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Diksa Mantras

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Hari Bol everyone! Please accept my Dandavat Pranams!


I have the diksa initiation but I was wondering if there was a book available which explains in specific detail the meanings of all the diksa mantras. If you could please post the link to the pdf that would be great!


In your service,

An Anonymous Dasa

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I certainly could, but I'd rather not trouble him to answer a question if there is already literature on the subject. Though I am heavily considering writing him a letter. He is coming near me soon though so I can ask him face to face then.


Om Tat Sat

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Yes, the Gayatri book by HH Sacinandana Swami has been recently published.


Previously to that there was a book called "Gayatri-mahima-madhuri" that was written by HH Mahanidhi Swami, I have that book and I thought it was quite good.

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Those who are gayatri candidates, they will get the gayatri after the fire sacrifice. I'll just say a few words about the gayatri mantra. It is said that just by chanting the gayatri mantra, one becomes delivered. The difference between the gayatri and the hare Krsna maha-mantra is that gayatri is mantra, whereas the hare Krsna mantra is MAHA mantra. Why? You see, gayatri has 3 aspects. It has bija, or seed, then nama, the name of the personality about which this gayatri is indicated, and then nyasa, how to chant, or how to mediate, on that mantra. Of these three, the most important is the nama. Just as in a locket the most precious jem is kept in the middle, just as the 6 most important chapters of the Bhagavad Gita are kept in the middle, similarly, of these 3 aspects, the nama is the most important.


The bija and the nyasa indicate the nama. Every gayatri must have a seed. For example, for brahma gayatri, the seed is 'om.' I'll give you an example, "Om namo bhagavate Vasudevaya.' Here, the bija is "Om," the nama is Vasudeva, and how are we meditating, by 'namah,' Therefore this can be considered to be a gayatri. Nowadays, everyone chants the brahma gayatri. Generally, they are not said in public, but since it has become quite public, I'll take the example. In the brahma gayatri, the bija is "om," 'bhur bhuvah savitur varenyam' is the name.


Who is the personality? It is He who is the worshipable Lord of Savita, who lights up the bhur bhuva and svarga. And that 'dimahi dhi yo yo na pracodayat' is the nyasa. Of these 3 aspects, the most important is the nama. Now, in the hare Krsna maha-mantra, what do we have? Hare Krsna hare Krsna Krsna Krsna hare hare, hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare. It is only name and name and name and name only. Therefore it is maha-mantra. Also we can consider the panca tattva mantra. It is maha-mantra. Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivas adi gaura bhakta vrinda. Srila Prabhupada also indicated this panca tattva mantra as maha-mantra. Now you understand why? Because it consists only of names, whereas the gayatri mantra should have bija, nama, and nyasa. So this gayatri is meant to be meditated upon. Gayatri is indicated, as I said, "Dimahi di yo yo na pracodayat." The person who inspires us, that person we mediate upon. The maha-mantra, on the other hand, can be mediated, can be sung, and can be congregationally chanted. Gayatri is a secret mantra. Therefore it is given in a quiet place. Now, the initiation candidates can come forward. Before that, we will do acaman, which means cleansing the vocal channel. Before one chants mantra, or before one takes a vow, one is meant to do the acamana. It is done by taking a few drops of water in your palm and drinking from the base of your palm and chanting, "Om Sri Kesavaya namah"

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diksa mantras are secret, if any one who is not your diksa or siksa guru explain to you those meanings, that person becomes your Guru... if you hear those mantras from some one who is not your Guru, also he becomes your Guru.


The service of Your Guru is to clarify all your questions!!!


Literature about gayatri mantras???

no one autorized by any acarya


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