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Shastric evidence for Sri Madhavacharya, sri Andal and sri Ramaju

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Our statvika Shastaras always predict the incarnations of Bhagavan and his bhaktas, so jeevas like us are not fooled by imposters who claim to be an avatar such as Sai baba. In the various Vaishnava sampradayas some important figure heads are beieved to be avatars or empowered beings (hamsa avatars) of the associats of Krishna or Krishna himself. For exmaple Gaudiyas see Chaitanya as Radha-Krishna Jugal avatar, and point to certian Shasatras as evidence.


So does anyone know the theology and scriputural evidence of the following Vaisnava figures who are beileived to be of some divine origin-

1) Sti Madhavacharaya- who tattvavaddi vaishnavas regard as vayu incarnate in kali yug.

2) Sri Ramanujacharya- who in the Sri SAmparadaya is regarded as a expansion of Adi sesa

3) Sri Andal- one of the 12 alwars regadeed as Bhudevi incarnate. Infact all the alawars are reagarded by Sri Vaishnavas a expanisons of various attributes and attendents of Narayan (ie, sankham, gada, etc)

4) Sri Nimbarka- sudharshana chakram incarnate

5) Sri Vallabacharya of pustimarg regared with some divinity (of which i am not certain but i think he is Sri Mukharvinda/sri Mukham- lotus face of Bhagavan)


Jai Sri Krishna

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Almost all of these are views held only by their respective followers. Non-tattvavadis do not interpret the Rig Veda as Tattvavadis do saying it predicts Madhva.


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Madhva in one of his works says that his name is mentioned in the Rig Veda. Trivikrama Panditacharya who happens to be a contemporary of madhva has mentioned in one of his works that he (Trivikrama Panditacharya) saw 3 forms of Vayu (Hanuman worshipping Rama, Bheemasena Worshipping Krishna and Madhva worshipping Vedavyasa) in the Krishna Mutt, udupi.

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(Isvara-samhita, xx, 278-80):


asti te vimala bhaktih mayi yadava-nandana

prathamam sesa-rupo me kaimkaryam akarod bhavan

tatas tu laksmano bhutva mam aradhitvan iha

idanim api mam yastum balabhadra! tvam arhasi

kalav api yuge bhuyah kascid bhutava dvijottamah

nana-vidhair bhoga-jalair arcanam me karisyasi


"O son of Yadu-race (Balarama)! Thou hast clean (or pure) devotion (or love) for Me. Thou, first as Sesa didst the great service for Me. Then next didst thou worship me as Laksmana. You are now serving me as Balabhadra. You shall again in Kali age be born as a great brahmana (Ramanuja), and shall worship me with many things of joy."


Brhad-Brahma-samhita makes this clear thus:


dvija-rupena bhavita ya tu samkarsanabhidha

dvaparante kaler adan pasanda-pracure jane

ramanujeti bhavita visnu-dharma-pravartakah

srirangesa-daya-patram viddhi ramanuja munim

yena sandarsitah pantha vaikunthakhyasya sadmanah

param-aikantiko dharmo bhava-pasa-vimocakah

yatrananyataya proktam avayoh .-sevanam

kalenachhadito dharmo madiyo 'yam varanane!

tada maya pravrtto 'yam tat-kalocita-murtina

visvaksenadibhir bhaktair sathari-pramukhair dvijaih

ramanujena munina kalau samstham upesyati


"'My Samkarsana part (O Sri),' says Narayana, 'is the form of a brahmana by the name Ramanuja, which it is going to take birth after the Dvapara age and in the Kali age, to expound the Visnu-dharma (Bhagavata religion), when the world will be full of heretics or renegades (pasanda). Know that Ramanuja will be the specially favored of Sri Ranga (-natha) and he will show the way to the realm known as Vaikuntha. The one-pointed Religion exclusively to be rendered to Thee and Me (Sriman Narayana) the religion which delivers (creatures) from the bonds of samsara (material existence) becomes dimmed by age, O fair faced one! according to the requirements of the age, I take many forms, and act by means of My devotees such as Visvaksena, Sathakopa, etc., and Ramanuja in the Kali age."



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Just to be fair, these references are no more well known than others quoted in support of Caitanya's identity, such as the Vayu Purana, Caitanya Upanishad, Ananta-samhita, etc etc.



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Just to be fair, these references are no more well known than others quoted in support of Caitanya's identity, such as the Vayu Purana, Caitanya Upanishad, Ananta-samhita, etc etc.






"Essential truth spoken concisely is true eloquence".

Here is the proof.


Strung in 1892 India by






<font color="red"> THREE EVIDENCES


Q. What is evidence (pramana)?


A. Pramana is that by which the truth is ascertained.



Q. How many types of evidence are there?

A. There are three types.



Q. What are they?


A. Spiritual sound (sabda), direct perception (pratyaksa), and logic (anumana).



Q. What is spiritual sound?


A. All the Vedic scriptures are evidence in the form of spiritual sound, for they are the incarnation of self-evident knowledge (svatah-siddha-jnana). They alone are the best form of evidence. The reason for this is that without such a form of evidence, it is not possible to know the truth that lives eternally beyond temporary matter.


Q. Why can't the Lord or the spiritual world be observed by direct perception and logic?


A. Evidence by direct perception (pratyaksa) is merely knowledge gathered by materialistic sensual impressions; and logic (anumana) can draw conclusions only to the extent of that same resource of material observation. These two forms of evidence can only give knowledge of the material world and nothing else.



Q. Then why do we accept the processes of direct perception and logic in ascertaining the truth of the supreme goal of life?


A. Because they are effective tools with which to confirm the perfect truthfulness of that information received from the sabda-pramana (evidence as spiritual sound; the Vedas).


namo bhaktivinodaya sac-cid-ananda namine

gaura sakti-svarupaya rupanuga varaya te




This is what you also call Sruti, Smriti etc. So without the Upanishads you cannot gain the Full Story. Otherwise why have them in the 1st place?

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