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Just for fun

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I got this in my mail today, with the Subject line "Justice in the universe":



An operations manager for Jack in the Box was late for a meeting and called his boss to tell him he was running late. As he was leaving the voice mail message, he witnessed an accident and went on to provide "play by play" of the incident. This is the actual voice mail message.It was forwarded so many times within Jack in the Box, it crashed their voice mail server.

As you will hear, the guy who caused the accident thought he had the perfect way to play the situation but the material nature always gets the last word. Here is the address:




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I heard it played on coast to coast. I can't remember laughing so loud in years. The driver later called in as he heard it to and tried to explain himself. He said he just went back to see if the old ladies were ok. then all hell broke loose.


Folks click the link!

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