thank those cooks that traveled from as far as California, Columbus, Cleveland, Alachua, and New York to visit and cook Gurudeva's favorite preps.


Last Sunday, Gurudeva and his guests (H.H Radanatha Swami, H.H. Varsana Maharaja, and H.H. Bhakti Visvambara Madhava Maharaja) graced all the devotees with their presence at the Temple for the Sunday evening class. Prior to the class, several visiting disciples performed a lively presentation of "The Kidnapping of Rukmini." When H.H. Bhakti Marg Swami visited Gurudeva the previous week, he inspired the devotees to dedicate their performance to Gurudeva at the Temple Sunday program. Although Gurudeva had informed the actors and actresses that he would not be able to sit through the drama, the devotees were delighted when he arrived to see the last half of the presentation.


Directly after the play, Gurudeva broke into the same kirtan he led two weekends before, "Jaya Jaya Radhe, Jaya Jaya Shyama." He cried while he chanted and throughout the class. Gurudeva spoke on `Departure' he narrated different aspects of the lives of great Saints and Acaryas who have departed. Later, he read his last prayers from his Beggar IV book, "I Died on August 4th 2004." Although this was the first prayer he wrote when he learned he had Melanoma, the prayer had a lasting impact on everyone in the Temple room, especially since this was the last prayer he would be reading and sharing from his "Beggar series".


In the last week and a half, H.H Romapada Swami, H.H Bhakti Vaibhava Swami, and H.H Trivikrama Swami, all came to spend some time with our dearmost Gurumaharaja. H.H Radanatha Swami is one of the caregivers, and will remain with us until after the departure ceremony. The classes and kirtans given by these wonderful and dedicated disciples of Srila Prabhupada has been most enlivening for all the devotees.


Another esteemed guest, H.G. Sangita Mataji returned to Gita-nagari once again to further advise and assist Gurudeva and the direct caregivers. We are both grateful and indebted to Gurudeva's godfamily for their blessings, care, presence and example at this crucial time.


A few days before Narasimha Caturdasi, Gurudeva sent a message to many of our second generation devotees (including three gurukula graduates from Mayapur) to organize another drama about Lord Narasimhadeva. The devotees were so happy to hear Gurudeva's request.


On Sunday, May 22nd (Narasimha Caturdasi), Gurudeva once again returned to the Temple for class. The temple devotees organized a wonderful program for this most auspicious occasion, including an abhiseka for Gurudeva's Narasimha deity. After the abhiseka, children and adults performed several bharatanatyam dances (choreographed by Vrndavanesvari d.d.), which were followed by a thrilling drama (directed by Vrndavanesvari d.d.) that created a joyful atmosphere among the many devotees in the Temple.


When Gurumaharaja was wheeled into the Temple, he smiled radiantly and sang, "Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Radhe. Jaya Radhe, Jaya Sri Radhe" He was most affectionate with his sannyasi godbrothers, (H.H. Trivikrama Swami, H.H. Radhanath Swami, and H.H. Bhakti-vaibhava Swami) and glorified them for their dedication and commitment to Srila Prabhupada's mission. Gurudeva also spoke about the power of prayer in relation to the pastime of Prahlad and Lord Narasimha. After the class, Gurudeva invited all of Srila Prabhupada's disciples to the House for a brief meeting and for Lord Narasimhadeva's feast.


We want to thank the devotees from Potomac Temple, the Maryland devotees and all the Gita nagari devotees again for all their support.


Your servants with love,

Cargivers of H.H. Bhakti-tirtha Swami


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My dear Lord Syama, please kindly hear my cry. Grant my devotional desires and

eliminate my undevotional desires. I am your instrument; please make me worthy

enough to serve You in all circumstances.


May the Lord, who is known as Maniman, protect my thighs. Protect them from

evil, from Maya, and give them protection so that the mind does not allow them

to be a source of captivating the opposite sex.


May Lord Visnu, who is known as Yajna, protect my legs. Let my legs do only

duties that are meant for Your glorification and for the glorification of Srila

Prabhupada. Dear Sweet Lord, please direct them in auspicious directions.


May Lord Acyuta protect my arms. Use them only for Your divine service and

nothing more. Dear Lord, please protect them from all unnecessary and

inauspicious activities.


