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Swami Narayana Followers go where?

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There are 262 talks in all, compiled and edited by four of His eminent saints, namely, Muktanand Swami, Gopalanand Swami, Nityanand Swami and Shukanand Swami and re-read by Lord Himself, thus authenticating the Holy Book.



let me correct you here


there are 273 lectures and five great saints wrote the vachnamrut - Muktanand Swami, Gopalanand Swami, Nityanand Swami, Shukanand Swami


Without any intention to hurt feelings of any of the belivers & followers of Lord Swaminarayan, let me state the current factual position:



  • As per Vartal Gaddi Sect of Swaminarayan Sampradaya, there are only four editors of the Vachnamrut and as per Amdavad Gaddi Sect there are five editors including Bramhanand Swami. Though there is one Sanskrit Sloka written originally then where Brahmanand Swami's name is mentioned, it still remains a mystry as to why his name is not there.
  • As per BAPS Swaminarayan Sampradaya and Vadtal Gaddi Sect, there are 262 lectures in Vachnamrut. The BAPS Swaminarayan Sampradaya though accepts and publishes them in their Vachanamrut print the 11 extra lectures as mentioned in and published by Amdavad Gaddi Sect. This is because a slight change in the style & format of language is observed in these 11 extra lectures, though the philosophy stated in them are still in line with what Lord Swaminarayan Him Self would have stated. Hence, the dispute. The Vadtal Gaddi Sect outrightly rejects them. That makes the total 273.
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Swaminarayan was a Guru and told his followers to worship Krishna, but they disobeyed. Swaminarayan religion is adharmic, stop worshipping Guru. Worship Lord Krishna alone.

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Swaminarayan was a Guru and told his followers to worship Krishna, but they disobeyed. Swaminarayan religion is adharmic, stop worshipping Guru. Worship Lord Krishna alone



muktanand swami was a great devotee of lord krishna before he met lord swaminarayan. he even had doubts about lord swaminarayan being god but later the truth was revealed through the power of god, who was swaminarayan. this is when he done aarti of swaminarayan bhagwan.


now why would a great devotee of krisna do such a thing if swaminarayan bhagwan did not have this divine bliss.


the answer is simple he was god himself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well readmg the whole disscusion i must say that there are alot of people who still dont understand the BAPS faith of swaminarayan is the only way to ultimate salvation..there is no sense me arguing on it..but when the day comes people shall realise wat the truth is...so i pity the ignorant..n the curious..ones...this is the time 2 change track n go on the rite path!!!!-

Kunal- Dubai,U.A.E

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muktanand swami was a great devotee of lord krishna before he met lord swaminarayan. he even had doubts about lord swaminarayan being god but later the truth was revealed through the power of god, who was swaminarayan. this is when he done aarti of swaminarayan bhagwan.


How did this happen? What were the circumstance?

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Well readmg the whole disscusion i must say that there are alot of people who still dont understand the BAPS faith of swaminarayan is the only way to ultimate salvation..there is no sense me arguing on it..but when the day comes people shall realise wat the truth is...so i pity the ignorant..n the curious..ones...this is the time 2 change track n go on the rite path!!!!-

Kunal- Dubai,U.A.E


Isn't that how Muslims justify their religion?

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Jai sri krishna, the last post just mentioned some differing interpretations within the differnt swaminarayan schools. One thing i noticed was that both Vadtal/Ahemedabad and Baps santhsa still have murthies of Krishna, Rama, and Vishnu and celebrate Ram Navmi, Janmashtami etc.. But the Maninagar sanstha temples dont seem to worship Krishna. I have read parts of the Shikshapatri and Sahajanand swami is very clear on worshiping Krishna, with Radha/Lakshmi, revering Dwaraka, etc... so it seems a bit odd that Maninagar have seem to have left out Krishna.


One question i have to swaminarayan devotees is what is the mantra you are meant to chant. The shikshapatri mentions the Ashtaskara maha mantra which is presume is Sri Krishna Sharannmma. Yet i had friends from BAPS who chant "Swaminarayan" as mantra. Whereas on the Maninagar sanstha website they mention "Om Swaminarayanbapa Swamibapa Bhagavathe Namaha".

