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Jai shree Radhey!


I am really amazed to see such kind of forums existing and I really appreciate the organisers.

I encountered this forum while searching for my questions over net.From my childhood I am raised with blessings of LORD KRISHNA and visited Vridavana quite frequently for dharshna of Shree Banke Bihariji.

I got married ,came here in USA,my longingness to acquire spiritual knowledge...to know Krishna has increased.Also I believe ,evrybody needs a master to guide on spiritual path....to meet The universal master.

I have heard that...

"The master arrives when student is ready"

When will I meet my master.....shud I go and search for one?

and lot more questions..........

I think some of u at some point of ur life have also experienced the same....Can somebody show me some light??

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Dear friend, I am glad you have such a desire. Many people don't even have that. Now that you have this desire to become more spiritually inclined (and you already are, actually) I suggest you get into contact with some aspiring devotees like yourself who have the same desire. This is the step after having some desire for self-realization. Once you have associated with some aspiring devotees then you can seek shelter of a bonafide guru who will place the seed of bhakti within you. Then you can begin devotional service. You need a guru and his siksa to do this though. It is very simple, and very good to know you have such an inclination. This is all described in bhakti rasamrta sindu, however first do these things and then you will figure out the rest from your beloved Srila Gurudeva.


Om Tat Sat

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Thank u so much dear for the quick reply!

U r right that I shud get into contact with some aspiring devotees.In actually Krishna gave me a few oppurtunities too .But its me who is confused...

I m fully convinced that Bhakti is the best path...as I have heard ...I don't know shud I mention the name.

Also I have read a little about ISKON ,I attented a satsang once.And I was searching if I can find any group in my area..but cudn't.:(


Dear friend,I don't know if I was able to make U understand how I m feeling??Can u help me so that I can see things clearly???


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Which CON? =P


Where are you located at? Maybe there is an ISKCON temple nearby or even better, a Gaudiya Math. Wherever you are look for one of these things. When you find out, look for a group of devotees. I understand how you feel, and Bhakti is the best path for fallen souls like us. I am sure with your childhood background and seeming natural Krishna Counsciousness you will come very easily to your Guru and Sri Bhagwan Krishna himself. Once you have the sincere desire for Krishna Bhakti nothing will stop you.


Hari Bol!




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What a Guru is?


Read this book:


{abode acrobat]


Homepage: http://www.guardian-of-devotion.de/books/books.htm


If you don't like PDFs [abode acrobat]. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Then I found a programme to Rip them to Word or HTML:


[Free for 15 day trial]


Hare Krishna


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I want to convey my heartful of thanks to Shree Pankaj Dasa for directing me to a link,where I cud find some of the answers to my questions..and what a guru is.Though My bhudhi cannot understand its deep meaning,I am really surprised to know that "Gayatri mantra" carries the gist of Bhagwat Gita in itself.

Thank u so much my dear friend.


Also I searched for ISKCON temple and Gaudiya math in Dayton,OH and nearest I found is in columbus,OH where I attended satsang once when we were in coumbus few months back.


I thought about associating myself to devotees many times before too.....and everytime there are many doubts that arise in my mind..

Its a huge responsiblity will I be able to devote myself fully?

My husband and in laws don't believe in moortipooja...but my husband knows that I am in love with KRISHNA....and supports me.

I have to persue my career and my family is also very important for me,will I be able to make a balance ?

Is this the right time??

Do these doubts indicate I m not ready??


Oh GOD.. help me,Krishna U take care of everything I just don't know....and show me UR path.


Hare Krishna!




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Dear Pankaj prabhu ,U shud never feel sad,u r so kind that is the pesonality of Krishna only.U are so near to Him.


I have read many posts here ....and u are doing a good job.


And I m sorry if I have troubled anyone ,I was just keep on writing my doubts without thinking anything.U r true everyone has problems and that is why only thinking of HIM gives so much of relief.I was being a little greedy;)


Hari bol!

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Why you ask me such a difficult question.




This is from Sri Guru & His Grace:


Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita:


tad viddhi pranipatena

pariprasnena sevaya

upadeksyanti te jnanam

jnaninas tattva darsinah


"To understand transcendental knowledge, you must approach a self-realized soul, accept him as your spiritual master, and take initiation from him. Inquire submissively and render service unto him. Selfrealized souls can impart knowledge unto you, for they have seen the truth."






Chapter Two

Initiation Into Transcendental Science


Devotee: Can you explain the real meaning of diksa, initiation?


Sridhara Maharaja: Srila Jiva Goswami has explained this in his Bhakti Sandarbha (868):


divyam jnanam yato dadyat

kuryat papasya sanksayam

tasmad dikseti sa prokta

desikais tattva-kovidaih


Experienced scholars have explained the meaning of diksa, or

spiritual initiation, in this way: diksa is the process through which transcendental knowledge is imparted by the preceptor to the disciple. As a result, all the disciple's previous bad tendencies are crushed. Through diksa, all previous commitments are cleared, and one gets the light of new life in relationship with the transcendental Lord. Diksa, or initiation, is a process by which we are given a noble connection with the absolute center and at the same time, our previous commitments are all finished. It is an inner awakenment of life that brings divine knowledge. That wealth is there within us, but it is suppressed. Diksa means discovering one's inner wealth, and getting relief from all outward obligations.


With inner awakenment, the outward commitments vanish, just as when you reach home, all other arrangements you may have

contracted for your comforts are all cut off, for at home you find full comfort. When we are in a foreign land, we may seek the comforts which are supplied in hotels, but when we reach home, the hotel comforts are discarded; we find no more use for them. Sometimes a minor is kidnapped from home. Later, while visiting his native place

he may stay in a hotel, but if he suddenly finds his father's house, and returns home, his parents will recognize him and say, "O, my son! You were stolen from us when you were young. We recognize your face. I am your mother, this is your father, here is your sister." Then

the hotel is no longer needed. In a similar way, with the inner awakenment of the soul, when we return back home, back to Godhead, we will find our comfortable home with Krsna. So, to make a connection with our real home and dispense with our outward links

is known as diksa.



Prabhu i will make this book in readable format later. Right now I don't like PDFs they are so slow. I wil do it in 1-2 days, then you can read with pleasure.

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Dear Pankaj Prabhu,

It kind of strange that I have been feeling since yesterday,something fulfilling inside,still to get more and more.

U r very well explaining and making me understand.May be That's why my questions for u doesn't seem to end.I pay my respect to you and a Guru who has disciple like you.


When you know u are ready for diksha?

When r u actually ready for diksha?




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what's initiation ??

--krsna through the gurudeva mystically offers eternal shelter to the initiated.

Is this a process or just blessings of Srila Gurudev?

--only blessing


who is eligible for this?

--who is chosen by the causeless mercy of srila gurudeva


When you know u are ready for diksha?

--no one is really ready or fit for initiation.. it is only mercy. We have only to pray krsna to be saved



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