May Lord Hayagriva protect my abdomen. Dear Lord let it be used for eating only

things offered at Your Lotus Feet and please protect whatever I take into it.

Allow me to eat only things that can sustain me to serve You more and serve You



May Lord Kesava protect my heart. Please Lord, make my heart an eternal

dwelling place of the Sweet Love of the Divine Couple. Please make my heart an

abode of surrender, humility, dedication, and selflessness. Make my heart grow

only in love of Your Supreme Majesty and allow Your pastimes to eternally

remain blissful in my heart.


May Lord Isvara protect my head. May He only allow me to use my head in working

for His glorification. Bless this lowborn head of mine and give me knowledge of

how to serve and please You better.


May Lord Cakradhara protect my front and may Lord Gadadhara protect my back.

More at this time of chaos and problems in the movement. Please dear Lord,

kindly protect me from all material influences from any direction. Protect me

with Your love and Divine Strength.


May Lord Visnu, with His conchshell, protect my left side. May the Supreme

Godhead Upendra protect me from above and may Lord Tarksya protect me from

below the Earth. May Lord Haladhara protect me from all sides.


May Lord Madhusudana, who carries a bow in His hand, protect my eyesight. The

eyes are the major object of false gratification—a quick route to hell. Please

dear Lord, kindly guide my vision. Protect my eyes from Maya, and please

protect them from the scenes that can pollute my mind and make it go crazy.

Please put them under Your full protection and divine control.


May the Supreme Lord, in His Hrsikesa form, protect all my senses. May He

engage all my senses only in service. Protect them from all contamination and

entangling pleasures. Let them be used only to please You. Tie them against any

material nonsense and release them only when they are to serve You.


May Lord Narayana protect my breath. May He encourage me to only use my breath

for appreciating things offered at Your Divine Feet.


May Lord Yogesvara, in His divine mystic potentiality, protect my mind and

intelligence. This is the greatest of all senses. Please dear Lord, control

this rascal entity and make it a place where only Your pastimes are being

relished and appreciated. Dear Lord, close up all false entrances of my mind.

Cleanse it of all inauspicious thoughts and always check any such thoughts, as

I am a fool who does not know how auspicious and purifying it is to meditate on

Your Divine Form.


Dear Lord Krishna, please protect my soul. While sleeping, may Lord Madhava

protect me from all dangers and may the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His

Nrshma form, protect me from all evils, all danger, all inauspiciousness, and

all illusions.


Dear Lord, I humbly beg that You daily and eternally hear these my prayers and

ultimately make me Your useful, dedicated eternal servant and a devoted son of

my beloved Spiritual Master, Om Visnupada Paramahamsa His Divine Grace Srila

Prabhupada. May His love be my source of inspiration and may I learn to

eternally be a humble servant of my beloved spiritual master.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


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May 31 2005



Dear Maharajas and Prabhus


Please accept my humble obeisances.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Yesterday afternoon in Gita Nagari Dhama, H. H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami made his final public appearance. He was joined by H. H. Radhanatha Swami, H. H. Gunagrahi Swami, H. H. Bhaktivaibhava Swami, H. H. Bhakti Visvambhara Madhava Swami and H. H. Candramauli Swami. Bhakti Tirtha Swami spoke with great love and compassion to the devotees as he embarked on sixty minutes of honest and open sharing, explaining why this would be his last public appearance. “The time has now come to enter into nirjana bhajana,” Maharaja revealed, sharing his decision to focus on his internal life by engaging in mana-seva (service in the mind). His desire now is only to speak, hear and think about Krsna. Maharaja went on to say that although a devotee is traditionally not meant to reveal his or her internal bhajana, it is also important at this time to consider priti, which involves revealing the mind in confidence and hearing others reveal their minds. In this mood, Maharaja desired to share some of his experiences involving the separation of the body, mind and soul that devotees undergo when they leave their bodies.


He went on to say that his perception of dying on the battlefield was to leave this world like Grandfather Bhismadeva, to preach until his very last breath. At the same time, he realizes that his service to Srila Prabhupada in this body, plane and institution is now over. As a result of his prayer in the mood of Vasudeva Dutta, Maharaja has opened himself up to being used as a puppet by Srila Prabhupada, publicly undergoing the death experience in such a way that he can share it with us, leaving his example as a legacy to assist in preparing us when we, too, one day must leave the body. So in many ways he is still dying on the battlefield.