Surely then by not chanting the Sri Krishna Sharannmama mahamantra and not worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead -Krishna with Radha/Lakshmi, (as per the Shikshapatri) followers of Sahajanand swami are disobeying his orders????????

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Well readmg the whole disscusion i must say that there are alot of people who still dont understand the BAPS faith of swaminarayan is the only way to ultimate salvation..there is no sense me arguing on it..but when the day comes people shall realise wat the truth is...so i pity the ignorant..n the curious..ones...this is the time 2 change track n go on the rite path!!!!-

Kunal- Dubai,U.A.E


A perfect example of a small but growing problem within Hindus. You have individuals or sects that are so fanatical they believe all other sects are on the wrong path. People like these are 'a Hindu version' of Muslims. Only Muslims would talk like that, but it seems now some Hindus have picked up their bad habits.


It is human weakness to follow think your guru is God. From all I know about Swaminarayan he was a saint, but not God and told his followers to Worship Krishna and respect all the devatas. His followers have made him out to be God but they are having a hard time convincing other Hindus.


It is strange that Saminrayana's chant the swaminarayan mantra, when Swaminrayan came from the Ramanuja Sampradaya so shouldn't their mantra be "Om Namo Narayanan"? Did Swaminarayan alter the philosophy of Visistadvaita to his version or did he just change some terms like Nar-Naranyan and Askhar-Purroshotam?

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Well readmg the whole disscusion i must say that there are alot of people who still dont understand the BAPS faith of swaminarayan is the only way to ultimate salvation..there is no sense me arguing on it..but when the day comes people shall realise wat the truth is...so i pity the ignorant..n the curious..ones...this is the time 2 change track n go on the rite path!!!!-

Kunal- Dubai,U.A.E


if you believe this, are BAPS actively sending missionaries around the world to try and spread this message and save as many souls as possible? If someone believes their way is the only way to salvation, the least they could do is share this knowledge with the rest of the world who have never even heard of the Swaminarayan.

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if they did that, then they could no longer be considered Hindu. They'd fall inline with christian and islamic fanatics.


if they believe they alone possess the Truth that leads to salvation/moksha - then the least they could do is share their message with the rest of the world.


any religion which claims to possess the truth which sets souls free from material existence, can't be for one race or nation. This salvation message must be given to the whole human race and all embodied souls.


Therefore, where are these Swaminarayan devotees spreading their message around the world?

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are you actually advocating that they should? Are you even a gaudiya vaishnava, surely you don't believe in worshipping Guru as God, right?

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are you actually advocating that they should? Are you even a gaudiya vaishnava, surely you don't believe in worshipping Guru as God, right?


No, I am not advocating that they should. I am saying if they believe what Kunal wrote:


"there are alot of people who still dont understand the BAPS faith of swaminarayan is the only way to ultimate salvation..there is no sense me arguing on it..but when the day comes people shall realise wat the truth is...so i pity the ignorant..n the curious..ones...this is the time 2 change track n go on the rite path!!!!-

Kunal- Dubai,U.A.E"


then why aren't they actively trying to share this knowledge with the world? Do they believe only a few people in India and the UK are worthy of this knowledge and ultimate salvation?

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Do they believe only a few people in India and the UK are worthy of this knowledge and ultimate salvation?


If this was the case they are doing a rather bad job, than saving souls around the world. They haven't made many western converts in western countries as far as I know. Only ISKCON and to a lesser extent the Ramakrishna mission have western followers. Swaminarayan followers consists mainly of members of the Gujarati community. They don't seem to be popular with Hindus from different states in India other than Gujarat. However they have made a beautiful Mandir in Delhi. Maybe they wish to get followers in India's capital.


Despite their trying to convince others that their founder is God incarnate, they have done great service to the Hindu community worldwide and were the first in the west to push the idead that Mandirs should be made traditionally. When they made their Mandir in London, UK people realised that Hinduism was here to stay.

