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Near Death Experiences(NDE)?

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Near Death Experiences

by Brsabha das


Posted April 25, 2005

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Hare Krsna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Krsna & all His Devotees! My name is Brsabha Dasa & I was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1972 at Bhaktivedanta Manor when aged 22 years.


I am interested in NDEs or Near Death Experiences and i would like to hear from anyone else who might have experienced anything similar to my own?


My own NDE happened in 1970. Then i was a spiritually indifferent hippy interested only in drugs, pop music, and the opposite sex, in that order. I had, at that time, no knowledge of the existence of Srila Prabhupada what to speak of his teachings.


It was in that year of 1970 that my friends and myself shared a house together. The 4 or 5 of us spent our days conning people into thinking our paintings were originals and thus paying inflated prices for them. (another of my many regrets in life)


Most evenings we would spend smoking cannabis or taking other drugs like Speed & Mandrax and then listening to pop music, etc. Twice before i had taken LSD tabs and twice before i had bad trips and that last evening was no exception. My world became my own personal hell for the hours i was under the drugs inflences,which i have never forgotten to this day! Unfortunately i was left alone to wander the house that evening (probably because everyone one else was too stoned to notice). Thus during my hellish wanderings i fell down the stairs that led up to the bedrooms. (this i only found out later).


What happened next was finding myself in the midst of a glorious brilliant white light! I knew i had left my body behind but i did not care at all. I felt so wonderfully happy! I sensed but could not quite make out other beings all around and above and below where i was. They appeared to be indifferent to me or maybe they were unaware of me, i am not sure. Even so, everything felt so warm and blissful floating in that lovely light, i believed then i could have stayed there forever! Then i heard spoken three words 'Come to me.' They had no apparent source. Maybe they came from inside me or outside me? That i am still unsure of. It was a male voice. Oh, but what a lovely voice! It sounded so sweet and so full of love for me. I was overjoyed and in ecstasy! Each word had so much meaning to it. I can only say that i recognised that voice. It was the voice of God!


How did i know? The only example i can think of is how we recognise our parents voices when they are close by but not visible to us. However, i could not reply because i then awoke on the hospital trolley in a hallway and alone. I think i left the hospital without informing anyone or leaving my name.


My large family still do not know of this event, or my hospital visit, and i still feel they will not believe me and would probably say i was hallucinating. Thus i am somewhat averse to broadcasting it to all and sundry. And so i have told only two groups in person. In our sankirtan van with four devotees present and once in a lecture at Bhaktivedanta Manor. My other place was anonymously about a year ago on the IANDS website.


As a postscript, from then onwards i have never once doubted the existence of God or Krsna nor do i fear death itself except for going to hell for my many sins. But even there i would still try to learn to love Him as much as He loves us all.


So, to repeat my humble request. If anyone could kindly email me their story i would be very grateful and would protect their anonymity if so desired.


My email address is: Briankrsnad@aol.com. Many thanks.



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Why do you say Brahman-realization? Since when does Brahman talk? I also heard a NDE story from someone who entered some "Blue Entity" that "talked to him". A strange mix of Brahman and Bhagavan-like experience. Maybe things aren't always that well defined. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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Lots of people claim to have seen a "white personified light" during their NDEs regardless of their religion. On the other hand, some claim to have seen various deities or prophets connected with their religion/beliefs.


Its all so interesting to read, definitely. Scientific research found that the same could occur upon electrical stimulation of the temporal lobes in one's brain.

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The materialists claim it is the same but its not. If you stimulate certain areas of the brain a person may see a light or get some feeling and this is repeatable. But when you read some of these peoples experiences it has nothing in common with what the "scientists" say.


They try to use the same explanation for OBE's out of body experiences, in general.


Remember these people are convinced they are the body so the idea of leaving the body is preposterous to them so all they can look to is an explanation within the brain.


They think the same about the self. And when they can't find it in the brain they conclude there is no self. Can there be a greater self delusion then delude yourself into denying that you even exist?


OMG we are such helpless playthings in maya's hands.

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