Maharaja acknowledged that his service to Srila Prabhupada was unorthodox, and that this was both a blessing and a curse. A large part of his preaching involved being attentive to secular happenings on the planet, requiring him to acquire information through which he could relate to people involved in corporate leadership and politics. This was his sacrifice. By extending himself to preach, he fortunately received many blessings, but at the same time, immersing himself in secular subject matter did not supply the deep nourishment necessary for his soul. Now it was time for him to give his complete attention to the pastimes of Lord Krsna in Vraja.


From now on, Bhakti Tirtha Swami explained, the only devotees who would be seeing him personally would be his caregivers and H. H. Radhanatha Swami, who will be staying in Gita Nagari until Bhakti Tirtha Swami departs. Bhakti Tirtha Swami expressed his deep thanks to Radhanatha Swami, whom he views as a very special caregiver sent by Srila Prabhupada to assist him with the transition. If anyone else gets to see him, Maharaja said, it would be as a result of their services - as they bring something into his room, or read krsna katha to him. Only hearing, speaking and thinking of Krsna and Vrndavana from now on, Maharaja cautioned devotees that he would more than likely not respond if any other topic is brought up in his presence. The twice daily kirtana outside his room will continue: although the devotees who come to sing for him may not see Maharaja in person, they should know that he really appreciates their services.


Before closing with three quotes regarding nirjana bhajana, Bhakti Tirtha Swami emphasised the need for us to understand this process properly. Under no circumstances should it be undertaken prematurely.


‘While Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thus resided at Jagannatha Puri (Nilacala), he was continuously overwhelmed, night and day, by separation from Krsna. Day and night He tasted transcendental blissful songs and verses with two associates, namely Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya. He relished the symptoms of various transcendental emotions such as jubilation, lamentation, anger, humility, anxiety, grief, eagerness and satisfaction. He would recite His own verses, expressing their meanings and emotions, and thus enjoy tasting them with these two friends. Sometimes the Lord would be absorbed in a particular emotion and would stay awake all night reciting verses and relishing their taste.’


(CC. Antya 20.3 – 7)


Thus Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur advocated that every devotee, under the guidance of an expert spiritual master, preach the bhakti cult, Krsna consciousness, all over the world. Only when one is mature can he sit in a solitary place and retire from preaching all over the world. Following this example, the devotees of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness now render service as preachers in various parts of the world. Now they can allow the spiritual master to retire from active preaching work. In the last stage of the spiritual master’s life, the devotees of the spiritual master should take the preaching activities into their own hands. In this way the spiritual master can sit down in a solitary place and render nirjana-bhajana.’


(Srila Prabhupada – SB 4.28.33)


‘In 1977 A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, at the age of 82, suffered illness repeatedly and became in a physically weakened state. He decided to discontinue his travelling around the world and take shelter of Vrndavana dhama, the sacred place of Lord Krsna’s pastimes. He listened and chanted Hare Krsna and meditated on the transcendental pastimes of Krsna, throughout the day and night. However, Srila Prabhupada remained in the association of his loving disciples, who assisted him during his final pastime by chanting, very softly and sweetly, the Hare Krsna mantra 24 hours a day. Srila Prabhupada said that this was his ‘nirjana-bhajana’, and that his sannyasi disciples, including the translator of this work, had to take over the responsibility of travelling and preaching all over the world, as he would not be able to travel anymore. This great spiritual master had taken shelter of Lord Krsna in Vrndavana during the last days of this life.


(H. H. Jayapataka Swami – Commentary on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s Vaisnava Ke?, Verse 19)


After answering some questions from gurukulis, Bhakti Tirtha Swami had to leave the programme due to intense bodily discomfort. The remaining sannyasis continued to take further questions. We invite you to listen to the entire class, available on www.btswami.com or www.ifast.net


Your aspiring servant,


Citi-Sakti Devi Dasi

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June 02 2005, Latest Letter From the Caretakers of BT Swami

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Dear Devotees, friends and well wishers,


Please accept our most humble obeisance


All glories to our beloved Gurumaharaja


All glories to ISKCON Founder Acharya Srila Pabhupada


It is almost one week since Gurudeva announced that he was retiring to enter into 'nirjana bhajan.'


