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I dedicate the whole of myself to You on this day

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The conditioned soul thinks that all the things related to the false conceptions of “I” and “mine” are his exclusive treasures. Calling them his own, his mind is firmly convinced of this gross delusion. Due to such vanity, I also fell into this material world. Floundering in the ocean of mundane existence like a drowning man, I suffer the pangs of rising and sinking in that ocean. I take shelter at Your lotus feet, which deliver one from fear, and dedicate the whole of myself to You on this day. Bhaktivinoda begs at the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda for that grace which causes all illusory concepts of false pride to flee.


(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura- Saranagati, song 6)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Please dear Lord Nitai,


Have special divine dispensation

for this most wretched conditioned soul


I implore you with all my heart

to deliver me once and for all

from the illusory concepts of 'me, myself, and I'

which is keeping me locked into maya's clutches.


You have the key to Mahaprabhu's heart and shelter.

You aspiring servant,


krsna das

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