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Serious question..I cant follow regulative principles

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Out of four RPs,


1) Gambling: No

2) Intoxication: Tea, coffee. I dont drink alcohol or smoke.

3) Illicit sex: no, but I do masturbate and have sexual thoughts

4) Meat eating: No, except eggs.


As you can see, I dont follow RPs fully. What am I to do? Do I simply pray to krishna, hoping i'd become perfect as I go along. Or do I make the effort? I do make the effort but it is not working. Do I have to pray to devatas for help?


Please show me the way. Also, can Hanuman help me in controlling sexual impulses?

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the goal is surrendering to krsna.. so your best effort is to be put on chanting hare krishna on regular basis. Of course there should be effort also in being moral and clean, but i cannot know when for you the effort ends and repression begins.. and repression is bad.


So you have to be honest and decide for yourself while chanting hare krishna regularly and more as you can..


search for a girlfriend.. to have sex even if not only for procreation but in a more natural way is an advancement


associate more as you can with devotees


try to contact a krsna conscious spiritual master to have shelter and advice

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The 11th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam says we are like children learning to walk. At first we will fall many times, but we will get up and keep trying to take steps. Slowly we will be able to hobble a few steps before falling, and one day we will finally learn to walk fully.


It is a very gradual process. After millions of lives of sinful activity we have decided to stop crawling around and to try to stand up and walk. We shouldn't be discouraged if the process takes some time. Just sincerely try to improve yourselves in so many ways (reduce desires, develop good qualities such as humility, develop attachement to devotional service, undergo austerities, etc.).


From a practical perspective, the more we are fixed in sattva guna the quicker we will be able to learn to walk. Try cultivating goodness in all aspects of life.

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I love your honesty. With yourself and with others. You recognize some problem areas and are trying to confront them. Krsna is surely helping you and will ever continue to do so. Stay honest and don't fall into the trap of pretending to be something you are not. This becomes a great block to the flow of Krsna consciousness.


When you are taking a shower do you obsess and excessly worry about on how dirty the parts of your body are that you have not yet cleaned? Or do you allow yourself to enjoy the process of getting clean?


You are aware of the problems and by chanting are doing what is necesaary to clean them up. Be patient, be happy and increase the chanting and association if you can.


Remember the goal is to become the devotee of the devotees.


Bigger problems come to us when we are really at the level described below but try to make others think we are higher situated.




From Bhagavad-gita As It Is:




If you cannot practice the regulations of bhakti-yoga, then just try to work for Me, because by working for Me you will come to the perfect stage.




One who is not able even to practice the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga, under the guidance of a spiritual master, can still be drawn to this perfectional stage by working for the Supreme Lord. How to do this work has already been explained in the fifty-fifth verse of the Eleventh Chapter. One should be sympathetic to the propagation of Krishna consciousness. There are many devotees who are engaged in the propagation of Krishna consciousness, and they require help. So, even if one cannot directly practice the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga, he can try to help such work. Every endeavor requires land, capital, organization and labor. Just as in business one requires a place to stay, some capital to use, some labor and some organization to expand, so the same is required in the service of Krishna. The only difference is that in materialism one works for sense gratification. The same work, however, can be performed for the satisfaction of Krishna, and that is spiritual activity. If one has sufficient money, he can help in building an office or temple for propagating Krishna consciousness. Or he can help with publications. There are various fields of activity, and one should be interested in such activities. If one cannot sacrifice the results of his activities, the same person can still sacrifice some percentage to propagate Krishna consciousness. This voluntary service to the cause of Krishna consciousness will help one to rise to a higher state of love for God, whereupon one becomes perfect.




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