His body has started experiencing more pain, however Sangita mataji and the local hospice nurse are assisting Ekavira Prabhu with the proper administation of pills for pain management. Gurudeva is also adjusting to his sleep patterns, last night he was fully awake at 11.00pm, so at that time Brahma Muhurta Das read to him, and Dhruva faned him (he was sweating profusely) until almost 4.00am when he fell asleep for 1 hour intervals until around noon. His eating patterns are also changing, this morning he had some fruits and he did not have a desire to eat again until almost 10.00pm.


The last few nights the men have been bringing Gurudeva out of his room into the sitting room for a few hours to get a change of scenery. Usually he chants, or watches a dvd on the holy tirthas in Vrindavana.


Most importantly, Gurudeva is completely absorbed in chanting and hearing. Each day he seems more happy about the prospects of returning home. The devotees around him are also endevouring to become more absorbed in focusing our consciousness on hearing and chanting. Even though we know that we will grieve deeply when our Gurumaharaja leaves this world, there is a sweetness in the enviornment, knowing that he will most likely soon move out of his deteriating body.


Gurudeva is definitely not answering any phone calls, and not having anymore visitors. We would like to thank all of you for honoring Gurudeva's request to be more internal at this crucial time of making his transition.


Your servants


With Love


The Caregivers


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As a person personally experiencing the ravages of desease and awaiting my solo journey, I just wanted to say that I thought Our Srila Prabhupada gave the perfect example in the preparations before death.

I being in illusion was under the impression that the only medicine for our suffering here in the material world is the chanting and glorification of the holy names of the Lord as well meditating on the glories of the Spiritual Master.

For a few years medications helped initially with some semblance of pain managaement in my situation but soon the side effects became as unberable as the pain itself.Needless to say I stopped the meds eventually, of course the pain and suffering came back w/vengance.

So how to deal with death....with open arms embracing....

We must be conscious (whether of Krsna and our beloved Srila Prabhupada or the actual situation itself) at the time of death or we will most assuredly miss the opportunity to be fully conscious of the experience.

I hope Vaisnavas suffering near death may find the strength to take the medicine of the Holy name,bitter as it may seem to us presently, in this deseased condition called material life, and really understand how unconditional our Srila Prabhupada's love and undeserved kindness is toward us as his sons and daughters.

I am praying this meets all the Vaisnavas well in health spirit,perspicacious in your personal Krsna conscious endeavours in life and death....glories to Srila Prabhupada please forgive my offenses,please accept obeisances....

ever felicitate in the dust of the feet of genuine Vaisnavas...

ys.gopijana das


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Dear Prabhus


Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Gurumaharaja, all glories to ISKCON founder-acarya Srila Prabhupada!!!


Last night and early this morning Gurumaharajs vital signs were very low. This means his blood pressure was very low, his pulse was high and his tempurature high. This vital level could not maintain a physical body for very long, and is usually a sign that the body is shutting down. As the day progressed, Gurumaharaj's vitals improved, and are currently stable. He is weak and has eaten very little (which is common these days). Still, he ate his tofu-ice cream.


Gurumaharaj has been joking a lot. His mood is peaceful and happy, as he remarked today "I am waiting for my chariot to come".


The sweet Krsna magic came forth in such a special way today, with the unexpected appearnace of some very unique and exalted Braja basis. This group of devotees is from Varsana, the birth place of Srimati Radharani, and HH Radhanatha Swami has known them from his time in Vraja before he joined ISKCON. Of all the possible places in the world and all the possible times, these rare devotees happened to be in Harisburg PA (:45 minutes away from Gurumaharaj)!! Somehow HH Radhantah Swami found out a couple of days ago of their presence locally, and arranged for them to come to the Institue House to chant for Gurumaharaj. HH Radhanath Swami has such a deep relationship with these devotees. They are all so genuine, humble, loving - adorned with all the sweet and serene qualities of a real Krsna-bhakta. As they were taken in HH Radhanatha Swamis Van, spontaneously Maharaj began discussing with them such a vivid description of Akrura taking Krsna from Vrndavana.


