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How do you receive the descent of Krsna as Avatari?

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He advents Himself as Sri Mahaprabhu and He delivers one and all by Harinam Sankirtana.


The Name descends through the lips of a Vaisnava Sadhu Guru empowered by Mahaprabhu.


All of this is inconceivable to the mundane mind and senses.


It is truly great mercy to behold, appreciate and honor the special mercy incarnation Sri Mahaprabhu and the Hare Krsna Mahamantra.


Sri Mahaprabhu is not an incarnation. Sri Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself ,the Avatari or the source of all incarnations, descending as His very own devotee in the mood of separation from His beloved Srimati Radharani.


Special yuga where Sri Mahaprabhu descends.

Special lila where Sri Mahaprabhu innogurates Prema Nama Harinam Sankirtana.


Why would anyone want to miss out on such divine mercy and dispensation?

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"May the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of Lord Sri Caitanya bestow His causeless mercy upon us. His smiling glance at once drives away all the bereavements of the world, and His very words enliven the auspicious creepers of devotion by expanding their leaves. Taking shelter at His lotus feet invokes transcendental love of God at once."




(Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 3.63, Purport)


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