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How can a devotee chant Krsna's Holy Names over and over and over again unless...

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...the devotee has some love/bhava for Krsna.

Those who have a son or daughter can hava an inkling of this idea of attachment to their loved ones. Calling out your child is usually done with love. There is a strong bond of attraction to the name in calling....so what to speak if one is calling Krsna's Holy names.


With what kind of love do you call out Krsn'a names?

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You have to call out his name with only love? Of course this is preferable but what about Kamsa? -- he thought of Krsna incessantly out of FEAR and HATE - and Krsna rewarded him with the vision of His beautiful form before Kamsa died. I don't know what the scriptures say, but i'm convinced that Kamsa went straight back to Godhead!- how can u not go back to Godhead when such a beautiful figure is there befre you die! What bliss!



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Few of us know here,

the only prize we may keep,

is the only love,

for which we should weep!!!


Krishna is in our hearts,

and everywhere,

but few do see Him,

for few do truly care!!!


Few of us know here,

just who we are,

or how we came,

to fall so far...


For few do care,

to look so deep,

to find their love,

that they may keep!!!.


Most rare is he or she,

who truly cares to see,

Krishna,the Lord,

of you and me.


For the powers of maya's mystic spell,

keeps our minds attracted to this well!!!.

The well my friends of which I speak,

is this well Krishna's souls,

do fall to deepest sleep,


to dream they are a passing form,

to live,to die and again be born!!!.

But there is one way we may awake

when Krishna's Holy Names we humbly take,


and chant with love,

and chant with care,

to serve our Lord Krishna,

beyond compare!!!.


Krishna's beauty shall enthrall our soul,

when our love does finally take control,

when we hear Krishna's Names,

our love shall over flow ,

to every soul where ever we go!!!.


Crying chant Krishna's Names to taste pure love just chant Krishna's Names to rise above,

this world where soon we'll have to leave,

to return back home eternally.


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!!








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