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Solar Eclipse on day Pope is buried

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This is odd. A few weeks back I read there would be a solar eclipse on April 8. This turns out to be the day that the Pope will be buried. I thought that was rather odd.


What makes it more odd I have just read that the day the Pope was born it was a similar eclipse. He was born on an eclipse and buried on an eclipse.


Maybe there is something to astrology.

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I read one place that "De Labore Solis" was translated as "from the labor of the sun". This article translates it as "Of the Solar Eclipse". Read, its pretty interesting.




Prophecy on Pope Fulfilled by Eclipses?


A 10th Century Irish bishop - St. Malachy - predicted every pope that would preside over the Catholic Church.


Almost ten centuries ago, Malachy predicted this pope would be noted by an eclipse of the sun.


In an eerie coincidence, John Paul II was the only known pope to be born on the day of a solar eclipse.


But the prophetic link doesn't end there. Pope John Paul II will be buried this Friday during another solar eclipse.


Astronomers say that on Friday, the day of the Pope's funeral, a partial solar eclipse will blot out most of the sun and darken a wide area of the world, from the South Pacific to the Western Hemisphere.


Solar eclipses are not unusual. But what makes this coming Friday's eclipse notable is the fact that there was a near total eclipse of the sun seen across Europe on May 18, 1920, the very day that John Paul II was born in Poland.


Adding fuel to the arcane speculation about these events is the prophecy of St. Malachy.


Malachy was discovered to have left behind a prophetic list of all future popes beginning with Pope Celestine II, whose papacy began in 1143 A.D., up to and including the 112th. The list includes John Paul and just two more popes who will follow him.


In his list of popes, he uses a single line in Latin identifying a characteristic of each pope.


The description applied to the 110th pope on his list - John Paul II - is "De Labore Solis" (Of the Solar Eclipse), which seems to add great weight to the validity of St. Malachy’s chilling prophecy: that the next two popes chosen to succeed John Paul II will be the last popes.


After the reign of the last pope, "Peter the Roman," St. Malachy wrote, Rome will be destroyed.


As NewsMax.com reported April 3, Saint's Prophecy: Only Two Popes Remain, the 112th prophecy says, "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city [Rome] will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people," an indication that the world will end.

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Spine chills. There was someone on coast to coast last night talking about this very thing but I kept drifting in and out of sleep and never got exactly what he meant.


That is a pretty strange "coinciendence". The birth, the death and the prophecy. Sorry with the Italian connection and all....anyway that was a really bad pun.


I wonder what happens to end the lineage?

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When Saint Finbar of Ireland passed on, it is said the sun didn't set for two weeks. Now when the Pope is buried, we get a solar eclipse. I suppose miracles diminish the more Kali Yuga passes. :P

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Ok, I got the following from one article. It lists the last 3 Popes and their Latin descriptive prophecy. Then it gives the Latin descriptive prophecy for the next Pope. If the next Pope is from the Benedictine Order...


Pope No. 108: Paul VI (1968-78). "Flos Florum", which means "Flower of Flowers." Paul VI's coat of arms contained three fleurs-de-lis (Isis blossoms).


Pope No. 109: John Paul I (1978). "De Medietate Lunae," which means "the Half Moon." John Paul I was born in the diocese of Belluno (beautiful moon) and was baptized Albino Luciani (white light). He became pope when there was a half moon (Aug. 26, 1978). He died the next month right after an eclipse of the moon.


Pope No. 110: John Paul II (1978-2005). "De Labore Solis," which means "from the labor of the sun." John Paul II was born during an eclipse of the sun on May 8, 1920. He was buried during an eclipse of the sun.


Pope No. 111: Unknown (19??-20??) "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the Olive." Could it be that he will be from the Order of Saint Benedict, also known as the Olivetans? Could he be an African, a continent symbolized by the olive tree?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This Pope has selected the name "Benedict 16th". Here is a quote from an interview on nbc:



"Why did he choose the name Benedict?


He has a great devotion to the Benedictines who, of course, have a large presence in Germany [where the new pontiff was born.]"


Apparently he also gave a big speach a few days ago at a famous Benedictine monastery. He takes on the name Benedict and has a great affinity for this group. He himself is not from that order, but I think this is a pretty good hit.


Heres another interesting article with speculation from those who follow these prophecies:


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I noticed this later but forgot to post it. Notice Pope John Paul II was associated with eclipses. I forgot to mention one. His predecessor lasted 1 month in his position and passed away the day after an eclipse.


