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The Truuth behind mother teresa !

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can anyone deny her love for children and god?


all people can do is complain, and its seriously getting on my nerves. People hide behind the argument that fraudulent and deceptive people must be exposed, but what of your own character and infinite flaws?! Look at yourselves. Bickering, arguing over every little thing - criticising everyone who doesn;t conform to your idealistic notion of the way things should be.


Nethi, Nethi.

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Did you read that link.


Her organization refused to help so many people who were in genuine need !!


And that to at the time when she was claiming that she would go to the moon if it had poor people!


That is the issue !!!

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>>can anyone deny her love for children and god?


Yes ! That is exactly what is being proven. She was just a worker for the vatican !


Please read !!

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Her organization refused to help so many people who were in genuine need !!



Who have you helped today? Millions of humans are being slaughtered in the womb. Billions of animals slaughtered for their meat and hides. Millions lacking enough food while massive corporations walk all over them. Genocide in the Sudan THIS VERY MOMENT!


No one has knowledge of the soul and Supersoul. The list is nearly endless.


And you are on a public campaign against Mother Theresa who left the planet already. Get a grip. Get off your butt and help someone.

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I will not at all agrue with you.


You are a devotee ! all devotees are above my level of bhakti. In fact i have none.


Thus You must be right !!!


I agree!!


All that i wanted to say is to stop fooling people with thier hard earned money in the name of a conversion racket.


You know they told a lady that to feed her children she has to leave the children with them and reject all right to them. They will be then raised as catholics. That seems cruel.


You are right i need to help people.


But still you must be right i am wrong. You are a devotee. I am not even fit to be your dog.


I ask of the moderator to please remove this thread.

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I can't accept any deference to me like that. Why? Because I know my own nature and lifestyle. When I say I am not a devotee it is not some feigned humility IT IS A FACT based on how I live my life. To my credit I have some interest in the subject matter of Krsna consciousness but that is it.


Please please don't do that again.


If you think it correct to abandon your position then feel free or if to continue then do so I just expressed my reaction. I am sure many can point to her good deeds as well.


I have seen many attack her from the "hindu" section and it always strikes me as sectarian Christian bashing. Like the temple "acarya" that threw stones at her when she first opened a spot for her ministry in Calcutta. And who now feels ashamed for having done so.


In the same way I visit Christian forums and don't tolerate their Hindu bashing by saying "due to believing in karma Hindus believe in letting their own people starve." Some may actually think like that but then i am sure there are far many more who are actively trying to help. See my point? Most Catholics are quite nice.


If we want to attack anyone they are there. Why do you think God lets false God's and mundane politicians roam loose for? It's open season on those a__holes. But Mother Theresa?

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Please accept my apologies. I really over-reacted. I was reacting to an accumulation of similar postings and it all came out onto you which is most unfair. I still believe what I said but my tone was rather barbaric. This has bothered me all afternoon.


So again please accept my apologies.

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Theist Prabhuji,


I am not at all in anguish at you. In fact i happy to be corrected by devoptees.


I should not have any other desire than to please all devotees.


In fact the reason i am suffereing is beacuse i repeat this envious mentality, that is not acceptable to Radhe and Krishna.


So please accept my sincere thans for showing me the way in both understanding people and in humility.


Thank you !

Hare Krishna

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Lets state a few facts:


1. Mother Theresa was anti Hindu.


2. Her primary aim was not to help the poor Hindus, but rather convert the poor Hindus to Catholicism.


3. She wouldn't allow dying Hindus to put up pictures of Hindu deities near their bedsides.


4. There are many Hindu groups helping the poor in Calcutta, but they don't get the western media coverage that Mother Theresa got. By inference, it's a case of Christians are good, but Hindu are bad. Isn't it great to see that "The White Man's Burden" is alive and well today?


5. She had £54 million in her bank account when she died.


6. She wasn't vegetarian



Christians are NOT the only religious people who help the poor.


I question the motive of people who help the poor in order to covert the disadvantaged. I believe it more copassionate to help the poor and let them practise thier own religion.

