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O my God, where have all the Prabhupada disciples gone???

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At the Srila Prabhupada family reunion this year in Mayapur, we was fortunate enough to take a group photo of assembled Srila Prabhupada disciples. The photo was taken on the Srila Prabhupada Samadhi steps on a very bright sunny day.



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I would like to know their services to Srila Prabhupada's mission. Some just have the status that they are Srila Prabhupada's disciples, expect respect from us grand disciples but just don't do anything concrete for the mission of Srila Prabhupada...especially in present tense.


Some granddisciples who are not sannyasis render more service to Srila Prabhupada's mission but get no encouragement yet they persevere.


Who has more of Srila Prabhupada's mercy? the grandfather is more merciful to grand disciples!!!



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they certainly deserve our respect. many have done lots of wonderful service over the years.


who is greater? I dont think we need to grade everything like that. guru's mercy is always individual.


a little bit of service with love and humility is probably better than lots of service with pride and disrespect.

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We are all old. The first many years of our lives were spent on drugs, illicit sense activity, learning how to reject the false gods of our youth. At le3ast twenty years were needed to get rid of much of the pains of these activities, and the rest of the time is spent in middle age "tryin to get by".


Our fault was treating the youth as burdens, that it was more spiritual to go on some false samkirtana while turning our responsibility to the purest among us, our children, over to others who also thought children were a waste of time.


So, granddisciple, what we have to offer is very valuable, our faults are laiud on the table, and now we just do endless battles over what we think Srila Prabhupada meant (as if we ever had a cogent thought). Dont treat the great grand disciple like we treated you, this is our teaching, can you grasp that?


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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