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I have a few questions for followers of Gaudiya Vaishavaism:


1. Does your sect condone the abuses inflicted on the so called untouchables?


2. Are there untouchables in the Gaudiya social view?


3. Are the Laws of Manu a bona fide scripture for Gaudiyas as this "holy" book promotes the horrible philosophy of untouchable people?


4. What do your teachers say about untouchables?


5. How do the various Gaudiya organisations tackle this racism and bigotary?


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Some Gaudiya vaisnavas consider them selves untouchable, while others feed and accomodate so-called untouchables,

still others discriminate between castes and outcastes.

But generally Mahaprabhus' mission of mercy is for all souls, castes,colours, creeds, and credentials. He is known as Patita-Pavana the deliverer of the most fallen, that's how we came to be here.


1.The heart of the movement of Gaudiya Vaisnaism is virtually ahimsa i.e. Doing no harm to any living entity. Having said that it doesn't mean there arn't innumerable abuses committing in it's name like so many other large sects or religions, you will always get mis-use of a good thing.


2.Many souls fall into the catagory of untouchable due to their own bad habits and associations, their habits take them down morally, ethicly, physically, mentally and spiritually and that is one reason why some Indians distance themselves from contact with such people. As they feel they don't make the effort to help themselves. An example of this is if you give them a donation of money the first thing they may use it on is a pack of beadies, alchohol or some fresh meat which they don't usually get. Or perhaps they may go to the nearest brothel. That is why the Vaisnava gives prasadam and transcendental understanding that can't be misused. The true Gaudiya heart empathizes with any souls misfortune, and wishes to help relieve suffering and ignorance wherever they may be. But the recipient has to want relief, otherwise there are plenty of people out there who do.


3.Gaudiya Vaisnavism recognizes the Laws of Manu but beyond that we follow the compassionate campaign of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai who are teaching mercy and love above justice or Law. It's a very broad scripture, and can be open to exploitation. All the revealed scriptures have been synthesized into the quintessential truth of Lord Caitanya perfect example which is what we aspire to practice.


4.Different teachers have different things to say about untouchables depends which teacher you mean.


5. Usually in different ways, but mostly with tolerance and affectionate accomodation. Sri Mahaprabhu taught

Trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna

amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih


One who is humbler than a blade of grass,

more forbearing than a tree, who gives all honour

to others without desiring it for himself, is qualified

to always chant the holy name of Krsna.

Some temples have strict policies regarding freeloaders but most are non-sectarian, or non-castarian, so long as the new comers don't make trouble they are given full encouragment and a chance to improve their standing of life in every way.

But if they make trouble no matter if they are down trodden or aristocratic after some time they will probably be expected to adjust to the rules of that particular institution, otherwise it may effect other's practising life..

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Sri Chaitanaya's teachings do not accept a class of people as untouchable, nor does he accept caste based on birth. We relate to everyone based on their actions and qualities. One of Mahaprabhu's most dear associates was Haridas Thakur, who was born in a Muslim family. Haridas Thakur would chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra 24 hours a day, chanting 300,000 names of Krishna everyday. For this reason he was given the title namacharya. Despite this, the priests of the Puri Jagannatha temple refused him entry on the grounds that he was born in a Muslim family. Sri Chaitanya did not recognize his material birth as a disqualification and would embrace him when he saw him. Even today all Gaudiya Vaishnavas worship this great saint Srila Haridas Thakur.


Gaudiya Vaishnavas accept that one's caste is based on one's qualities and actions (guna and karma as mentioned by Krishna in Bhagavad Gita). Thus people from any background can be initiated into the gayatri mantra provided they cultivate spiritual discipline.

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