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Here is the Application form for Sannyasa Within ISKCON

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Application form for Sannyasa Within ISKCON


Ministry for Sannyasa Services




Please fill in the following information and send to:


Ministry for Sannyasa Services• c/o ISKCON Radhadesh • Château de Petite Somme • B-6940 Septon • Durbuy • Belgium, Or to: Prahladananda.swami@pamho.net Please use separate paper from the form to answer longer questions where necessary (on A4 size preferably).




Spiritual Name


Legal Name


Date of Birth


Day: Month: Year:


Place of birth


Country of birth


Time of birth




E-mail address


Legal Nationality


Legal Residency








Year joined the movement


Years of initiation


Spiritual master


Years of re-initiation


Spiritual master


(if not currently a member of ISKCON state which movement he belongs to:














Proposed sannyasa guru


Asking to take sannyasa


in how many years




Recommending GBC (s)


Have signed an oath of loyalty to GBC


1 yes, (please send to return address) 1






1never married






How long have you been a brahmacari




Year of marriage




Year of






Year separated









Date of birth


Service/ Occupation










In school






Marital status


How are wife and children supported?…………...…………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


What will be their support after you take sannyasa?……………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………… * Please enclose legal separation papers


* * Please enclose written statement by wife that she is in agreement that her husband take sannyasa




Bhakti sastri


1yes, (please send photo copy of diploma to return address)




SERVICE: (use separate paper if there is not enough room)


Current service within ISKCON……………..……………………………………………...…………………………… What is your preaching experience? (please mention time periods)…………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




What are your future preaching plans?………..……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….……………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………….……………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….…………


What were some of the responsible positions that you have held in ISKCON?


(please mention time periods)……………………………………………………………………..………………..


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………What is your experience in leading and training brahmacharis? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Enclose a separate letter with a resume detailing your devotional career in ISKCON or other similar spiritual organizations


Enclose a separate letter explaining your reasons for wanting to take sannyasa.


Please submit letters of recommendation from 5 senior ISKCON devotees (i.e. sannyasis, GBCs, temple presidents etc.)




Criminal record


Felonies which one had to serve more than one year in jail 1no 1yes


Ever asked to leave a temple because of child molestation? 1no 1yes


Did you ever leave the movement? 1no 1yes When and for how long?………………


Have you broken the regulative principles within the last 10 years? 1no 1yes


Please make sure to enclose the following:


two photos of yourself.


a signed oath of loyalty to ISKCON.


legal separation papers from the wife.


a written statement by the wife that she is in agreement of your taking sannyasa.


photo copy of Bhakti Sastri diploma.


a separate letter with a resume detailing your devotional career in ISKCON or other similar spiritual organizations.


a separate letter explaining your reasons for wanting to take sannyasa.


Please submit the names of 10 senior ISKCON devotees (i.e. sannyasis, GBC's, temple presidents etc.) who can give an assessment of your qualifications to take sannyasa. (Please send their names, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses)


Endorsements local GBC & managerial body.


Relevant G.B.C. Resolutions

for Sannyasa Candidacy as of 1997


G.B.C. Resolutions 1975


Resolved: Method of initiating sannyasi:


Each year at Gaur Purnima festival, any GBC member can nominate a man from his zone for sannyasa.


G.B.C. Resolutions 1979


5. That the qualifications of a Sannyasi are to be listed, and all candidates are to be examined on the basis of these qualifications before their names are accepted on the list of candidates for Sannyas.


GBC Rules of Order

The Qualifications for Sannyasa:


A. How free is he from sex desire?


1. How long has he been a Brahmacari?


2. How long has he been living away from his wife?


B. What is his preaching record?


Is it demonstrated his ability to preach strongly? Is he a preaching leader?


Has be been doing this for a respectable amount of time?


C. Is he very strict in his personal conduct? Is he beyond suspicion?


D. Is he philosophically strong?


E. Is he willing to accept fully the authority of the GBC and work under the auspices of the GBC?.


F. Does he have the proper quality of leadership to train and lead brahmacaries who are under his direction?


G. Is he self-reliant?


Has he the ability to keep himself continuously engaged in some way which contribute positively to our preaching work?.


H. Is the field of his preaching after taking Sannyasa clear and acceptable to the GBC or other authorities?


57. That a grhastha or vanaprastha should not take the sannyasa order, unless:


a. the wife is in agreement by writing, and all necessary legal separation papers


are provided whenever possible.

b. All of the daughters are married or financially independent or of legal majority age


c. The sons are self-supporting, or of majority age, and the father has no further


legal responsibility


d. He has arranged financial support for the wife if there are no grown sons or sons-in-law who have agreed to provide support; and


e. He agrees that, in principle, ISKCON is not responsible for such support or arrangements.


That a brahmacari be considered for sannyasa only if he has actually strictly followed his vows for at least ten years and is at least forty years old.


In exceptional cases, a man may be awarded sannyasa before the age of forty by a 2/3 majority vote of the GBC Body. (now 4/5 vote)


To take sannyasa at the age of 50, one must have been on a waiting list for two years:


at 45, three years


at 40, four years, and


at 35, five years.


GBC resolution 1991


20. That ISKCON Law 88-57 is modified. Any of the provisions of the requirements for sannyasa waiting list and approvals may be waived in exceptional cases by a vote of at least 4/5ths majority of the GBC.


GBC resolution 1993


74. That the sponsor of a proposal for a candidate for sannyasa should each year give a report of the candidate's qualifications according to the GBC Rules of Order, "The Qualification for Sannyasa." To be put on the list an initial report is required. Thereafter an annual report is also necessary.

