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if we don't fight, we don't take that adventure, then we remain cats and dogs

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Prabhupada: The living entity is victimized, and in this life you can adventure to conquer over it. This is human life. The cats and dogs, they cannot fight with maya, [the illusory energy of the Lord which makes the soul identify himself as the material body and thus keeps him in forgetfulness of his real self as part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Lord Krishna] but a human being, he can fight. So if we don't fight, we don't take that adventure, then we remain cats and dogs. The cats and dogs, they fight amongst themselves but not with the maya. So aborigines, although they have got features of human being, they are no more than the cats and dogs. So they also fight amongst themselves. They do not know that the fighting spirit should be utilized to declare war against maya. That is possible in human life. Athato brahma-jijnasa. [now is the time to inquire about the absolute truth] This fighting is philosophy. "What is the ultimate cause? What is Brahman? What I am?" Fighting against darkness, sleeping. Kota nidra jao maya-pisacira kole. Everyone is sleeping on the lap of maya. Now, this human form of life is not for sleeping but for awakening and fight with maya. That is human life.


[srila Prabhupada from a Morning Walk, February 6, 1976, Mayapura]


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