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Will India be better off without Hinduism?

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Hinduism is a disorganized religion, and it has made India a disorganized country. Hinduism stresses renunciation and so India has become poor. Hinduism teaches ahimsa, which has made India a weak nation. Put simply, Hinduism is a recipe for disaster and India is just reflecting that.


Has the time come to give up Hinduism and embrace something more practical and effective? Like Islam, for instance?

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"practical and effective? Like Islam, for instance? "


Which country with islamic law is doing well ?


If religion is the cause of a economically and politically better country then better to be like america and europe.





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There is no religion such as Hinduisim,I have never come across in the Gita.


In India we follow what is called as Vedic Tradition or Sanatana Dharma.

Regarding renounciation yes Sanatana Dharma does preach this but after Grihastashrama not before but we can take it before too then they are Sanyasi so any person can fillfull his good ambition being in Grihastashrama and then take up Vanaprasta to take this up we have to make our mind prepared so that we do not have any attachments in this Vanasprastha. Then after this it is Sanyassatva.

In previous Yugas people used to stay alive for 1000 of years and hence all this ashramas would be fit in one's long life but now a days when we can never predict about our age when people die at a very young age with some amny disease around it is said that we have to do always NamaKirtan of the supreme godhead personality Lord shri Krishna chant and chant his name his glories.If we do this and surrender all the good deeds what ever we do then byitself becomes renounciation one need not have to go to forest for this . If you buy ahouse to live tell krishna that it is his house and do service for him in your house automatically it is arenounciation.


Regarding Nonviolence again that is because peace always has to be given a chance it is not an act of cowardice.

Having controll of mind is very important

1)Kama (Sex)




5)Matsarya(Jelous feeling)

All these five things have be under controll that is what our vedic tradition teaches. Hindus is the name given by some persians for the people staying across the river Sindhu.

People being poor in India that is due to their Prarabdha Karma .There are rich people in India too. so renouncing need not mean be poor.It is trying to become one with Krishna. There are kings who gave up kingdoms to become one with Krishna to feel eternal bliss.They were not poor.Poor people do not have anything to give infact they can easily go ahead in a very spiritiual way.Because they will not have anything to be attached to. Being poor is itself is a renounciation so where is the question of renouncing and becoming poor .Renouncing means give up what ever wealth possession you have .


Before embracing other religion go to the roots read the Gita our vedic tradition is the greatest and it teaches good values,principle and last but not the least to respect women.

Well leaving our own Dharma and accepting other Dharma is also considered as sin and talking and writing usch things should be prohibited.


Please chant

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Do this and see your confusion will cease to exist.


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"There is no religion such as Hinduisim,I have never come across in the Gita. "



There is no such thing as Christianity either, as the Bible doesn't mention such a term. Nor is there such a thing as Judaism. That's what you're saying. And of course, you obviously fail to understand what these terms are used for, which is to describe a common set of beliefs and traditions. Hinduism is an appropriate term as it describes a gropu of people with a common set of beliefs and/or traditions.


Stop being so proud.


Of course, the original poster is an idiot, and obviously islamic who can't see the beauty in another religion because he's so dogmatically attached to his own.



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actually hinduism is hodge podge which doesnt have any common belief at but rather made up hodge podge. What kind of beliefs are these, none of these are mentioned in the sastras.

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more nonsense...


Hindus visit temples and worship photographs of gods at home. Which shastra has to endorse these practises? stop talking about things you know nothing about...


It is the Hindus who have to decide if they wish to be called Hindus and if the term Hinduism is valid or not. For your kind information and education Hindus are perfectly happy with the nomenclature. Complaints from third party idiots against hinduism are less than worthless.





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Hinduism is a disorganized religion, and it has made India a disorganized country. Hinduism stresses renunciation and so India has become poor. Hinduism teaches ahimsa, which has made India a weak nation. Put simply, Hinduism is a recipe for disaster and India is just reflecting that.



Baseless criticism carries no weight. Hinduism is not a disorganized religion, India is not a disorganized country, Hinduism does not stress renunciation and India has not exactly become poor. For those who do not know, India today is way better than it was 30 years back. India is a nation only since 1947 before which it was a just a loose set of independent kingdoms and not a real country. What did you discover in it's 50+ years of history to call it weak?



Has the time come to give up Hinduism and embrace something more practical and effective? Like Islam, for instance?



And perhaps turn into another Afghanistan or Iraq or Pakistan? No, thanks. India is doing just fine the way it is.




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You your self are accepting that Hinduisim is a name given to a set of people with common belif and who has given that ?


Previously there was nothing in this world except Sanathana Dharma and Vedic Culture. For me Hinduisim is not a religion it is a way of life.


Christanity and Islam all these religions are new. But our vedic culture is ages and ages old all the principle of Islam and Christanity has been taken from the Gita.


Please can any one tell me where was Jesus from 13 to 30 years of age.


He was in India mastering the Gita and went to Jerusalem and taught the people in a very very very simplified way.


The main root of all "religions" is our vedic culture.


What I am being proud of here. I really fail to understand.


Sorry reading my post has angered you please chant


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.




OM Namo Narayana.


Please do not feel angry .




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