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If this was the case they are doing a rather bad job, than saving souls around the world. They haven't made many western converts in western countries as far as I know.


Do they have any non-Indian followers? Does anyone know the answer to this?



Only ISKCON and to a lesser extent the Ramakrishna mission have western followers.


Actually, there are several others. For example, Shakta gurus like Mother Amma and Shree Maa have attracted many western followers.


Then there are Self Realization Fellowship Temples in most major cities, and thousands of westerners consider Yogananda their Guru. Then of course there is Swami Sivananda's Divine Life Society; Siddha Yoga; Saiva Siddhanta; and the list goes on... There are now many western people following eastern (indian) traditions.


Hinduism has spread big time in the last 100 yrs, and continues to do so. This is a good thing. Since the Sanatana Dharma is every man's inheritance.


It's nonsensical to think only Indians are interested in these divine mysteries at which the Vedic traditions point to.

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Do they have any non-Indian followers? Does anyone know the answer to this?



I've heard they have one or two western followers. Though these are just devotees that were initially attracted to their temples who like Hinduism and decided to worship there. I don't think they have any non-indian monks.



Actually, there are several others. For example, Shakta gurus like Mother Amma and Shree Maa have attracted many western followers.


Then there are Self Realization Fellowship Temples in most major cities, and thousands of westerners consider Yogananda their Guru. Then of course there is Swami Sivananda's Divine Life Society; Siddha Yoga; Saiva Siddhanta; and the list goes on... There are now many western people following eastern (indian) traditions.



I am aware of these other groups. I mentioned ISKCON and Ramakrishna mission as they stand out as being known to having western followers. But you're right Divine life society, SRF and Saiva Siddhanta has sizable western followers.

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I think that this is quite sad. I had always been under the impression that the Swaminarayan folks were and are a sweet bunch, but these guru wars are just plain embarassing.


I would like to know if the "Dev" group mentioned here refers to the BAPS faction?


No This Is NOT B.A.P.S

Ther=se people are tring to ruin Gods reputation God is God! Believe in what you belive dont harras others beliefs. I am a Swaminarayan. Still we are hindus do you see christions fighting over stupid things like comparing the same God.Lets say u are a Shiv Bhakta and i am a Vaisnav Bhakta we both pray to God. Right? Also when Nityanand Swami(A saint from Swaminarayan Bhagvans life comparred vedic religons INDIA accsepted as a vedic religion. What can I Say stupid people doubt him.I am only 14 years old but I cant believe that grown ups fight like this what a shame

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ISKCON doesn't consider themselves hindu.



What wre you doing? Iskon is hindu I am tired of stupid people like you what kind of problems do you have? Krishna was Hindu . Swami Prabupad was Hindu. Your name iscon is Hindu.You make me sick!

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What wre you doing? Iskon is hindu I am tired of stupid people like you what kind of problems do you have? Krishna was Hindu . Swami Prabupad was Hindu. Your name iscon is Hindu.You make me sick!



In case you didn't know there is some controversy of whether ISKCON is Hindu or not. Of course WE accept them as Hindus of the Gaudiya Vaishnava branch, but some ISKCON followers do not want to be associated with Hindus.

Srila Prabhupada referred to Hinduism as "useless died up branches of the Vedic tree". I suppose it depends on how we define Hinduism, for ISKCON to be Hindu or not. But since they believe in Hindu ways of worship, follow Hindu scriptures, believe in a Hindu God, have Hindu beliefs, then I would say they are a part of Hinduism.


When we have Swiminarayan followers like Kunal from Dubai, who say only BAPS is the only way to ultimate salvation, then I think we have a problem.

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many people think Hare Krishnas are some cult movement that started in the 1960's because they did not know that Hare Krishna was associated with the ancient Hindu religion. It's very foolish to confuse people with semantics. Gaudiya Vaishnavas are a sect of the Hindu religion. They should not be ashamed to admit this. Sri Vaishnavas and other Vaishnava sampradayas are not ashamed to admit this.

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