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Golden Gaura-Nitai dietys

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Hare Krishna


My parents went to Vraj, and got Gaura-Nitai diety, they are made of steel, [golden in colour]. Or maybe brass, but they really heavy. Also 1 set of cloths each in 2 colours. They are exactly like I seen in one temple I saw. Big eyes. So I was wondering whats the best way to 'install' them if you know what I mean. I cannot do anything big, nor do I have any utensils handy, any devotees who have done this before, know what I can do to please thier Lordships?


Your servant

Pankaja dasa

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take the suggestion of gHari.. or simply chant Hare Krsna before Them and They will be happy...


much better if you regularly invite friends and devotees to do harinama samkirtana or shastra's reading and discussing before Them..


that's the way to worship Nitai-Gauranga

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Find a special occasion on which you could invite devotees to your home, and have a sankirtan festival and feast.


That's how we installed our Gaura-Nitai Deities 30 years ago. We lived in the village of Honomu, here on the Big Island. My friend Brishni gave me the Deities as a birthday gift, and we installed them a couple of weeks later by beginning Their worship with a big Janmastami festival, with about 60 guests and several hours of kirtan over two days.


After that, your worship should be simple but regular (daily). No messin' around, or you'll have to bring them here so I can take care of them. ;-)

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No messin' around, or you'll have to bring them here so I can take care of them. ;-)






I just need the e-mail of my Manchester temple. Or I may phone them. I don't actually know them, so maybe it will be good to meet with them. Hopefully this can happen in soon... [Never know may take months]. Lord Nitai is sooooo merciful. I will pray for His mercy.

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