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How can we have unalloyed devotion to our guru...???

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One who Rejects Guru


Brahma-vaivarta Purana says:





What happens to one who has accepted a bona fide guru who comes in a bona fide disciplic succession, amnaya-parampara, but later rejects him?


He is an ungrateful wretch, krta-ghna. When he dies, even the vultures won’t eat his flesh. Conversely, what hap-pens when the guru rejects a disciple is described.


Even before the guru has thought,“I will reject this disciple because he is not obedient to me,” Lord Hari has already rejected that person. It is said, tyaktah pura harih — at that time all the knowledge that he has received from guru becomes polluted.


Devotee: Can the disciple rectify the situation?


Gour Govinda Swami: If he is intelligent.


Devotee: Because there was one case when Srila Bhaktisiddhanta rejected one of his disciples. Later, that disciple came back to him and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said,


“I don’t accept you. You go to my disciples. If they ac-cept you, then you can do some service.”


He went to some of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s sannyasa disciples and he was accepted.


Gour Govinda Swami: Yes. Because if you serve the guru’s dear disciples and they

become pleased, then they will request guru,


“He is now repentant. He is crying. He has rectified himself.”


Then guru will accept him again. If guru accepts him, then he is accepted by Krishna. Otherwise not. This is the process.


Then Brahma-vaivarta Puraa says,


pratipadya guru yas tu mohad vipratipadyatesa kalpa-kota; narake pacyate puru adhama


One who has once said,


“You are my guru.I have accepted your divine grace as guru.”


If that person out of delusion later rejects him, he becomes naradhama — lowest of men. For millions and millions of years he will suffering in naraka, hell. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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maha-kula-prasuto 'pi sarva-yajnesu diksitah


sahasra-sakhadhyayi ca na guruh syad avaisnavah




Even if born in an aristocratic brahmana family, initiated with all the


appropriate Vedic sacrifices, and has studied a thousand branches of Vedic knowledge


--one who is not a Vaisnava can never be a guru.

(Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.45)




Bogus Gurus






paricarya-yaso-lipsuh sisyad gurur na hi




One who accepts disciples for personal service and fame is unfit to be a


guru. (Visnu Smrti)






guravo bahavah santi sisya-vittapaharakah


durlabhah sad-gurur devi sisya-santapaharakah




Many gurus take advantage of their disciples and plunder them. They exploit


their disciples for sex, and use them to amass wealth, but a guru who can remove


the miseries of his disciples is very rare.





The Injunction to Abandon a Bogus Guru






guror apy avaliptasya karyakaryam ajanatah


utpatha-pratipannasya parityago vidhiyate




A guru addicted to sensual pleasure and polluted by vice, who is ignorant


and has no power to discriminate between right and wrong, or who is not on the path


of suddha-bhakti must be abandoned.

(Mahabharata, Udyoga-parva, 179.25)






snehad va lobhato vapi yo grhniyad diksaya


tasmin gurau sa-sisye tat devata sapa apatet




If a guru, disregarding the standard for giving diksa, gives the mantra to


his disciple out of greed or mundane affection, he is cursed by the gods along with


that disciple. (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 2.7)






yo vyakti nyaya rahitam anyayena srnoti yah


tav ubhau narakam ghoram vrajatah kalam aksayam




One who assumes the dress and position of an acarya, who speaks against the


conclusions of Srimad Bhagavatam and other scriptures, or performs kirtana opposed


to the proper glorification of Sri Krsna, certainly goes to hell for countless


lifetimes along with his disciples and whoever else hears such non-devotional talks


and kirtanas. (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.101)






vaisnava-vidvesi cet parityajya eva. "guror api avaliptasye" ti smaranat,


vaisnava-bhava-rahityena avaisnavataya avaisnavopadisteneti vacana-visaya tvacca.


Yathokta-laksanasya sri-guror-avidyamanatayastu tasyaiva maha-bhagavatasyaikasya


nitya-sevanam paramam sreyah.




A guru who is envious of pure devotees, who blasphemes them, or behaves


maliciously towards them should certainly be abandoned, remembering the verse


"guror api avaliptasya" (See 1.49). Such an envious guru lacks the mood and


character of a Vaisnava. The sastras enjoin that one should not accept initiation


from a non-devotee (avaisnavopadistena... See 1.54). Knowing these injunctions of


the scriptures, a sincere devotee abandons a false guru who is envious of devotees.


After leaving one who lacks the true qualities of a guru, if a devotee is without a


spiritual guide, his only hope is to seek out a mahabhagavata vaisnava and serve


him. By constantly rendering service to such a pure devotee, one will certainly


attain the highest goal of life. (Bhakti-sandarbha, Annucheda 238)




A Materialistic, Professional, Family or Vyavaharika-guru Must be Given up






paramartha-gurvasrayo vyavaharika-gurvadi parityagenapi kartavyah




One should not accept a spiritual master based on hereditary, social or


ecclesiastical convention. Such a professional guru should be rejected. One must


accept a qualified spiritual master, who can help one advance towards the ultimate


goal of life, krsna-prema.

(Bhakti-sandarbha, annucheda 210)




Who Rejects a False Guru Must Accept a Real Guru






avaisnavopadistena mantrena nirayam vrajet


punas ca vidhina samyag grahayed vaisnavad guroh




One who gets his mantra from a guru who is a non-devotee or who is addicted


to sensual pleasure is doomed to a life in hell. Such a person must immediately


approach a genuine Vaisnava guru and again accept the mantra from him.


(Hari-bhakti-vilasa 4.366)


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