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What if a spiritual master does not reject deviant disciples???

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Q. If a spiritual master does not reject deviant disciples, Krsna will hold the spiritual master responsible. What if the spiritual master does not know the extent of a disciple’s deviation? Does he still have the same level of responsibility?


HH Bhakti-tirtha Swami Maharaja: Yes, he is still accountable. Although he may not know the exact level of deviation, Krsna will give him some basic understanding. One year I had to make a general proclamation to my disciples in West Africa. Since some of them had remained deviant for several years, I had to let them know that I no longer considered them disciples. This action gave some of them a chance to understand the seriousness of their deviations and an opportunity to try to change. I clearly stated that any of my disciples who had not followed the principles for several years would no longer be considered a disciple. Some of them contacted me and asked for forgiveness. They wanted to try to do better and they were accepted. Others did not respond in this way and I do not take responsibility for them. I sent letters to some disciples to guide them and send them all kinds of help for years. I had to let them know that they have broken the contract. A contract involves two parties, and since they have chosen deviation, they have broken that agreement. They now have the freedom to act according to their own desires, but they must take full responsibility for their own actions. I no longer have any responsibility. In a few cases, the person tries to change and I immediately accept them back after they make apologies to Srila Prabhupada. Sometimes I have asked them to take part in a yajna again in order to reconfirm their vows. At other times, I may ask the person to write a letter of apology so that they will gain clarity. Then they should beg the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, if they ask Prabhupada for forgiveness, obviously I will accept them back.

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