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If you can chant this fast, then you can easily chant 64 rounds!!!

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So are there or aren't there hard and fast rules to chanting? I have heard so many contradictory things regarding chanting I don't know what to believe. Some say you have to chant 16 rounds or you are a piece of . of a person and some say even if you only chant Hare Krishna 1 time in your life you have achieved all perfection.

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Chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is the easiest process of meditation in this age. As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna mantra, he sees the forms of Krsna, Rama and Their energies, and that is the perfect stage of trance. One should not artificially try to see the form of the Lord while chanting Hare Krsna, but when the chanting is performed offenselessly the Lord will automatically reveal Himself to the view of the chanter. The chanter, therefore, has to concentrate on hearing the vibration, and without extra endeavor on his part, the Lord will automatically appear.


The mumuksus, persons desiring to be liberated, do not depend on the pleasures of the senses; instead, they concentrate fully on becoming liberated by chanting the holy name of the Lord.


Everyone begins his devotional life from the neophyte stage, but if one properly finishes chanting the prescribed number of rounds of harinama, he is elevated step by step to the highest platform, uttama-adhikari.


When one fully engages in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, he gradually realizes his own spiritual identity. Unless one faithfully chants the Hare Krsna mantra, Krsna does not reveal Himself..


..At the present moment, attempts to engage in that type of yoga are artificial. Rather, the recommended method is chanting loudly and hearing Hare Krsna. Then, even if the mind is diverted, it will be forced to concentrate on the sound vibration "Krsna." It isn't necessary to withdraw the mind from everything; it will automatically be withdrawn, because it will be concentrated on the sound vibration.


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, as soon as the mind wanders, we should immediately drag it back to concentrate on Krsna. While chanting, our mind sometimes wanders far away, but when we become conscious of this, we should immediately bring the mind back to hear the sound vibration of "Hare Krsna." That is called yoga-abhyasa, the practice of yoga. We should not allow our mind to wander elsewhere. We should simply chant and hear the Hare Krsna mantra, for that is the best yoga system.


(SB 4.8.53 ppt, SB 10.1.69 ppt, NOD 5, NOD 5, The Path of Perfection 5, The Quest for Enlightenment 6)


What power does the Name of Krishna possess? My heart constantly burns in the fire of wordly desires, just like a desert schorched by the rays of the sun. The Holy Name, entering the core of my heart through the holes of my ears, showers unparalleled nectar upon my soul.

The Holy Name speaks from within my heart, moves onto the tip of my tongue, and constantly dances on it in the form of transcedental sound. My throat becomes choked up, my body shivers again and again, and my feet cannot remain still.


(From Saranagati by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)

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