Additionally here is something to consider (admitedly from out of left field) but it deals with Solar activity if thats any indication of anything. This Pope is 78 years old. Maybe he'll live for 6 more years (bringing him to the age of 84). That will bring us to 2011.


Now look at this chart from NASA. It charts the Solar Cycle. The sun breaks out in sunspots and solar flares in a fairly even cycle of 11 years. This has been followed for several hundred years. Right now we are on the downside of the activity (basically the bottom of the cycle). In another 6 years we will likely be at the top point of the solar activity.


Posted Image


So around 2011 or 2012 there will be the highest levels of solar activity, most likely in the transition period when they say the last Pope will be named. This is just speculative, sort of "X-Files" sort of talk, but just something to consider.


Here is the NASA discussion of the Solar Cycle if anyone is interested:



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I was watching a program a few weeks back on the Science channel about catastrophic scenarios. They went through the massive meteor scenario. One they pointed out is what would happen if the sun gave an extraordinarily large solar burst. Basically they said it would wreck havoc on earth. At night everywhere in the world it would look like the Northern Lights. All electronics would be fried. Communication as such would collapse (as all the satelites would be hit with massive solar radiation). Plants and animals would die etc.... These things are unlikely but entirely possible. Just shows how little we are actually in control should something go wrong.

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So around <<<2011 or 2012>>> there will be the highest levels of solar activity, most likely in the transition period when they say the last Pope will be named. This is just speculative, sort of "X-Files" sort of talk, but just something to consider.





The Mayan calendar ends at 2012, coincidence?

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It is so finely balanced that even a small change in what we perceive as a normal pattern and which may be insignificant on a solar scale could be catastrophic to us little humans.


If I still have a body here when something goes down then may it land on my head first. Who wants to hang around and deal with the aftermath.

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Pope Benedict XVI (Gloria Olivae)

Gloria Olivae, glory of the olive, is the next phrase following De labore Solis. Prior to the papal conclave, this motto led to speculation that the next pontiff would be from the Order of Saint Benedict, whose symbols include the olive branch. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, selected in April 2005, is not a Benedictine, but did pick Benedict XVI as his papal name, which might be regarded as a fulfillment of this prophecy.


It must be noted that, probably thanks to the Prophecy, the betting site PaddyPower (http://www.paddypower.com) accurately predicted that Benedict would have the highest odds of being the future papal name.


Yet there can also be a different meaning. Pope Benedict XVI had his birthday on April 16 and on that day is celebrated the feast of Saint Benedict Joseph Labrè (March 26, 1748 - April 16, 1783), also known as the Holy Pilgrim. His first name was already Joseph and together with Benedict, which he has now assumed, his Christian namesake is now complete. Moreover, the Order of St Benedict is also known as that of the Olivetans.


According to other interpreters, he will promote world peace (as in an olive branch). Fittingly, Pope Benedict XVI has chosen pax or "peace" as his papal motto.


There had already been, before the election of the pope, a concomitance in two unrelated events occurring on the opening date of the 2005 Conclave. First, a Turkish presidential candidate won overnight the northern Cyprus elections favouring re-unification peace talks of the two sectors; the Cyprus flag has two inter-locking olive branches in it. Secondly, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was forced to resign as a result of pressure from the leftist opposition called l'Ulivo.


Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, the late self-proclaimed Pope of the Palmarian Catholic Church also used to claim that he was the glory of the olive.



Petrus Romanus

The longest and final motto reads, "In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur, & Iudex tremêdus iudicabit populum suum. Finis." (During the final persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep in many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the terrible Judge will judge his people. The End.) According to some sources, this was not a part of the original prophecy but was added in the early 19th Century by a publisher.


Two men claiming to be Pope Peter II have emerged in recent years, probably inspired by this motto.


There are several interpretations regarding the last Popes listed by St. Malachy taken by those who believe the prophecies:


Regarding whether additional Popes, not listed by St. Malachy occur between Gloria Olivae and Petrus Romanus the following differing views are held:

Gloria Olivae is immediately followed by Petrus Romanus.

Because no number is assigned to Petrus Romanus, he and Gloria Olivae might be one and the same pope.

Because no number is assigned to Petrus Romanus, any number of popes could intervene between these two popes.

Regarding whether the Papacy ends with Petrus Romanus, the following differing views are held:

Petrus Romanus will be the final Pope. The end of his papacy will mark either the end of the papacy, the end of the Church, or the end of the world.

There will be additional Popes following Petrus Romanus, about which Malachy did not write. There is also possibility that these additional popes might be considered antipopes, which could justify their omission in St. Malachy's eyes


Source:Wikipedia- Prophecies

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