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Arjuna seeking answers...

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If all the world is Krishna Lila, then why is there suffering? If you point to the misuse of free-will as the cause, why did Krishna give us free will knowing full well we're gonna suffer? Either way, it is god's fault, isn't it?


You look at the murderer and say, "Here's a bad guy who misused free will and killed a child." But that 'bad guy' as well as the free will was created by Krishna for his lila!! So who's actually responsible for sorrow, the murderer or the one created the murderer?

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Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur


Jaiva-Dharma Chapter 16:


Vrajanatha: What harm would there have been if the jiva had not been given independent desire? Krsna is omniscient, and He gave this independence to the jivas, even though He knew that they would suffer on account of it, so isn't He responsible for the jiva's suffering?


Babaji: Independence is a precious jewel, in the absence of which inert objects are insignificant and worthless. If the jiva had not received independence, he would also have become as insignificant and worthless as the material objects. The jiva is an atomic, spiritual entity, so he must certainly have all the qualities of spiritual objects. The only difference is that Bhagavan, who is the complete spiritual object, possesses all these qualities in full, whereas the jiva only has them to a very minute degree. Independence is a distinctive quality of the spiritual object, and an object's inherent quality cannot be separated from the object itself. Consequently, the jiva also has this quality of independence, but only to a very minute degree, because he is atomic. It is only because of this independence that the jiva is the supreme object in the material world, and the lord of creation. The independent jiva is a beloved servant of Krsna, and thus Krsna is kind and compassionate towards him. Seeing the misfortune of the jiva, as he misuses his independence and becomes attached to maya, He chases after him, weeping and weeping, and appears in the material world to deliver him. Sri Krsna, the ocean of compassion, His heart melting with mercy for the jivas, manifests His acintya-lila in the material world, thinking that His appearance will enable the jiva to see His nectarean pastimes. However, the jiva does not understand the truth about Krsna's pastimes, even after being showered by so much mercy, so Krsna then descends in Sri Navadvipa in the form of guru. He personally describes the supreme process of chanting His name, form, qualities and pastimes, and personally instructs and inspires the jivas to take to this path by practicing it Himself. Baba, how can you accuse Krsna of being at fault in any way when He is so merciful? His mercy is unlimited, but our misfortune is lamentable.




Other part of question is:


But that 'bad guy' as well as the free will was created by Krishna for his lila!!




In a sense, yes. However properly speaking jivas are part of the intrinsic nature of God (and not in the sense of specifically created for some purpose etc.); to participate in Krishna lila or abstain from it by coming to this material world is jiva's own choice.
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