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I'm no fan of modern-day Christianity but then again i'm no fan of modern-day hinduism either. But some comments really get on my nerves so i feel like debating a little...


"1. Mother Theresa was anti Hindu."


Good for her. This means she had staunch faith in her own religion. Though this is sometimes dangerous, at least she didn't pick up a bazooka or commandeer an plane.


"2. Her primary aim was not to help the poor Hindus,."


Since she's not around to defend her motives i think this is a pretty cheap shot. You can never judge someone by their actions because human behaviour, thinking and ideology is extremely complex. We can say the same thing for some Indian gurus who have travelled to te west and preached to mostly westerners - looks kinda racist until you really enquire about it.


"but rather convert the poor Hindus to Catholicism"


Again, staunch faith is something to be admired. I only wish i had the same kind of vigour for Krsna.


"3. She wouldn't allow dying Hindus to put up pictures of Hindu deities near their bedsides."


Were you there to see this? And even if you were, what difference does it make? Hindus should know that you can close your eyes and imagine the sweet smile of their favourite deity.


"4. There are many Hindu groups helping the poor in Calcutta, but they don't get the western media coverage that Mother Theresa got. By inference, it's a case of Christians are good, but Hindu are bad. Isn't it great to see that "The White Man's Burden" is alive and well today?"


This might be so but you can't blame Mother Theresa about it so its a pointless argument in the context of this thread.


"5. She had £54 million in her bank account when she died."


Where did it go after she died if she really did have that much money (which i REALLY doubt)?


"6. She wasn't vegetarian"


So are most people - that doesnt make them bad. This argument has appeared on this forum before. Does it really matter whether you eat meat? - i don't want to get into this coz it will retreat from the topic of Mother Theresa. The point is that she was Catholic, which sanctions the eating of meat. Hopefully in her next life she will be veg and she progress to the next rung of spiritual life.


"Christians are NOT the only religious people who help the poor. I question the motive of people who help the poor in order to covert the disadvantaged. I believe it more copassionate to help the poor and let them practise thier own religion. "


I agree. Are you doing it?



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If I said I was anti Jewish or anti black would you say to me...


"Great, you have staunch belief in your skin colour or your anti semetic beliefs"


If I have staunch faith that the moon was made of cheese, would you still admire my beliefs.



What's the difference between staunch faith and fanaticism?



Mother Theresa motives for helping the poor were conversion. That is not a cheap shot. I was born into a Catholic family and recall collecting money as a child in school for the "Black babies" and missionary activities in non Western countries. This reeks of "THE WHITE MAN BURDEN"


Look at the harm Christian "cilvilisation" has inflicted on it's non white, non European, non Christian neighbour's. Maybe the church doesn't kill, maim, rob anymore, but the attitudes haven't change much. Go into any Christian bookshop and read the "HOW TO CONVERT....." and "WHY ALL OTHER RELIGIONS ARE WRONG" books that are on sale.


Regarding the £54 million in her bank account, it is a well established fact.



"4. There are many Hindu groups helping the poor in Calcutta, but they don't get the western media coverage that Mother Theresa got. By inference, it's a case of Christians are good, but Hindu are bad. Isn't it great to see that "The White Man's Burden" is alive and well today?"


This might be so but you can't blame Mother Theresa about it so its a pointless argument in the context of this thread.


So, I can't blame people Mother Theresa for being a religious bigot? That's strange, because she was. There are many Christians helping the poor and they don't make a song and dance about it, which is more in line with Christ's teachings. They have my respect.



It appears some people are saying 1+1=3 whereas some people are saying that 1+1=2, but as not to offend anyone both groups some are asking us to say 1+1=4. Sorry...but call a spade a spade. Racism, bigotry, etc in the name of religion are there in many subtle forms. It shouldn't be brushed under the carpet.


There are beautiful truths in all religions.


Help me if I am poor but please respect my beliefs in the process. Don't be arrogant and try to convert me....


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