With Maharaj these Vraja basis came into Gurudevas quarters. They began to chant Braj basi bhajans about Srimati Radharani. There was one flute player. As soon as Maharaj heard the flute he began crying, and continued for around 20 minutes. They chanted mostly bhajans about Srimati Radharani. Gurumaharaj was so please and exstatic. He said - "today Vrndavana came to me".


There are so many special instances were the spiritual world becomes more overt in the Institute house. The other day Gurumaharaj was requesting more picture of Vrndavan and of the Vraj-basis. In their thoughtfullness of catering to Gurudevas wishes, the care givers became prayerful of coming upon a way to cover up the large book shelf that offers a somewhat blank glare at Gurudeva throughout the day. Several days latter our Godborther Isana Gaura comes with a large canvas picture of Radha and Krsna, just big enough to cover the bookshelf


We will be sending out daily reports now.


We hope everyone is blissfully "dying" on their battlefiled, as Gurumaharaj is dying on His. May we all die before we die.


Your servant,


Purusa-sukta das


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Vrindavana, India


November 11th, 1976




Another recent arrival has been a mother and daughter, Antardhyana dasi and Manisa dasi. Manisa is initiated even though in her early teens, but she is terminally ill with leukemia. Having given up any hope of a cure, they have come here so that Manisa can leave her body in the holy dhama. They requested a darsana with Srila Prabhupada, and he received them this morning just before his massage. When they came in, Manisa burst into tears as they explained her condition and prognosis. She is frightened by the prospect of imminent death and is clearly not mentally prepared for it. Despite the girl's weeping, however, Srila Prabhupada was firm and spoke rather strongly, focusing in on the reality of her condition. Rather than offering sympathies with some sentimental, body-based words of solace, Srila Prabhupada cut through the fear and doubt shrouding his disciple's mind and intelligence and met the problem head-on. "Everyone is going to die," he said. "Who is going to live? Who is here? Can you show me anyone who is going to live? Can you show me?" Antardhyana shook her head. "No. Everybody's going to die.So today or tomorrow, everyone will die," he affrmed. "So where is the anxiety? Die or not die, tomorrow or today, but one should chant Hare Krsna, that's all. Why one should be depressed? And everyone is going to die. I am going to die tomorrow, he is going to die day after tomorrow -- everyone will have to die. Who will live here? So what is the anxiety? Chant Hare Krsna. That's all."




Jagadisa told Srila Prabhupada that she had come to die in Vrndavana. "Nobody will live," Prabhupada repeated. "Don't be in anxiety. That's all. Anyone who has come to this material world will die. One is going to die today; another is going to die tomorrow. It is a question of first and second, but everyone will die. So before death one should be complete in Krsna consciousness. That is success of life. The tree is standing for thousands of years. So what is the use of living like that? A tree cannot chant Hare Krsna but lives for thousands of years. Do you think that kind of living is very worthy, standing in one place, cannot move even, and what to speak of chanting? So you have got the chance to chant Hare Krsna. Utilize that. Don't be anxious that 'I am going to die.' Who is going to live? Why don't you understand that? Nobody is going to live. So before death one should be complete in Krsna consciousness. That is success."




Prabhupada's direct and practical words helped Manisa focus. She stopped sobbing and regained her composure. But still she had a fear. "But if one is not, Srila Prabhupada, what will happen?" Prabhupada didn't quite understand her query and I repeated it. "If one is not complete in their Krsna consciousness then what will happen?She will get again birth in a human body," he assured her. "That is guaranteed so that he'll get again chance of chanting. That is also great gain. Ordinary person, he does not know what body he is going to get, next body. But a person who is in Krsna consciousness, chanting, he is guaranteed. Sucinam srimatam gehe (Bg. 6.41) -- he is guaranteed to take birth as human being in a very sacred family like brahmana and very rich family." Because he had other commitments, Prabhupada had to end the darsana at that point. "So I have to go." Despite the meeting being so short, however, Manisa was visibly relieved and thankful. His words had struck home. "Thank you, Srila Prabhupada," she said. "Hare Krsna. Nobody is going to live here," Prabhupada told her again as he rose from his seat. "Everyone is going to die. Before death, chant Hare Krsna." With a compassionate smile of reassurance to his young disciple, he added, "Don't be worried." Manisa's mother, though, still sought some further comfort. "She is worried, Prabhupada, about... What is the worry?" Prabhupada interjected "I have already said everyone is going to die." Antardhyana managed to be very specific. "She is worried about seeing the Yamadutas. This is what she is worried about." Prabhupada addressed Manisa directly and repeated the practical formula for overcoming death. "Chant Hare Krsna. Always think of Krsna. That's all." Manisa nodded, accepting his words as the proper solution. "Yes, Srila Prabhupada.This is our business," Prabhupada concluded. "The cats and dogs cannot do this. That is the advantage of human form of body." Both the mother and daughter were grateful and happy to get a few words of encouragement and guidance. Manisa left feeling heartened by her first personal meeting with her spiritual master, and the two of them will reside in the guesthouse until her departure.