GBC resolution 1995


22. That sannyasa candidates must meet personally with the Sannyasa committee in Mayapur before receiving final approval for taking sannyasa, unless exempted by the Sannyasa Minister.


23. That candidates for sannyasa must submit their applications in accordance with the GBC Rules of Order and include along with the statement by a GBC member listing the candidate's qualifications to take sannyasa, a letter written by the candidate explaining his reasons for wanting to accept sannyasa.


GBC resolution 1996


110. That applications for sannyasa candidacy should include written endorsements from the local GBC(s) and the local managerial body or bodies where the candidate serves. In addition it should include a resume detailing the candidate’s devotional career.


111. That a standing GBC sub-committee be established to deal with sannyasa matters. Prahladananda Swami will finalize its members in consultation with this year’s GBC executive committee.


GBC Law 1997


[LAW] 102. That when the GBC Body approves a candidate for sannyasa, they reserve the right to assign the candidate a mission of their choice which may take him far from his previous area of service. Before making such an assignment, the GBC Body shall discuss the suitability of the candidate for the assigned mission with the local GBC, the Sannyasa Committee, the candidate's sannyasa guru and the candidate.


[LAW] 301. That a devotee must pass the Bhakti Sastri test before being placed on the sannyasa waiting list. Those who are currently on the list must pass the Bhakti Sastri test before taking sannyasa. Exceptions to this require a 2/3 vote of the GBC Body.

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An oath of loyalty to Krishna?


This is Instritutuolization. Creating some kind of Neophyte sectarian devotees, who say only Iskcon is the way. I've spoken to One Guru in Iskcon, who said to me 'Good luck in your path to Krishna' like I was some kind of heathen on crack, and that I didn't serve Prabhupada/Guru/Gauranga, that I was serving the devil Himself! I am bit sensitive when it comes to my own KC. I WONDER HOW many people have gone away from Krishna, to date? Any excuse...


Thi sis not gripe against The Guru, but when an neophyte sickly person like me, who doesn't know a THING can see this. Then I am not surprized why people have no respect [thats normal] but PLEASE have respect for humanity!


I still feel bad as you can see, maybe I was looking for praise from this devotee, but when you PROFESS to be a GURU. And you don't show the quality, then get you head down cause Lord Gauranga will see what your doing.!!!



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1995 and 1999






Item No. 1 of the 1995 resolution No. 14 entitled "Sannyasi Annual Commitment"




"THAT all sannyasis shall annually submit in writing to the GBC Body a "service program" report they are committing themselves to for the following year. This report shall include the following:




a) what devotional services they intend to do


b) where they intend to perform their services


c) when they intend to be in different places, if not always in the same zone


d) anything else they would like the GBC Body to know.




Financial Disclosure of Leaders Including Guru-daksina


WHEREAS, financial disclosure for ISKCON leaders requires that "all GBC

members, gurus, sannyasis and international project directors" file annual

financial reports.


WHEREAS, there is a need to expand the financial reporting of ISKCON leaders

and this should be done prior to any further discussion of specific

regulation of guru-daksina.



614 [LAW] 1. All GBC Body members, gurus, sannyasis, international project

directors, Regional Secretaries and Temple Presidents are required to file

annual personal financial reports to the Executive Committee of the GBC Body

and, where requested, their national executive body. These reports shall

contain a standard Income Statement and Balance Sheet (to be reported in a

Quickbooks or other standard software format). The report should also

include a list of all ISKCON related bank accounts (including account names,

signers and balance) for which these individuals are a signer or have some

control. All guru-daksina must be included in this report.


2. Within the definition of the previous resolution regarding reportable

income, all income and non-monetary gifts over US$500 must be itemized

according to source.


[NOTE; US based preachers are reminded that all gifts over US$10,000 and

income from inheritance or family trusts must be reported to the IRS.]


3. All annual reports must be submitted by January 31st of each year and be

signed with the following statement:


I solemnly swear that this report represents a true and accurate statement

of my financial activity and status for the previous year.


Name _______________________________ Date ___________________


3. The Executive Committee shall provide an annual report for the GBC Body

prior to the annual meetings containing information on the number of GBC

Body members filing, names of those not filing and a summary report of the

financial data including high, low and median numbers for income, assets and


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I think many of the issues dealt with in this form and the other posted are important ones to consider. I believe there should be standards, and I think everyone in ISKCON should be accountable somehow to someone. However, I think the issues should be discussed among the candidate for sannyasa, his prospective sannyasa guru, and anyone else involved in the decision who has the confidence of the candidate and guru. It seems beyond bizarre to me that this information would be data on some stadard form submitted to a bureaucratic committee. I have a picture of Prahladananda Maharaja or some other sannyasi stamping applications with a "Received" stamp and the date, etc. The process is just too bureaucratic and centralized for my taste.


"Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled."

Letter to Karandhara, 22 December, 1972





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markata-vairagya na kara loka dekhana

yathayogya visaya bhunja’ anasakta hana


antare nistha kara, bahye loka-vyavahara

acirat krsna tomaya karibe uddhara


Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya lila(16.238-239)



Do not adopt markata-vairagya (external, monkey renunciation) simply to impress the general populace. You should accept without attachment whatever sense objects are appropriate for maintaining your devotional practices and give up all material desires within your heart.


Internally develop staunch faith in Sri Krsna and externally carry out your worldly responsibilities in such a way that no one can detect your inner mood. If you act like this, Sri Krsna will very quickly deliver you from material existence

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  • 4 months later...

"Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled."

Letter to Karandhara, 22 December, 1972


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