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Vyasa wrote supreme pastimes of Krsna in 10th canto what is necessity of 11th &12th??

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A question was asked:



Vyasadev wrote the supreme pastimes of Krishna in the 10th Canto of Srimad


What is the necessity of the 11th and 12th Canto?


Answer by Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj:


Vedavyas Muni has not unnecessarily written the 11th and 12th Canto. He has narrated the highest pastimes of Krishna with the Gopis, parakiya, in the 10th Canto.

It is very difficult to understand this. We have the habit to imitate, especially elevated persons, people of respect. Krishna is the Supreme Lord. If he has 16,108 wives, then we can also have two or three. Krishna may be powerful. But Krishna will be the only enjoyer? This is not good. It is injust. He may have 95%. We should have 5%.


Previously Vedavyas Muni gave warning about this. Directly, you cannot go to the 10th Canto. You should first study the 1st Canto through the 9th. You should hear from a bona-fide sadhu. After hearing; when you will be competent and have knowledge of who is Krishna, who are the Gopis, what is their relation; then you are entitled to hear the pastimes in the 10th Canto. Not before that. When Sukadev Goswami narrated the Bhagavatam to Pariksit Maharaj, he did not start with the 10th Canto. He started with the first. Then second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, Drhuva Charitra,

Prahlad Charitra, eighth, ninth, Ambarish Maharaj...After that, after hearing all of this, then Sukadev narrated the 10th.


We might hear these pastimes. But we may be unmindful; if we do not meditate on the subject, we may make a wrong interpretation of it. So Vedavyas Muni has warned us before the 10th Canto and is again warning us in the 11th. He has doubt. Have we really heard the first nine Cantos? And if we did hear, when we listen to the 10th, are we meditating on those past teachings?


In the 11th Canto, Vidhey Raj Nimi asked this question: We are enslaved jivas; we are slaves of the sense organs. We are running after enjoyment; we are enveloped by the illusory energy. We have a misconception of self. How can we surmount the cycles of births and deaths; the three-fold afflictions? What is the easiest way?


Prabhudh Muni answered: In this world, everyone is doing something. For what purpose? For removing sufferings and getting happiness. When someone is unable to get that by their single effort, they marry. And together they work towards happiness, but just the opposite happens. But still, they together want to remove sufferings and get happiness. If they have a son this will help. So they do that and the trouble increases. Then a daughter, three, four, five children and jointly they try to get happiness. And with the growing family, the troubles also grow.


Through love we can get Krishna; pure love. Krishna has all the love relations; master-servant, friendship, parental, husband-wife; and ultimately, after being married, having love relations with others outside of marriage. Although this is the highest love narrated in the 10th Canto, it is the most abominable in this world. The highest there is the lowest here.


All these relations that Krishna has are also seen here. But we cannot think it is the same. He is the master. We are not. He enjoys with friends, parents, wives, consorts. As much as we try to enjoy like Him, as much suffering we will get. So after narrating Krishna's highest pastimes in the 10th Canto, Vedavyas Muni is again warning us. Our love relation is with Krishna. All are trying to remove their sufferings and increase happiness. If we try by enjoying all the love relations in this world, misery will not be removed, it will only increase.

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