Hari Sauri Dasa




From A Transcendental Diary, Volume 5. Just released in March 2005. This volume covers Srila Prabhupada's activities during October and November 1976, in Aligarh, New Delhi, Chandigarh and Vrindavana-dhama.

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Guest guest

Thank you Prabhu for the last comments regarding Our Srila Prabhupada's position on the perceptions of death.


I am always inquiring from Srila Prabhupada's books on the subject....art of dying...


other wise how we should know what to expect ....


Srila Prabhupada gaurantees advancement to Spiritual world if Krsna conscious at time of departure ...failing this ..at least to return to better human birth situation..


that makes this whole experience entirely enlivening...with the assurances that Srila Prabhupada gives us..


nuff said ...ever felicitate in the dust of the feet of genuine Vaisnavas

ys gopijana das

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Dear Prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami, all glories to ISKCON founder-acarya Srila Prabhupada!


Last night Gurudeva slept well, 6 hrs straight. His vital signs are stable, while some bodily functions are slowing down. He took a lot of fluids today.


Basically everyday Gurumaharaj is in anticipation to return home.


It is taking him a much longer time to chant his rounds. Radhanatha Maharaj extolled Gurudeva as a modern day example of Hari Das Thakur. And at the end of the day Ekavira Prabhu remarked "for me the thing that stuck out the most today was his example, his chanting of his rounds. He is doing it for us, to set an example. He is not just sick, he is dying. Yet in this condition he is chanting his prescribed rounds just to set and example for us." Up until recently Gurudeva was chanting 20 rounds daily, in addition to continuous hearing of lila. He is continuing with 16 rounds.


Today a 24 hr kirtana at the Institute house began. In the living room select bhajaneers, usually duets, chanted very softly for Gurudeva throughout the day and into the night, a short distance from his bedroom


In general Gurudeva was, as Vrajalila described, more grounded in his body. In the morning and afternoon he was encountering a good deal of discomfort.


Gurumaharaj hardly ate anything until HH Radhanath Swami came around 4:30pm. Gurudeva was feeling very fatigued. Usually Maharaj will meet with Gurudeva and then take prasadam separately, however today Gurudeva requested that Maharaj take prasadam with him in his room. At his usual moderate pace Radhanath Swami eventually finished honoring prasadam to find Gurudeva had a long ways to go. As Maharaj walked back to his vehicle he remarked to his servant "that was amazing, Bhakti-tirtha Maharaj was so fatigued when I went in there, he was eating so slow, but once we started getting into some topics (about Krsna), he became filled with energy, and sat up enlivened and got right into it." Among other things, Radhantha Swami chanted one song by Narotama das thakur, and they read the translation together


Yesterday a similar incident took place when Gurudevas vital signs went so low. His speech became slurred, his hands were cold. Then, all of a sudden he sat up and started directing the devotees on how the room should be arranged for his departure. He directed things with vigor until everything was in the proper harmony. Then Varajalila remarked to Gurudeva "your life air has come back", Gurumaharaj then sighed with disappointment


As Gurudeva retired for the evening he said that from a scale from 1-10 his pain is a 2 or a 3. He is situated nicely. He remarked to Vraja Lila "So do not worry, it is all in Krsna's time." He was smiling.


Afterward some of the care takers were relishing a video made by Isana Gaura Prabhu. This is a slide show on DVD, with images of Gurudeva along with Srila Prabhupada and Their Lordships. They are going through such a deep personal service. They are not just with Gurudeva physically, they are following along spiritually. May we also follow in their footsteps.


May we all die before we die


Your servant,


Purusa-sukta das


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