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God has No names

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Hare Krishna.


I just saw this conversation [actually I listened to in on MP3 [ www.prabhupadavani.org] According to this if God has name then must be a person. It says God actually has NO name. So this No name must be the Impersonal Brahmajyoti effluence. Because an Impersonal Object cannot Have a Name attributed to its characteristics, just like a Bowl is called a Bowl, and it acts like a bowl. So Krishna cannot be attributed to the Impersonal Brahmajyoti without calling it specifically Krishna. It MUST be called differently. Vastu means something which has its own characteristics. The object Impersonal Brahmajyoti is without any characteristics, neither is nature, or the entire creation [with the material and spiritual worlds] in complete oneness, if you apply this. So God has no names is correct. He doesn’t, but according to his activities He possess names. So God cannot be called Impersonal. If we think then we shall not chant anything, then you are an Atheist. This means the Name possess both impersonal realisation of God and Personal realisation of God, Achintya Bheda Bheda Tattva, Oneness and Difference, this Includes both the Jivas and The Personality of Godhead [Vasudeva]. Read on:


You can hear except here:




Conversation with

Devotees on Theology


April 1, 1975, Mayapur


Pancadravida: In one tape, you said actually God has no name. You said God has no name, but because He...


Prabhupada: No, that is other party’s argument, “God has no name.”


Paacadravida: No, no. In the tape, you said... In this tape, bhajana, explanation of bhajana, you said, “God... Actually God has no name, but because He does so many things, then He has names for...”


Prabhupada: Yes, according to His activities, there are names.


Ravindra-svarupa: But all these twelve names, they still make that personality whom they are describing all-attractive. So that means...


Prabhupada: Yes. And not only that. When you have names, that means God is person. That must be admitted. God cannot be imperson. You may have twelve names or twelve thousand names, but when He has got name, He’s a person. Now, our point is: “Who is that person?”




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